Quaestor's Siege
Quaestor's Siege
- Year
- 1325 AE
- Storyline
- Personal story
- Chapter
- Order Neophyte
- Location
- Thunderbreak Hills
(Fields of Ruin)
Vigil Keep
(Gendarran Fields) - Level
- 40
- Order
- Preceded by
Don't Shoot the Messenger
- Followed by
- Doubt
Champion's Sacrifice
Untamed Wilds
Bad Ice
Rat-Tastrophe - API
- 252
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Quaestor's Siege is part of the personal story for characters of all races who decide to join the Vigil and choose to attack Ajax Anvilburn at his camp.
Assault the renegade encampment.
- Meet with Forgal outside the renegade camp.
- Fight your way into the cave.
- Destroy the barricades.
- Defeat Ajax and his bodyguards.
Meet Forgal at Vigil Keep.
- Speak to Forgal at Vigil Keep.
- Choose a tribal culture to assist.
Click here to edit the reward data
- All professions
- Profession-specific
Completing this quest concludes your initiation into the Vigil and displays the appropriate account medal on the character selection screen.
Upon entering the instance, speak to Forgal to begin. Some Ebon Vanguard archers will charge the cave and be shot down by cannon fire. The rest of the party follows you. Enter the cave and take out the cannons quickly, prioritizing them over the Renegades. You can revive any downed allies if you want, including the archers from the start, but at this point your allies have probably aggroed more Renegades and so they will advance without you. Sometimes the revived allies just stand around uselessly at the cave entrance anyway, so it might be better to leave them.
Continue fighting through the cave, making sure to take out cannons first. You will come to a walled-in area holding Ajax and his personal guard. Break down the barrier at the entrance and then engage the Renegade leader. Despite being a Veteran instead of a Champion, Ajax hits very hard, especially with his greatsword's Whirlwind Attack. He can also cause an AoE Fear.
After all the enemies are defeated, return to Vigil Keep in the Vigilant Hills of Gendarran Fields.
First instance[edit]
- Ebon Vanguard Archer
- Ebon Vanguard Warrior
- Sergeant Eilye Jeyne
- Vigil Crusader
- Vigil Tactician
- Warmaster Forgal Kernsson
Second instance[edit]
- General Almorra Soulkeeper
- Laranthir of the Wild
- Warmaster Forgal Kernsson
Renegade Camp[edit]
Entering the instance
- Warmaster Forgal Kernsson: There you are, Recruit! I thought you'd stepped out for a nap!
Warmaster Forgal Kernsson beckons to <Character name>.
Meeting with with Forgal (cinematic)
- Warmaster Forgal Kernsson: For the love of—Recruit! Talk some sense into this woman! She's more stubborn than a goat shaman.
- Sergeant Eilye Jeyne: Forgal, these are Renegades. They're nothing but an unruly mob, and they're trapped in a cave with only one exit.
- Sergeant Eilye Jeyne: If you seriously think this'll be a fight, then maybe you should start thinking about retiring, old man.
- Warmaster Forgal Kernsson: Watch it, soldier, or I'll "old man" you into the ground.
- Warmaster Forgal Kernsson: Those are charr, and they know we're coming. They've chosen a defensible point, and they've have had time time to fortify.
- Warmaster Forgal Kernsson: If you go in recklessly, you're just going to die.
- <Character name>: A wise man taught me there's a time for strategy, and there's a time for kicking the door down. I'd listen to him if I were you.
- Warmaster Forgal Kernsson: Looks like you learn quick, Recruit. Good.
- Warmaster Forgal Kernsson: Now listen here, Sergeant. We're going to stick together as a unit so we aren't picked off one by one.
- Warmaster Forgal Kernsson: We go in slow and careful, and watch out for surprises. Recruit, I'm putting you on point. Tell me when you're ready to advance.
After the cinematic
- Warmaster Forgal Kernsson: Go! I'm right behind you.
Talking to your allies
- Warmaster Forgal Kernsson: This won't be easy, but you can handle it. Just stay sharp.
- Bold talk. Let's see you prove it, Recruit!
- Can do, Warmaster.
Sharp? I'll cut through them like a razor!
- I'm ready for this responsibility, sir. I won't let you down.
- Sergeant Eilye Jeyne: Forgal's old. Overcautious. We could take this with half the soldiers in half the time.
- Easy there, <Character name>...I was just blowing off steam. I'm sorry.
- I'll let it slip...this time.
Careful how you talk about my Warmaster, Sergant. He's seen more fights than you have years.
