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Festering Basin

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Festering Basin

1Complete heart (map icon).png 1Waypoint (map icon).png 5Point of interest (map icon).png

Festering Basin map.jpg
Map of Festering Basin

Blood HillDead LabEchoing HillsFestering BasinLandfallMoldering GreenwoodOld Hutment SiteRiver's MawSanguine CraterSlithering OutskirtsStorm's BorderStricken PlainsSulfurous SpringsTumultuous SeaFestering Basin locator.svg
Janthir Syntri
Connects to
Blood Hill (N)
Slithering Outskirts (E)
Moldering Greenwood (W)

Festering Basin.jpg

Click to enlarge.

Festering Basin is an area in Janthir Syntri. It has been heavily affected by the pollution of Greer, the Blightbringer, and was turned into swampland due to his influence.[1] Titanspawn infest the area. The kodan here are researching the blight and its effects.[2]

Locations and objectives[edit]

Renown Hearts
Complete heart (map icon).png Assist the kodan in researching the titan blight (80)
Waypoint (map icon).png Festering Basin Waypoint —
Points of Interest
Point of interest (map icon).png Manor of the Cruel Hound
Point of interest (map icon).png Old Gavril Plaza
Point of interest (map icon).png Rhea's Perch
Point of interest (map icon).png The Second Bloodtree
Point of interest (map icon).png Wasted Shallows
Adventure (map icon).png Janthir Syntri: Save Woodland Creatures
Mastery Insights
Mastery point (Janthir Wilds).png Janthir Syntri Insight: Bloodtree's Reach
Mastery point (Janthir Wilds).png Janthir Syntri Insight: Festering Vantage



Asura (Astral Ward)
Ghosts (Bloodstone ghosts)
Humans (Astral Ward)
Kodan (Lowland Kodan)
Ogres (Astral Ward)
Sylvari (Astral Ward)


Renown Heart (map icon).png Whispers of Wind
Adventure (map icon).png Astral Ward Protector


Ambient creatures
Ghosts (Bloodstone ghosts)

Ambient dialogue[edit]

By the Second Bloodtree when two ghosts spawn in the graveyard
Mursaat: Does Saul want us to wither into nothing?
White Mantle Sniper: Of course not, Unseen One. We just... I need more time. There are so few villagers left, and if we kill them all at once...
Mursaat: That does not sound like a problem worthy of my audience, does it?
White Mantle Sniper: N-no... It's not worth your time. I just—
Mursaat: Silence. Blood is needed... no matter the source. Even if you need to kill my children.
White Mantle Sniper: Your... followers? You want me to kill the White Mantle?
Mursaat: Reverent blood can be quite powerful.
White Mantle Sniper: I...
Just south of Festering Basin Waypoint by the heart vendor
Archivist Ikur: Thank you for letting me join your research party in the woods. The closer I can get to the ruins, the better.
Whispers of Wind: Why one yearns to go near those ruins, I can't understand. But you are very welcome.
Whispers of Wind: If I may ask... What is it that excites you here?
Archivist Ikur: You see, those ruins have quite a robust history. From what I've gathered so far, this place was once the village of Gavril.
Archivist Ikur: It was a quaint little town turned quite sour. Why? I'm not sure yet, but I think we can assume the White Mantle were involved.
Whispers of Wind: Ah. Those ones. A vile group, they were. I'm glad they no longer walk these lands.
Archivist Ikur: I am, as well. But thankful that they left such valuable records behind for us to find.
By the heart vendor, with Festering Basin Renown Mastery at least at tier 1
Whispers of Wind: Welcome back, Wayfinder. Progress is a steady march through thick snow, but we've managed a few steps forward.
Whispers of Wind: The forest seeps with gloom, it does. But the more we learn of the stranger... Spare this place, we will.
Just Kodan Landspeaker
Kodan Landspeaker: What I wouldn't give to spend just one night back in my homestead right now.
Between Astral Ward and Kodan Stoutheart
Astral Ward Skirmisher: So many... screaming mouths...
Kodan Stoutheart: What is he doing?
Astral Ward Protector: Channeling the spirits here.
Astral Ward Protector: Dalach. What do you see?
Astral Ward Skirmisher: Deception. Sacrifice on the bloodstone. Blood...on everything. Everywhere.
At Rhea's Perch
Gavril Villager (1): Cedric, if we stay... Maybe it's just a feeling, but... I don't know. What if they kill us?
Gavril Villager (2): Kill us? Hush your worry, darling. What makes you say that? The storehouse full of food?
Gavril Villager (1): People are going missing... I haven't seen Quinn in a week.
Gavril Villager (1): Ever since Saul brought his people here... I know it hasn't been all bad, but it's different.
Gavril Villager (1): Different in ways that scare me. They leave the village at night and we don't know where they go.
Gavril Villager (2): We are just getting used to a bustling town! Gavril is a busy place now. Vibrant, even. We'll all adjust.
Gavril Villager (1): (breathes)



Crafting resources[edit]

Resource nodes
Fish resource (map icon).png Freshwater Janthir Fish
Wood resource (map icon).png Ancient Sapling
Wood resource (map icon).png Cypress Sapling
Charged Titan Ore (node).png Charged Titan Ore
Mine resource (map icon).png Mithril Ore
Mine resource (map icon).png Orichalcum Ore
Plant resource (map icon).png Lotus
Plant resource (map icon).png Leeks
Plant resource (map icon).png Portobello Mushrooms
Plant resource (map icon).png Raspberries
Plant resource (map icon).png Verdant Herbs
Plant resource (map icon).png Winter Root Vegetables


  1. ^ Storm Clouds over Janthir
    <Character name>: I'd put a couple copper on Greer being responsible for this. He turned the place into a swamp.
  2. ^ Help the kodan study and settle in the Janthir Syntri region