Essence of Luck (exotic)

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Disambig icon.png This article is about the exotic version. For other versions, see Essence of Luck.

Essence of Luck (exotic).png

Essence of Luck

Item type
Disciplines used by
Armorsmith tango icon 20px.png 400
Leatherworker tango icon 20px.png 400
Tailor tango icon 20px.png 400
Legendary Trinkets.png Legendary Relics: Components
Account Bound
Game link
External links

Double-click to consume.
Double-click to gain 200 luck.

— In-game description

Essence of Luck is a consumable that increases the Luck Bar by 200.


Gathered from[edit]

Sold by[edit]

Vendor Area Zone Cost
Lyhr Lyhr Outer Ring The Wizard's Tower 50 for 1 Glob of Ectoplasm + 100 Essence of Luck
Ward Crafter Lucirae Ward Crafter Lucirae Moon Camp Covert Lowland Shore 50 for 1 Glob of Ectoplasm + 100 Essence of Luck

Salvaged from[edit]

  • Salvaging Masterwork quality gear.

Contained in[edit]


Essence of Luck (exotic)
Output qty.
Artificer tango icon 20px.png Artificer
Req. rating
Chat link

Rewarded by[edit]

Used in[edit]

Mystic Forge

Item Rarity Ingredients
Attuned Grow Lamp.png Attuned Grow Lamp Exotic
Gift of Research.png Gift of Research Legendary
Powerful Grow Lamp.png Powerful Grow Lamp Ascended

Multiple disciplines

Item Rarity Discipline(s) Rating Ingredients
Relic of Fireworks.png Relic of Fireworks
(Learned from: Recipe: Relic of Fireworks)
Exotic ArmorsmithArmorsmith tango icon 20px.pngLeatherworkerLeatherworker tango icon 20px.pngTailorTailor tango icon 20px.png 400

Guild upgrades[edit]

Upgrade Guild Level AetheriumAetherium FavorFavor Materials
Further Exploration Further Exploration 40 5,000 500
Guild Enhancement: Magic Find Guild Enhancement: Magic Find 14 3,000 300
Objective Aura 1: Supply Capacity Objective Aura 1: Supply Capacity 6 1,000 200
Scribing: Guild Gold and Magic Find Banner Scribing: Guild Gold and Magic Find Banner 29 5,000 300
Scribing: Guild Heroes Banner Scribing: Guild Heroes Banner 37 5,000 400
Scribing: Guild Magic Find Banner Scribing: Guild Magic Find Banner 11 2,000 150

Currency for[edit]

Deft Lahar Deft Lahar

Located in The Crown Pavilion (Divinity's Reach).

Item Type Rarity Level Cost Notes
Caudecus's Journal.png Homestead Recipe Book: Lunar New Year Celestials Recipe sheet Exotic Essence of Luck Requires the festival Lunar New Year.
Caudecus's Journal.png Homestead Recipe Book: Lunar New Year, Volume 1 Recipe sheet Exotic Essence of Luck Requires the festival Lunar New Year.
Wayfinder's Versatile Table.png Recipe: Golden Snake Statue Recipe sheet Basic Essence of Luck Requires the festival Lunar New Year.
Wayfinder's Versatile Table.png Recipe: Plain Red Lantern Recipe sheet Basic Essence of Luck Requires the festival Lunar New Year.
Wayfinder's Versatile Table.png Recipe: Plain White Lantern Recipe sheet Basic Essence of Luck Requires the festival Lunar New Year.
Wayfinder's Versatile Table.png Recipe: Snake Statue Recipe sheet Basic Essence of Luck Requires the festival Lunar New Year.

Dog (Trader) Dog

Vendor currently unavailable. Located in Grand Piazza (Lion's Arch).

Item Type Rarity Level Cost
Beaded Pouch.png Doggy Bag Container Masterwork 26 Essence of Luck

Fion Fion

Located in Gilded Hollow (Heart of Maguuma), Isle of Reflection (Cantha), Lost Precipice (Heart of Maguuma) and Windswept Haven (Crystal Desert).