- You know...you're right. We shouldn't take chances, even if they look like a sure bet. Not with so much on the line.
- That's the spirit. Now let's get this done!
We have a chance to do this right, and eliminate this pack of renegades for good. Why take a chance?
- Just get your people together, and keep your head on straight.
Approaching the cave
- Ebon Vanguard Warrior: Enemy spotted!
- Warmaster Forgal Kernsson: They've got cannons! Storm the line!
Fighting at the barricades
- Ajax Anvilburn: Fortify your positions! Don't let them break through!
- Charr Renegade: You wretches call yourself soldiers?
- Charr Renegade: Death to Kryta! Death to the queen!
Fighting Ajax and his crew.
- Ajax Anvilburn: Open fire! My mother sends assassins.
- Warmaster Forgal Kernsson: These soldiers live and die by your word. Remember that, recruit, and keep your head on straight.
- Ajax Anvilburn: Your blows are weak, like your spirit!
- Ajax Anvilburn: Tell Almorra she's a coward who cannot face her own blood in battle.
- Ajax Anvilburn: Whipped dogs. I shall never bend my knee!
After defeating Ajax (cinematic)
- Sergeant Eilye Jeyne: You were right, Warmaster. The Renegades were ready for us.
- Warmaster Forgal Kernsson: (laugh) No. They just thought they were ready for us. They couldn't stand against the Vigil.
- <Character name>: I don't understand those Renegades. It's hard to believe anyone in Tyria would work against peace. With the dragons out there, we can't afford to be divided.
- Warmaster Forgal Kernsson: Some people can't see past their own noses. It's a good thing we can. This treaty will help even the odds against Zhaitan. Count on it.
- Warmaster Forgal Kernsson: You did well, Recruit. You learn quickly, you adapt, and you know when to put hammer to steel.
- Warmaster Forgal Kernsson: I wasn't sure I'd like you when we started this operation. Almorra kinda twisted my arm to take you on. Said you were special.
- Warmaster Forgal Kernsson: But damned if you didn't live up to every word she said. You aren't like the rest of these young'uns hanging around the order.
- Warmaster Forgal Kernsson: I'm field-promoting you to crusader... but don't let it go to your head.
- <Character Name>: I won't, old man. And thank you. It's an honor to work with you, too.
- Warmaster Forgal Kernsson: Old man, huh? Don't push your luck.
Talking to your allies
- Warmaster Forgal Kernsson: You did very well, <Character name>. I think you're finally becoming worthy of the order.
- Don't get cheeky with me, Recruit. What I mean is...good work.
- Thanks, Forgal. I appreciate that.
Why, Forgal. Keep that up and people might think we're friends.
- Thank you, sir. I'm glad you feel that way.
- Sergeant Eilye Jeyne: I...I didn't expect so much resistance. If we hadn't listened to Forgal...
- That's why he's the Warmaster.
Vigil Keep[edit]
Mail from mentor (varies per race): | ||||||||||
Speaking to Forgal at Vigil Keep (cinematic)
- General Almorra Soulkeeper: Well done, Recruit. You saved the treaty between Kryta and the Iron Legion.
- <Character name>: I hope they manage to create a lasting peace, General. We can't defeat the dragons unless both nations work together.
- <Character name>: General? May I ask a question? Ajax Anvilburn...he was your son, is that correct?
- Warmaster Forgal Kernsson: Stand down, Crusader, that's none of your—
- General Almorra Soulkeeper: No, Warmaster. I'll answer the question. After all the two of you went through, the crusader deserves that much.
- General Almorra Soulkeeper: Ajax was my son. As is our custom, I didn't raise him. I left him at the fahrar, and he found me again after my warband was slaughtered by a dragon.
- General Almorra Soulkeeper: I tried to explain to him why I founded the Vigil, but he said I was wasting me time. He never really understood the threat the dragons pose.
- General Almorra Soulkeeper: Like many in the legions, Ajax never looked beyond the charr. I will grieve for my son, but I will not look back.
- <Character name>: I'm sorry for your loss, General, but Tyria's safer because of your sacrifices.
- General Almorra Soulkeeper: Thank you. I agree.
- Warmaster Forgal Kernsson: General Soulkeeper, I'd like to request that the crusader be permanently assigned as my partner.
- General Almorra Soulkeeper: That's a surprise, Forgal. You going soft on me?
- Warmaster Forgal Kernsson: I don't have time to break in anyone else... All right, I admit it. We work well together.
