keep notes on my game here before adding to this wiki.
- 1: 461306B4-7239-5C47-8165-43A239B019FCC3978255-ED05-469C-8EB2-4A906E4234DF
- 2
- 3: 0230C64B-D386-BE4F-9638-30CEFA40738D2554E764-0ABE-483D-B5E4-12EF134E83C1
- 4: A89A4424-FC24-7C43-B7B4-35929B4733DCE10529DA-10DA-4EC4-AD98-65E0E0153A09
Characters 1
Separ Alluriaed
80 |
500 10 400 2
Rothgare Ablewise
80 |
500 400
I M Ingo Montoya
80 |
Ayam Inigo Montoya
80 |
Separ Paksenarrion
52 |
Separ Majalekai
80 |
Separ Nihilobstat
52 |
Separ Aikidota
80 |
Separ Obscurio
80 |
Separ Endurian
52 |
Separ Maleficent
52 |
Separ Nua
52 |
Separ Ki
52 |
Separ Keyed
52 |
Separ Illusia
52 |
Separ Keyone
52 |
Characters 3
Separ Ascinate
80 |
500 401
Separ Illusio
28 |
425 125 500
Separ Purpureal
80 |
425 401
Separ Ycelle
80 |
Separ Estellith
80 |
Separ Keyteaux
80 |
Separ Keeyb
80 |
Characters 4
Separ Boltze
80 |
402 405
Separ Tigelk
28 |
405 401
Separ Umber
80 |
Separ Mecha
80 |
Separ Keythree
80 |
Story Paths[edit]
Dungeons First Account[edit]
Dungeons Second Account[edit]
Note: After finishing 1 of each, need to add 2nd Axe/Dagger/Mace/Pistol/Sword for dual wielding.
- Have Weapon (Gen 1 unless otherwise specified)
- Have Precursor
- Have Extra Precursors (for dupes)
Gun Chrono[edit]
As a mesmer main I used to play heal chrono even before the rifle release.
As you said the best part is flexibility and the ability to solo carry the breakbar in encounters in addittion to the insane amount of constant healing.
Before patch scepter-shield was mandatory but now that the numbers have been adjusted to redistribute the healing, you can shuffle A LOT, Both in terms of weapons and abilities from heal to elite. You always want to keep one weapon that generate a lot of clones and a second one for the utility it provides. Scepter, dagger and sword-off hand are for clone generation. Rifle, shield-off hand, focus-off hand and staff are for the utility they provide in different situations and with different traits based on the encounter.
When it comes to stats I like to go for a mix of Harrier and Giver up to a max of 1680ish thoughness (= 2.7k armor) since due to deminishing returns it feels bad to invest in more thoughness after that point.
Superior sigil of concentration is not really necessary once you learn the class well and where all your boons come from. Once confident enough you can swap it for something like superior sigil of paralyzation for even more breakbar damage.
Personally even if it means dropping swiftness I doubt I would ever drop Relic of the Monk in favor of Relic of Febe. The 10% extra heal is just too good to pass but I see the appeal and I will try it in the future to see how it goes.
When it comes to might you just have to remember that given full alacrity uptime, your F1 shatter keeps on nearby allies 10 stack of might (15 stacks if used on opener during Continuum Split) permanent if you keep using it off-cooldown. Given that you just have to add 10 stacks from an other source. I personally find having one of the following is usually enough thanks to Improved Alacrity and Continuum Split but you do you: Rifle 3, Shield 5, Well of Action, Mantra of Pain (in personal decreasing order of preference).
If you really need to revive people faster you can go for Medic's Feedback instead of Restorative Mantras in the Inspiration trait line. You lose a lot of healing on mantra casts doing so, therefore I would suggest to use it only in niche situations when running no Mantras.
Lastly I see you have an adoration for Signet of Humility but I personally prefer Gravity Well as an elite for many reasons:
1. It is a well skill therefore it is affected by the trait All's Well That Ends Well and will heal your subgroup when it ends if placed smartly.
2. As a CC it is only 50 breakbar damage less compared to Signet of Humility (550 vs 600) (only in PVE) even though the tooltip says differently (due to the knockdown being interrupted by the float) but it is an AoE that can affect up to 5 enemies compared to the single target of SoH.
3. Not being single target there is no risk for it to be wasted on the wrong enemy due to targeting shenanigans (you be damned Mursaat Overseer!).
4. It is a Dark combo field which means AoE blindness on blast finishers, Dark Aura (reduced incoming condi damage and torment on hit) on leap finishers and life stealing on projectile and whirl finishers.
5. A majestic sound effect like no other in the game :P.
Snowcrows did a great job of listing all the possible variations for the build so I definitively suggest checking that guide out.