Item Type Rarity Level Cost
Red Lantern (decoration).png Red Lantern Decoration Basic Essence of Luck + 88 Copper coin

Lunar New Year Vendor Lunar New Year Vendor

Located in Hooligan's Route (Lion's Arch).

Item Type Rarity Level Cost
Caudecus's Journal.png Homestead Recipe Book: Lunar New Year Celestials Recipe sheet Exotic Essence of Luck
Caudecus's Journal.png Homestead Recipe Book: Lunar New Year, Volume 1 Recipe sheet Exotic Essence of Luck
Lucky Red Bag.png Lucky Red Bag Container Fine Essence of Luck
Mini Essence of Luck.png Mini Essence of Luck Miniature Exotic 250 Essence of Luck + 88 Gold coin 88 Silver coin
Plush Mordy.png Plush Mordy Accessory Ascended 80 88 Essence of Luck + 88 Gold coin 88 Silver coin
Wayfinder's Versatile Table.png Recipe: Golden Snake Statue Recipe sheet Basic Essence of Luck
Recipe sheet masterwork food.png Recipe: Longevity Noodles Recipe sheet Masterwork 70 Essence of Luck + 88 Silver coin
Wayfinder's Versatile Table.png Recipe: Plain Red Lantern Recipe sheet Basic Essence of Luck
Wayfinder's Versatile Table.png Recipe: Plain White Lantern Recipe sheet Basic Essence of Luck
Wayfinder's Versatile Table.png Recipe: Snake Statue Recipe sheet Basic Essence of Luck

Lyhr Lyhr

Located in Outer Ring (The Wizard's Tower).

Item Type Rarity Level Cost
Gift of Research.png Gift of Research Crafting material Legendary 10 Glob of Ectoplasm + 250 Essence of Luck + 250 Thermocatalytic Reagent + 500 Hydrocatalytic Reagent

New Year Rewards New Year Rewards

Located in The Crown Pavilion (Divinity's Reach).

Item Type Rarity Level Cost Notes
Chest of Legendary Shards.png Chest of Legendary Shards Container Exotic Essence of Luck Requires the festival Lunar New Year. Limit 3 per week.
Mystic Clover.png Mystic Clover Crafting material Legendary 10 Essence of Luck Requires the festival Lunar New Year. Limit 1 per week.
Fortunate Chest.png Trader's Fortunate Chest Container Exotic Essence of Luck + Gold coin Requires the festival Lunar New Year. Limit 1 per week.
Transmutation Charge (item).png Transmutation Charge Consumable Masterwork Essence of Luck Requires the festival Lunar New Year. Limit 3 per week.
Tyrian Exchange Voucher.png Tyrian Exchange Voucher Container Rare 10 Essence of Luck Requires the festival Lunar New Year. Limit 1 per week.

New Year Vendor New Year Vendor

Located in The Crown Pavilion (Divinity's Reach).

Item Type Rarity Level Cost Notes
Lucky Red Bag.png Lucky Red Bag Container Fine Essence of Luck Requires the festival Lunar New Year.
Mini Essence of Luck.png Mini Essence of Luck Miniature Exotic 250 Essence of Luck + 88 Gold coin 88 Silver coin Requires the festival Lunar New Year.
Plush Mordy.png Plush Mordy Accessory Ascended 80 88 Essence of Luck + 88 Gold coin 88 Silver coin Requires the festival Lunar New Year.
Recipe sheet masterwork food.png Recipe: Longevity Noodles Recipe sheet Masterwork 70 Essence of Luck + 88 Silver coin Requires the festival Lunar New Year.

New Year Weapons New Year Weapons

Located in The Crown Pavilion (Divinity's Reach).

