Mired Deep
Mired Deep
- Year
- 1325 AE
- Storyline
- Personal story
- Chapter
- Sins of the Father
- Location
- Lamia Mire
(Plains of Ashford)
Blood Tribune Quarters
(Imperator's Core) - Level
- 20
- Race
- Choice
- Loyal Soldier
- Preceded by
An Unusual Inheritance
- Followed by
Salvaging Scrap
No Negotiations
- 79
Mired Deep is part of the personal story for charr characters who chose their sire to be a Loyal Soldier and have completed An Unusual Inheritance.
Search Lamia Mire for the second half of the key.
- Follow the directions blazed into the trees.
- Directions found x/3
- Locate the second chest.
- Speak with Tribune Brimstone in his office at the top of the Imperator's Core.
- Tell Brimstone how you're going to deal with the scrappers.
Click here to edit the reward data
- All professions
- Profession-specific
One of the following: Avenger's Hammer, Avenger's Staff, Avenger's Longsword
One of the following: Avenger's Hammer, Avenger's Staff, Caretaker's Staff
One of the following: Avenger's Longsword, Avenger's Hammer, Avenger's Longbow
One of the following: Caretaker's Rifle, Avenger's Rifle, Defender's Rifle
One of the following: Avenger's Longbow, Avenger's Short Bow, Caretaker's Short Bow
One of the following: Defender's Short Bow, Avenger's Short Bow, Caretaker's Short Bow
One of the following: Defender's Staff, Avenger's Staff, Caretaker's Staff
One of the following: Defender's Staff, Avenger's Staff, Caretaker's Staff
One of the following: Defender's Staff, Avenger's Staff, Caretaker's Staff
Once in the Lamia Mire instance, head southeast towards the tree and examine the tree carving. Following the inscription, head southeast to the next marking. The designated search area is much larger, but again it's on a tree. The tree is slightly south of the quest circle center. Examine the marking. Head northeast to a tree isolated on the island in the center of the quest circle for your next marking to examine. The seemingly conflicting clues should be apparent if you're simply following the quest markers. Head north to the lake then down under the surface to a sunken ship. Search the chest… to find it empty. Return to Rytlock and he'll head you towards the likely culprits: scrappers. Now you must decide: do you charge in and take the key? or attempt to negotiate for it?
- Sparring partner
- Warband allies
Samona Ironclaw or Wroda the Quick (depends upon choice)
Yahuk Fellstrike
Fyon the Wraith or Soure Doomsday (depends upon choice)
Elexus Shredskin
Cimmara Pistolwhip or Zemzer Undercut (depends upon choice)
Luccia Wildeye
Lamia Mire[edit]
Speaking to your allies:
- Clawspur: I've got a funny feeling about this. Something is wrong.
- Agreed. Let me know if you see anything out of place.
- Dinky: What are you supposed to do with half a key? Why would anyone even make a half key? Did they get halfway through, lose their place, and just give up?
- Easy, big fella. The other half's waiting at the end of this trail.
- Euryale: This swamp is creepy...wet...hard to set on fire. I don't like it here.
- Agreed. We'll get in, get the chest, and get out.
- Maverick: I'm telling you, I can already taste the gold inside. And it's mine. Mine. All mine...but, uh, mostly yours.
- What's mine is also the warband's. But first, we have to find it.
- Reeva: When we find the treasure, let's buy a round for every letter in your dad's name. And after that, we'll work through the names of all our sires.
- Drinking games later, Reeva. Right now, let's just find the chest.
- Yahuk Fellstrike: My Ash legion buddies always whined that swamps were hard to sneak through—all that sloshing around. I finally see what they mean.
- Keep looking and stay alert: we don't know what's out here.
- Samona Ironclaw: I don't know what we're looking for, but this is exciting. Think we'll discover some ancient treasure, or maybe a pile of gold?
- No idea. Keep an eye out for the treasure, and for any hostiles.
- Wroda the Quick: I don't like this. Too many ways it could go wrong.
- As long as we keep an eye on each other, we'll be fine.
- Elexus Shredskin: I hate swamps. Mud and stink-water is bad enough, but I always get leeches stuck between my toes.
- We won't be here long. Stay alert—we don't know what's out here.
- Fyon the Wraith: My warband was lost in a swamp once, ages ago. We had to eat grubs and drink drake blood to survive.
- Quite a story, I'd like to hear it all...later.
- Soure Doomsday: Anything we should be looking out for? I mean, besides the chest.
- Trouble. We have no idea what's waiting for us out here.
- Luccia Wildeye: Swamps are no good for artillery. Fuses and powder get wet, and the shells dig in too deep before they explode—it's a waste.
