Reclaim the Vigil camp

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Reclaim the Vigil camp

Interactive map

Interactive map

Reclaim the Vigil camp is a level 55 dynamic event that occurs in Orvar's Glen. This event occurs after the Vigil and the players fail to defend the camp.


  • Risen remaining: 10


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 5,013 Experience.png 266 Karma 62 Copper coin
Silver 4,261 Experience.png 226 Karma 53 Copper coin
Bronze 3,760 Experience.png 200 Karma 46 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 55 player. Higher level players receive dynamically adjusted rewards.





Commander Gresham: Wow. That was unpleasant. The Orrians almost had us.
Commander Gresham: Let's bolster our defenses so that never happens again! This time, we got lucky.