Defend the Lone Post from the Risen hordes

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Defend the Lone Post from the Risen hordes

Interactive map

Interactive map

Defend the Lone Post from the Risen hordes is a level 74 event that occurs in Shark's Teeth Archipelago while Pact forces control Lone Post.


  • Lone Post
    Event bar empty2.jpg Event flag red.png
  • Risen Waves Repulsed
    Event bar empty2.jpg


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 13,598 Experience.png 351 Karma 82 Copper coin
Silver 11,558 Experience.png 299 Karma 70 Copper coin
Bronze 10,199 Experience.png 264 Karma 61 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 74 player. Higher level players receive dynamically adjusted rewards.





Event starts
Agent Arwyna: Risen inbound! They're here to take back their gate.
Agent Arwyna: Defensive positions. Show them the Pact is stronger than anything they can throw at us.
Event completed
Agent Arwyna: Well done, troops! Now that we've established a foothold, we're well on the way to taking Orr
Agent Arwyna: Stay wary, though. The Risen will surely return to trouble us.