- We'll just have to handle whatever's out here ourselves. Stay alert.
- Cimmara Pistolwhip: I'm no good at looking. I'll keep poking around, but if you find something to kill, call me.
- Keep at it. I'll sound the alarm if I see anything.
- Zemzer Undercut: I'm on it, boss. Do I get a bonus if I'm the first to spot the treasure chest?
- No promises, but whoever wraps this up for me will get rewarded.
At the first tree:
- Tree Carving: Moss and lichen have grown over a portion of the mark etched into the tree. It's barely visible.
- The symbol is a legion trail marker—pictograms you've only seen in fahrar history lessons. Your sire mentioned markers in his letter. This one directs you to the southeast.
- Leave.
Examine the mark.
- Leave it alone.
Warband ally:
- Clawspur: Your sire always did like playing games.
- Dinky: Lots of trees. What's all that stuff floating around, though? Do trees sneeze?
- Euryale: If it were my sire, the treasure at the end of this hunt would come with a judgmental note. Jerk.
- Maverick: This is easy! Code, schmode. They can't out think the Maverick!
- Reeva: Spread out, everybody. Treasure hunting can be fun...especially if we get to kill stuff along the way!
Speaking to your warband ally after the first marker:
- Clawspur: What's with these old-fashioned trail markers? Was your sire a historian?
- His warband used them to minimize chatter in the field. You should appreciate that.
- Dinky: Why can't I read these symbols? Is this some sort of "No Dinky" code?
- They're old fashioned trail markers. Nobody but my sire's warband uses them much anymore.
- Euryale: Look at those old-fashioned trail markers. I feel like I'm back in a farhar history lesson.
- I think of them as "classic." My father's warband used them to good effect.
- Maverick: Look at that-ancient trail markers. That's sharp. Leave it to your sire to use a code that everybody knows but nobody remembers.
- He liked to stay one step ahead, even if it meant looking back.
- Reeva: Hey, check out those symbols. I remember learning about them in the farhar. Let's see...unless I'm much mistaken, that one says, "Give Reeva a thousand gold and a week off."
- You are much mistaken. But I'll take that subtle hint under advisement.
At the second tree:
- Tree Carving: Long ago, someone carved a visible mark into the tree. It has eroded with weather and the creep of vines and moss.
- Another old-fashioned trail-marker, worn but still readable, continues the directions started by the first. It points toward the northeast.
- Leave.
Examine the mark.
- Leave it alone.
After examining the second tree:
- Yahuk Fellstrike: I'm following your lead, boss. Don't want to wind up in front of a ghost firing squad.
- Elexus Shredskin: More Ascalonian specters. The sooner we perfect a permanent ghost-killer, the better.
- Luccia Wildeye: Ghosts like to sneak up on you, but the joke's on them: I'm used to not hearing the enemy approach.
At the third tree:
- Tree Carving: The wood of this tree has a mark etched into it. Time has taken its toll, making the pictogram difficult to see.
- This pictogram builds on the first two. The full meaning is unclear, but it's definitely the last of the series. Oddly, it points in two directions: both north and down.
- Leave.
Examine the mark.
- Leave it alone.
At the sunken chest (before killing the veteran Bog Skale Tyrant):
- Sunken Chest: The trail markers lead here. The hull of the sunken ship hides a chest; but something doesn't look quite right.
- Before you can open the chest to see what's inside, an ominous sound approaches you from the ruins.
- Ears up, warband! Something's coming, and it doesn't sound friendly.
Examine the chest.
- Leave it alone.
At the sunken chest again:
- Sunken Chest: The trail markers lead here. The hull of the sunken ship hides a chest; but something doesn't look quite right.
- The lid slides off easily...too easily. It's empty! Someone's cracked open the lock—recently, and in too much of a hurry to finesse the mechanism.
- Take the broken lock and leave.
Examine the chest.
- Leave it alone.
Speaking with your allies before leaving the instance:
- Clawspur: I knew I smelled a rat. Whoever ripped you off will have a knife in them faster than you can say "cheat."
- Right after we find them. I'll report back to Rytlock and see if he has any ideas.
- Dinky: Half a key...half-locked...does that make it a quarter locked, or does two halves make it whole locked? Math was never my strong suit. Too many numbers.
- Breathe, Dinky. I'll talk to Rytlock and get this whole thing sorted out.
- Euryale: An empty chest...so whatever was inside was stolen? Or was it ever there in the first place?
- Why would a dying soldier lie about his legacy? Let's report back to Rytlock.