Item Type Rarity Level Cost Notes
Refitted Aureate Axe.png Diviner's Refitted Aureate Axe Axe Masterwork 80 Essence of Luck + 20 Silver coin Requires the festival Lunar New Year.
Refitted Aureate Charm.png Diviner's Refitted Aureate Charm Focus Masterwork 80 Essence of Luck + 20 Silver coin Requires the festival Lunar New Year.
Refitted Aureate Dirk.png Diviner's Refitted Aureate Dirk Dagger Masterwork 80 Essence of Luck + 20 Silver coin Requires the festival Lunar New Year.
Refitted Aureate Highlander Greatsword.png Diviner's Refitted Aureate Highlander Greatsword Greatsword Masterwork 80 Essence of Luck + 20 Silver coin Requires the festival Lunar New Year.
Refitted Aureate Longbow.png Diviner's Refitted Aureate Longbow Longbow Masterwork 80 Essence of Luck + 20 Silver coin Requires the festival Lunar New Year.
Refitted Aureate Mace.png Diviner's Refitted Aureate Mace Mace Masterwork 80 Essence of Luck + 20 Silver coin Requires the festival Lunar New Year.
Refitted Aureate Musket.png Diviner's Refitted Aureate Musket Rifle Masterwork 80 Essence of Luck + 20 Silver coin Requires the festival Lunar New Year.
Refitted Aureate Pistol.png Diviner's Refitted Aureate Pistol Pistol Masterwork 80 Essence of Luck + 20 Silver coin Requires the festival Lunar New Year.
Refitted Aureate Rinblade.png Diviner's Refitted Aureate Rinblade Sword Masterwork 80 Essence of Luck + 20 Silver coin Requires the festival Lunar New Year.
Refitted Aureate Sconce.png Diviner's Refitted Aureate Sconce Torch Masterwork 80 Essence of Luck + 20 Silver coin Requires the festival Lunar New Year.
Refitted Aureate Short Bow.png Diviner's Refitted Aureate Short Bow Short bow Masterwork 80 Essence of Luck + 20 Silver coin Requires the festival Lunar New Year.
Refitted Aureate Staff.png Diviner's Refitted Aureate Staff Staff Masterwork 80 Essence of Luck + 20 Silver coin Requires the festival Lunar New Year.
Refitted Aureate Targe.png Diviner's Refitted Aureate Targe Shield Masterwork 80 Essence of Luck + 20 Silver coin Requires the festival Lunar New Year.
Refitted Aureate Virge.png Diviner's Refitted Aureate Virge Scepter Masterwork 80 Essence of Luck + 20 Silver coin Requires the festival Lunar New Year.
Refitted Aureate Warhammer.png Diviner's Refitted Aureate Warhammer Hammer Masterwork 80 Essence of Luck + 20 Silver coin Requires the festival Lunar New Year.
Refitted Aureate Warhorn.png Diviner's Refitted Aureate Warhorn Warhorn Masterwork 80 Essence of Luck + 20 Silver coin Requires the festival Lunar New Year.
Fortune-Shining Aureate Axe.png Fortune-Shining Aureate Axe Axe Exotic 80 Essence of Luck + Gold coin Requires the festival Lunar New Year.
Fortune-Shining Aureate Charm.png Fortune-Shining Aureate Charm Focus Exotic 80 Essence of Luck + Gold coin Requires the festival Lunar New Year.
Fortune-Shining Aureate Dirk.png Fortune-Shining Aureate Dirk Dagger Exotic 80 Essence of Luck + Gold coin Requires the festival Lunar New Year.
Fortune-Shining Aureate Highlander Greatsword.png Fortune-Shining Aureate Highlander Greatsword Greatsword Exotic 80 Essence of Luck + Gold coin Requires the festival Lunar New Year.
Fortune-Shining Aureate Longbow.png Fortune-Shining Aureate Longbow Longbow Exotic 80 Essence of Luck + Gold coin Requires the festival Lunar New Year.
Fortune-Shining Aureate Mace.png Fortune-Shining Aureate Mace Mace Exotic 80 Essence of Luck + Gold coin Requires the festival Lunar New Year.
Fortune-Shining Aureate Musket.png Fortune-Shining Aureate Musket Rifle Exotic 80 Essence of Luck + Gold coin Requires the festival Lunar New Year.
Fortune-Shining Aureate Pistol.png Fortune-Shining Aureate Pistol Pistol Exotic 80 Essence of Luck + Gold coin Requires the festival Lunar New Year.
Fortune-Shining Aureate Rinblade.png Fortune-Shining Aureate Rinblade Sword Exotic 80 Essence of Luck + Gold coin Requires the festival Lunar New Year.
Fortune-Shining Aureate Sconce.png Fortune-Shining Aureate Sconce Torch Exotic 80 Essence of Luck + Gold coin Requires the festival Lunar New Year.
Fortune-Shining Aureate Short Bow.png Fortune-Shining Aureate Short Bow Short bow Exotic 80 Essence of Luck + Gold coin Requires the festival Lunar New Year.
Fortune-Shining Aureate Staff.png Fortune-Shining Aureate Staff Staff Exotic 80 Essence of Luck + Gold coin Requires the festival Lunar New Year.
Fortune-Shining Aureate Targe.png Fortune-Shining Aureate Targe Shield Exotic 80 Essence of Luck + Gold coin Requires the festival Lunar New Year.
Fortune-Shining Aureate Virge.png Fortune-Shining Aureate Virge Scepter Exotic 80 Essence of Luck + Gold coin Requires the festival Lunar New Year.
Fortune-Shining Aureate Warhammer.png Fortune-Shining Aureate Warhammer Hammer Exotic 80 Essence of Luck + Gold coin Requires the festival Lunar New Year.
Fortune-Shining Aureate Warhorn.png Fortune-Shining Aureate Warhorn Warhorn Exotic 80 Essence of Luck + Gold coin Requires the festival Lunar New Year.