- General Almorra Soulkeeper: Consider yourself so assigned. Crusader, I've briefed Forgal on some options for your next mission. Speak with him, and then decide.
Talking to the NPCs present
- General Almorra Soulkeeper: Something I can do for you, <Character name>? You're off to a fine start in our ranks.
- My son Ajax was a firebrand. Would that he had better morals to guide his anger.
- Young charr aren't raised by their parents. They're raised in a community fosterage known as 'fahrar.' I never really knew my son.
- May I ask you another question about your son?
- May I ask you a general question?
- I see. Thank you.
Forgal said you didn't know Ajax very well. Is that common among charr?
- I didn't want your misplaced sentimentality to threaten the Vigil's operation. We must succeed...for Tyria.
- May I ask you another question about your son?
- May I ask you a general question?
- I understand. Thank you, ma'am.
Why didn't you tell us Ajax was your son?
- Many charr see compromise as weakness, and are determined to ruin any chance we have at peace. My son was raised very traditionally.
- May I ask you another question about your son?
- May I ask you a general question?
- I see. Thank you.
Why did Ajax hate the treaty so much?
- Don't get cute with me, Crusader. Yes, I have a daughter...but that's another story.
- May I ask you another question about your son?
- May I ask you a general question?
- Yes, ma'am. Thank you, General.
Do you have any other 'wayward children' we should know about, ma'am?
- Nevermind, ma'am. Thank you for your time.
May I ask you a question about your son, Ajax Anvilburn?
- The Legions and Kryta will have to work things out. At least now, they have a better chance.
- Good to know. May I ask another question?
- Thank you for the information, General.
What will happen to the treaty between the charr and the humans?
- Thank you, General. I'll continue to do my best.
- Laranthir of the Wild: What can I do for you, <Character name>? You're doing good work here, you know.
- My name is Laranthir, one of the secondborn of the sylvari. I am Almorra's second-in-command.
- We were the second group of sylvari awakened from the Mother Tree.
- May I ask you another question?
- Very interesting. Thank you.
Ah, I see. Tell me, what is a "secondborn?"
- May I ask you another question?
- Very interesting. Thank you.
Excuse me, but who are you?
- I am a Grand Warmaster, Almorra's second-in-command. Should she fall, I will lead the order...but I pray to the Tree I am never needed in that role.
- Ah, I see. May I ask you something else?
- Thank you for the information.
What rank do you hold in the Vigil?
- Thanks for the encouragement.
Talking to Forgal to choose a race to help:
- Warmaster Forgal Kernsson: Which of these tribal cultures would you like to aid, Crusader?
- skritt. (if charr, human, or sylvari)
- The skritt are a race of rodent scavengers. Good-hearted but light-fingered, if you know what I mean.
- skritt. I choose to help the
- I'll need to think about this a little longer. What were my choices again?
I've always been curious about the - quaggan. (if asura, human, or sylvari)
- The quaggans are an amphibious race. It's said they once lived in the deep ocean... but something drove them toward land.
- quaggan. I choose to help the
- I'll need to think about this a little longer. What were my choices again?
I've always wanted to swim with the - hylek are an enigma. Do we know much about them? (if asura, human, norn, or sylvari) The
- grawl. (if asura, charr, or norn)
- The grawl are extremely primitive, and exceptionally ferocious. You're very brave to consider dealing with them!
- grawl. I choose to help the
- I'll need to think about this a little longer. What were my choices again?
I could learn a lot studying the psychology of the - ogres are an ancient race. I want to know more. (if charr or norn)
- The ogres are one of the most ancient races, and yet we know so little about them - other than their devotion to their pets.
- ogres. I choose to help the
- I'll need to think about this a little longer. What were my choices again?
It's said the
Reaction upon the selected mission (depending on the chosen race):
- Warmaster Forgal Kernsson: The hylek? Very well. I'll meet you at Lorantl Grounds.
- Warmaster Forgal Kernsson: The ogres? Very well. I'll meet you at Agrak Kraal.
- Warmaster Forgal Kernsson: The quaggans? Very well. I'll meet you at Lake Wyrmblood.
- Warmaster Forgal Kernsson: The skritt? Very well. I'll meet you at the Feral Dens.
- Warmaster Forgal Kernsson: The grawl? Very well. I'll meet you near Kenning Testing Ground.
Talking to Forgal after choosing:
- Warmaster Forgal Kernsson: Well done. Kryta and the Iron Legion may yet stand together. We've struck a blow for unity.
- I hope it inspires others to do the same.
My story[edit]
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