- Maverick: Nothing? Nothing? Doesn't whoever did this realize how many gave their lives for us to get here? Mostly ones we killed, but still...
- Someone beat us to it. I'd better head back to Rytlock. See if he has any idea who it was.
- Reeva: What kind of lowlife would steal half the key to someone's father's warband's treasure and then break the lock so the half-key is useless?
- I won't even try to answer that. But Rytlock might have an idea. Let's ask him.
- Yahuk Fellstrike: Somebody stole something from your sire's treasure chest before we got here? They must not like living.
- My thoughts exactly. Let's find that somebody and test our theory.
- Samona Ironclaw: Nothing? That stinks! We came all the way out here and rooted around in the muck for nothing.
- We're not done yet. Someone was here, and we're going to find out who.
- Wroda the Quick: I knew it would end this way. Nobody ever gets what they want. Not without a struggle.
- Cheer up, Wroda. Next, we find whoever stole my property and make them pay.
- Elexus Shredskin: Nothing inside? Who would bother to come all the way out here to rob a forgotten chest?
- I don't know, but I plan to find out.
- Fyon the Wraith: Nothin inside? Back in my day, soldiers showed a little respect for each other's property.
- We don't know who did this. Soldiers or not, they're going to pay.
- Soure Doomsday: An empty chest? I'd sure like to get my hands on whoever robbed you, boss.
- That makes two of us. Soon, Soure. Soon.
- Luccia Wildeye: Did I hear that right—there's nothing in the chest? What do we do now?
- We find whoever broke this lock. And if they have my sire's property, we break them.
- Cimmara Pistolwhip: Nothing in the chest? Whoever beat us here is getting a beating, right? Right?
- When the time comes, I'll give whatever orders will get my key back.
- Zemzer Undercut: We were robbed? Somebody's going to die.
- Count on it.
Blood Tribune Quarters[edit]
Speaking with your allies before speaking with Rytlock:
- Clawspur: Tribune's waiting, boss.
- On it.
- Dinky: More office time. This place is making my tail kink. Let's wrap this up and get back out there, okay?
- Sit tight, Dinky. This won't take long.
- Euryale: Let's get this over with. Tribune Brimstone seems edgy, and it's making me edgy too.
- Someone else putting you on edge—that's a first. Stand by. I'll handle this.
- Maverick: All key personnel accounted for. You're here, Brimstone's here, I'm totally here. Let's get this party started.
- I'm on it, Mav. Stand by.
- Reeva: Check out the tribune. All clenched up like a big fist. When I get like that, it's time to get out and move.
- Business before pleasure. I'll talk to the tribune. You stand by.
- Laria Sharpeye: Welcome back, Legionnaire. Tribune Brimstone is eager to hear your report. Between you and me, I think he's feeling a little cooped up in here.
- I'll speak to him now, then.
Talking to Rytlock (cinematic):
- <Character name>: Tribune? I have a report. I hunted down one half of my sire's key, but the other half has been stolen. Whoever did it wasn't subtle. The lock was smashed.
- Rytlock: Hm. I bet I know who's responsible. Scrapper bands like to sweep that area. Sounds like their work.
- <Character name>: Scrappers? Lowlife scavengers. Do you know how I can find them?
- Rytlock: Not specifically. I'm told that a wave of scrappers from Lamia Mire have moved on to Charrgate Haven. If I were you, I'd look there first.
- Rytlock: But remember, scrappers are the undisciplined dregs of the legions. They won't respect your rank unless you make it worth their while...or force them to.
- Rytlock: The way I see it, your options are to win them over or beat them down. Either way is fine by me. Which do you like better?
Speaking with your allies again before making a decision:
- Clawspur: Scrappers. Well, at least it's someone to stab. Do we talk first and then stab, or jump right to stabbing?
- I haven't decided yet. And the tribune wants to be the first to know.
- Dinky: So, what do we do next? Scrappers aren't dumb enough to pick a fight with us, are they?
- I haven't decided yet. And the tribune wants to be the first to know.
- Euryale: Gut those scrappers. It'll warn all those other lowlifes out there not to trifle with us.
- I haven't decided yet. And the tribune wants to be the first to know.
- Maverick: Are we really going to deal with scrappers? It's so beneath me...er, us.
- I haven't decided yet. And the tribune wants to be the first to know.
- Reeva: I've gone drinking with a few scrappers in my day. The only sure thing about them is that they're unpredictable. What are we going to do?
- I haven't decided yet. And the tribune wants to be the first to know.
- Laria Sharpeye: Scrappers, eh? The tribune has had some dealing with them. They can be a problem...undisciplined, unreliable, insubordinate. They're barely soldiers at all.
