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Stretched Time

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Stretched Time

Chronomancer icon small.png Chronomancer (trait list)
Training cost
10 Hero points
Game link
Stretched Time

Nearby allies gain boons for each clone you shatter. Grant boons to nearby allies when you summon a phantasm.

Alacrity.png Alacrity per Clone (1s): +25% Skill Recharge Rate
Alacrity.png Alacrity on Phantasm Spawn (3s): +25% Skill Recharge Rate
Alacrity.png Alacrity on Phantasm Spawn (1s): +25% Skill Recharge Rate
Number of targets.png Number of Targets: 5
Radius.png Radius: 360

— In-game description

Related skills[edit]

Weapon skills that are improved by this trait

Utility skills that are improved by this trait

Profession mechanic skills that are improved by this trait

Related traits[edit]

Traits that improve this trait

Chronomancer Chronomancer

  • Improved Alacrity Improved AlacrityAlacrity applied to you is stronger but has a reduced duration. Gain increased critical-strike damage when you have alacrity.

Version history[edit]

For a detailed trait history, see here.

Patch Changes
February 11, 2025
  • This trait no longer causes Flow of Time to affect nearby allies. It now causes shattering to apply a boon to other nearby allies. This trait now applies might instead of alacrity in WvW only.
July 18, 2023
  • Reduced phantasm alacrity duration from 2 seconds to 1 second in PvP and from 3 seconds to 1 second in WvW.
June 28, 2023
  • Fixed an issue that caused wells to continue to grant alacrity when this trait was equipped.
June 27, 2023
  • This trait has been reworked. Flow of Time affects nearby allies. Grant alacrity to nearby allies when you summon a phantasm.
May 23, 2023
  • Reduced alacrity duration from 5 seconds to 3 seconds in PvP only.
August 23, 2022
  • Alacrity on well cast increased from 4 seconds to 5 seconds.
June 28, 2022
  • Reworked and renamed Stretched Time.
  • The first pulse of a well also applies alacrity for 4 seconds to allies near the well in a radius of 360. Tides of Time now also applies alacrity in a radius of 360 for a duration of 5 seconds when cast.
October 01, 2019
  • This trait has been reworked. It now grants 3 seconds of alacrity to the mesmer when applying slow to a target. This effect has a 3-second cooldown.
December 11, 2018
  • This trait now delivers its slowing strike when the mesmer disables their target instead of after the mesmer has built charges.
  • Its base strike damage has been reduced by 50%, but its critical-hit damage has been increased by 100%.
February 06, 2018
  • This trait now deals a second strike of bonus damage when slow is applied.
  • Increased slow's duration from 2 seconds to 3 seconds.
October 23, 2015 Heart of Thorns release:
  • Lost Time has been added to the game.