Sarettokk Sarettokk

Located in Hooligan's Route (Lion's Arch).

Item Type Rarity Level Cost
Invitation to Lunar New Year.png Invitation to Lunar New Year Gizmo Exotic 2 Essence of Luck

Sparking Stone Sparking Stone

Located in The Crown Pavilion (Divinity's Reach).

Item Type Rarity Level Cost Notes
Crescent Steel.png Crescent Steel Sword Exotic 80 88 Essence of Luck + Gold coin Requires the festival Lunar New Year.
First Night's Spark.png First Night's Spark Staff Exotic 80 88 Essence of Luck + Gold coin Requires the festival Lunar New Year.
Gatherer's Fortune.png Gatherer's Fortune Rifle Exotic 80 88 Essence of Luck + Gold coin Requires the festival Lunar New Year.
Inherited Flame.png Inherited Flame Torch Exotic 80 88 Essence of Luck + Gold coin Requires the festival Lunar New Year.
Jade Serpent Dagger.png Jade Serpent Dagger Dagger Exotic 80 88 Essence of Luck + Gold coin Requires the festival Lunar New Year.
Jade Serpent Rifle.png Jade Serpent Rifle Rifle Exotic 80 88 Essence of Luck + Gold coin Requires the festival Lunar New Year.
Jade Serpent Spear.png Jade Serpent Spear Spear Exotic 80 88 Essence of Luck + Gold coin Requires the festival Lunar New Year.
Lucky Dragon Hammer.png Lucky Dragon Hammer Hammer Exotic 80 88 Essence of Luck + Gold coin Requires the festival Lunar New Year.
Lucky Dragon Short Bow.png Lucky Dragon Short Bow Short bow Exotic 80 88 Essence of Luck + Gold coin Requires the festival Lunar New Year.
Lucky Dragon Speargun.png Lucky Dragon Speargun Harpoon gun Exotic 80 88 Essence of Luck + Gold coin Requires the festival Lunar New Year.
Lucky Envelope (weapon).png Lucky Envelope Focus Exotic 80 88 Essence of Luck + Gold coin Requires the festival Lunar New Year.
Moon Rabbit's Guidance.png Moon Rabbit's Guidance Shield Exotic 80 88 Essence of Luck + Gold coin Requires the festival Lunar New Year.

Sven Edson Sven Edson

Located in Outer Ring (The Wizard's Tower).

Item Type Rarity Level Cost
Plush Mordy.png Plush Mordy Accessory Ascended 80 88 Essence of Luck + 88 Gold coin 88 Silver coin

Ward Crafter Lucirae Ward Crafter Lucirae

Located in Moon Camp Covert (Lowland Shore).

Item Type Rarity Level Cost
Gift of Research.png Gift of Research Crafting material Legendary Glob of Ectoplasm + 250 Essence of Luck + 250 Thermocatalytic Reagent + 500 Hydrocatalytic Reagent