Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds content

Janthir Syntri (achievements)

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Disambig icon.png This article is about the achievement category. For the zone, see Janthir Syntri.

Janthir Syntri is an achievement category for achievements earned in Janthir Syntri.

Janthir Syntri.png
Janthir Syntri (Janthir Wilds)
Total achievements: 36 Janthir Wilds mastery point 81Achievement points


  1. ^ Don't Drop That: Achievement eligibility is tracked by the Achievement effect.png Achievement Eligibility: Don't Drop That effect.
  2. ^ Fight Another Day: Achievement eligibility is tracked by the Achievement effect.png Achievement Eligibility: Fight Another Day effect.
  3. ^ Our Defenses Will Hold: Achievement eligibility is tracked by the Achievement effect.png Achievement Eligibility: The Very Best Offense effect.
  4. ^ Poetic Justice: Can be tracked with the Achievement effect.png Achievement Eligibility: Poetic Justice on Rising Bloom.
  5. ^ Shield Trap: Pull any jade enemy into the shield surrounding the event NPC during Relic hunt!.
  6. ^ Stronger as a Pack: Achievement eligibility is tracked by the Achievement effect.png Achievement Eligibility: Stronger as a Pack effect.
  7. ^ Struck Twice: Achievement eligibility is tracked by the Achievement effect.png Achievement Eligibility: Struck Twice effect.
  8. ^ True Artist: Achievement eligibility is tracked by the Achievement effect.png Achievement Eligibility: True Artist effect.
  9. ^ Weather Conductor: Achievement eligibility is tracked by the Achievement effect.png Achievement Eligibility: Weather Conductor effect.