- They do a lot of dirty jobs that need doing, jobs that regular soldiers won't touch. But working with them is more like negotiating that issuing orders.
- Oh, I don't—wait. You're teasing me, aren't you? It's all right, I can take a joke. But you'll need more than flattery to convince scrappers to do what you want.
- I'll convince them, all right...one way or the other. See you later.
Negotiation's easy when you have an honest face and winning ways...but you already know that.
- Oh...well, I'm sure you'll handle this with all due vigor and all due discretion. Good luck.
- Thanks, but it's not me that needs luck. Whoever stole that key does.
If they stole my property, I'll "negotiate" them straight into the nearest field hospital.
- Then I'd better get started. Thanks for your help.
Why keep them around, then?
- That's all right. I'm bringing some real soldiers with me. See you later.
Speaking with Rytlock to make a decision:
- Rytlock: How do you want to deal with those scrappers?
- Scrappers do grunt work. They're too dumb, insubordinate, or injured for the lines; so they salvage, carry dispatches, clean the dolyak pens...all the dirty jobs real soldiers won't touch.
- Good to know. I have a plan
- Let me give it some more thought.
Tell me more about scrappers and what they do.
- No Negotiations.)
- Ha! I'd hate to get in your way. Have your warband meet you outside Charrgate Haven. And tell 'em to be ready for a fight.
- Thanks. I'll let you know how it goes.
The direct approach. They took my property—I'm taking it back. (Leads to - Salvaging Scrap.)
- Hmm. Not the approach I was expecting, but it just might get results. That's the kind of thinking that'll make you a good tribune one day.
- Thanks. I'll let you know how it goes.
I can't risk losing the key in a fight. I'll negotiate with them. (Leads to - I'm not ready to decide. Let me think.
Speaking to Rytlock once more:
- Rytlock: I advise sending your warband to Charrgate Haven. And let me know how it goes with the scrappers. At this point, I'm as curious as you are about that chest.
- Will do, sir.
Talking to your warband survivor before leaving:
- Clawspur: Scrappers. Well, at least it's someone to stab. Do we talk first and then stab, or jump right to stabbing?
- Outstanding. I'll get everybody ready.
- See you there.
Stabbing time. Assemble the warband and meet me at Charrgate Haven. (If you chose No Negotiations)
- Done.
- See you there.
Talking time. Assemble the warband and meet me at Charrgate Haven. (If you chose Salvaging Scrap)
- Dinky: So, what do we do next? Scrappers aren't dumb enough to pick a fight with us, are they?
- Got it. Assemble the warband to take apart the scrappers.
- That's the spirit. See you there.
That's the plan. Assemble the warband and meet me at Charrgate Haven. (If you chose No Negotiations)
- Okay. I'll assemble the warband in case you need help talking them into not being killed.
- Perfect. See you there.
Let's talk to them instead. Assemble the warband and meet me at Charrgate Haven. (If you chose Salvaging Scrap)
- Euryale: Gut those scrappers. It'll warn all those other lowlifes out there not to trifle with us.
- Will do. Those scrappers are gonna bleed.
- That's the plan.
Couldn't have put it better myself. Assemble the warband and meet me at Charrgate Haven. (If you chose No Negotiations)
- All right. But if those scrappers step out of line, I'll leave bits of them scattered all over that Haven.
- Fair enough. See you there.
They deserve a chance to talk. Assemble the warband and meet me at Charrgate Haven. (If you chose Salvaging Scrap)
- Maverick: Are we really going to deal with scrappers? It's so beneath me...er, us.
- Now you're talking. We'll be there with bells on. And by bells, I mean weapons of every sort.
- That's what I like to hear. See you there.
No, we're going to deal damage. Assemble the warband and meet me at Charrgate Haven. (If you chose No Negotiations)
- As long as nobody thinks I'm a scrapper, I'm on board. I'll get the 'band together and meet you there.
- Perfect.
We're going to talk to them. Assemble the warband and meet me at Charrgate Haven. (If you chose Salvaging Scrap)
- Reeva: I've gone drinking with a few scrappers in my day. The only sure thing about them is that they're unpredictable. What are we going to do?
- I love this plan. We'll be there and ready when you are, boss.
- Good. See you there.
Beat them into submission. Assemble the warband and meet me at Charrgate Haven. (If you chose No Negotiations)
- Okay. I'll get the 'band together and we'll force the scrappers to be reasonable.
- Right. See you there.
We'll give them a chance to talk. Assemble the warband and meet me at Charrgate Haven. (If you chose Salvaging Scrap)
My story[edit]
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