Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds content

Rot Strider

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Rot Striders are rotling titanspawn found in Janthir.



Combat abilities[edit]

  • Knockback
  • Gutbreaker - Performs a spinning kick, dealing damage in a cone pattern twice and inflicting Weakness.png Weakness (10s) on hit targets.
  • Hammer of Rot - Performs an overhead strike to targets in front of it.
  • Oncoming Decay - Charges forward, dealing damage and applying Vulnerability.png Vulnerability (10s) on targets in its path
  • Rotting Bash
  • Rotting Thunder
  • Shield of Ruin - Applies Protection.png Protection (5s) on itself, followed by a bash that applies Poisoned.png Poisoned (10s) on the target.
Stolen skills


Name Type Rarity Quantity
Recipe sheet superior sigil.png Recipe: Sigil of Demon Slaying Recipe sheet Exotic 1
Barbed Thorn.png Barbed Thorn Crafting material Fine 1
Rotted Titan Amber.png Rotted Titan Amber Crafting material Basic 1-2
Dry Pinecone.png Dry Pinecone Trophy Junk 1-2
Dry Pinecone.png Wilted Spore Trophy Junk 1