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Poised Arrow

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Poised Arrow


Interactive map

Poised Arrow, nicknamed Poky, is a Lowland Kodan and son of Stoic Alder and the late Silken Weir. He is expected to succeed his father as the next Claw of the Lowland Kodan one day.


Early years[edit]

Poised Arrow was raised in Hearth's Glow as a cub and left with his father Stoic Alder when Silken Weir had died during the Elder Dragon Jormag's rise. He is next in line to inherit the title of Claw of Koda and is friends with at least a few kodan in Harvest Den.[1]

Janthir Wilds[edit]

Unknown Territory

In 1337 AE, Poised Arrow met the Pact Commander, Caithe, and Malice Swordshadow soon after they had arrived in Lowland Shore. He was sitting in on a meeting of the Kodan council members when he introduced himself to them. He expressed amusement at the circumstances of their arrival to Janthir and dubbed them 'Lost-Your-Way-Finder.' Stoic Alder requested that he chaperone the Commander, and he responded with reluctance.

Diplomacy and Discovery

Poised Arrow welcomed the Commander to Harvest Den, but contrary to his father's wishes, he declined to chaperone them, saying that a Wayfinder needed no assistance. He also expressed his desire to partake in the celebratory dance festival with his friend.

At some point, he was given a communication device by Malice Swordshadow, and he summoned the Commander to inform them their presence was requested by his father.



Story involvement[edit]

Janthir Wilds story[edit]

Combat abilities[edit]

  • Son of Stoic Alder

DefianceDefiance bar teal.png


Related achievements[edit]


See also[edit]

Associated items
