Ghostbore Artillery
Ghostbore Artillery
- Year
- 1325 AE
- Storyline
- Personal story
- Chapter
- Getting the Band Back Together
- Location
- Ashford Forum
(Plains of Ashford) - Level
- 10
- Race
- Choice
- Iron Legion
- Preceded by
Test Your Metal
- Followed by
An Unusual Inheritance
Searching for the Truth
- 70
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Ghostbore Artillery is part of the personal story for charr characters who are members of the Iron Legion who have completed Test Your Metal and decided to support the Ash Legion with this new weapon. Zemzer Undercut will join your warband at the end.
Repel the ghosts threatening Ashford Forum.
- Meet your warband at Ashford Forum.
- Hold off the initial wave of ghosts.
- Move your warband to the forward camp.
- Confirm your strategy with Tribune Rytlock.
- Turrets unpacked: x/3
- Warband members placed: x/3
- Destroy the incoming ghosts.
- Defeat Warmaster Labofski.
Click here to edit the reward data
- All professions
- 2,641
- 1
- Black Lion Chest Key (Once per week)
- Letter from Rytlock
- Singed Ritualist Bag
- Profession-specific
You'll be accosted by ghosts soon after the event starts. Once they are defeated, proceed to the forward camp. There, you will meet Zemzer Undercut who agrees to join your warband. The ghosts are located up the hill within a force field. Place your turrets along the hill between the ghosts and the base. Then place Zemzer, Luccia Wildeye, and your warband survivor as well. Once all turrets and warband members are in place, the force field vanishes and the ghosts begin to walk down to your base. Your forces should make short work of the ghosts until Warmaster Labofski joins in. While tougher than the other ghosts, he should go down fairly easily under the pressure of your turrets and warband.
- Sparring partner (Clawspur / Dinky / Euryale / Maverick / Reeva)
- Ash Legion Captain (dead)
- Ash Legion Scout
- Ash Legion Spy (dead)
- Luccia Wildeye
- Rytlock Brimstone
- Snarl Backdraft
- Zemzer Undercut
Talking to your sparring partner:
- Clawspur: I'm ready. Between us and the Ghostbore Turrets, the Ascalonians don't stand a chance.
- You said it. Let's get started.
- Dinky: How many turrets would a turtle turn to it, if a turtle could turn turrets?
- Sometimes I can't figure out how your mind works. Or, even if.
- Euryale: Ash better appreciate how much we're doing for them. If that Snarl doesn't watch his mouth when he talks to you, I'm going to sew his lips shut and throw away the needle.
- Focus on the mission for now. We'll get to the sewing bee some other time.
- Maverick: I don't know what's more awesome-your nifty new Ghostbore Turret upgrades...or me.
- Well, you're both loud, flashy, and underappreciated. Good luck, my friend.
- Reeva: This is my favorite part—right before the killing. No, wait, I also like after killing. Then again, there's during the killing. So many choices.
- Easy there. You'll get your chance.
After talking to your sparring partner:
- Clawspur: Looking forward to seeing these turrets in some real action.
- Dinky: I love watching you place turrets. It's like solving a big murder puzzle!
- Euryale: If this works, we should surround every ghost-infested ruin with a ring of these things.
- Maverick: It's your show, boss. You can count on me to make you and your turrets look good.
- Reeva: Turrets, choke points, kill zones... everything a girl wants for Wintersday.
Talking to your other allies:
- Rytlock Brimstone: I'm just here to observe your modified turrets-and you-in action. Snarl is standing by with mission details.
- Right away, Tribune.
- Luccia Wildeye: I'm looking forward to seeing these Ghostbore Turrets in action. Maybe someday we can fit 'em with sticky shot too. But today, it's your show.
- Copious spare...? Aw, now you're just teasing me.
- I'm teasing you, but that doesn't mean we can't try! Consider it a side project.
That sounds like a great project to work on in our copious spare time.
- Oh, you're a funny one. Fun-nee.
- Let's get moving.
Stick to artillery, Luccia. See what I did there? Stick?
- Then let's show these ghosts what happens when you mix Iron and Ash.
After talking to Luccia:
- Luccia Wildeye: Small-bore turrets? That's long as there's a lot of them.
Speaking to Snarl Backdraft (cinematic):
- <Character name>: Tribune Brimstone? I thought you'd be with the Blood Legion forces.
- Rytlock Brimstone: Galina's got the troops well in hand. I wanted to see your new Ghostbore Turrets in action.
- Snarl Backdraft: Look alive, you furry maggots! The maker's here, so we can get started. Get ready to move out on my order!
- Snarl Backdraft: We've secured a forward camp, Legionnaire. Your Ghostbore turrets are there, waiting for deployment.
- <Character name>: No more waiting. The more time Warmaster Labofski has, the bigger his army will be. We strike—now.
- Rytlock Brimstone: Soon, Lebofski's army will be nothing but a ghost of its former self.
After Zemzer appraoches you:
- Zemzer Undercut: Boss, it's bad! The ghosts are on the move. They surrounded my warband. They cut us to pieces!
- Zemzer Undercut: I barely made it out alive, and they're right behind me.
- [sic]
- Snarl Backdraft: Yes, we can, Zemser[sic]. I have a well-ordnanced surprise planned for this ghostly 'Warmaster.' With these new weapons, we can't fail.
- Snarl Backdraft: Quick and quiet, Ash Legion! Let's clear the road!
- Rytlock Brimstone: You lead the way, maker. Everyone else, form up on me.
- Clawspur: Wonder what we'll find out there.
- Dinky: Those guys really should have waited for us, huh?
- Euryale: It's not enough that we have to arm this Ash-Trash, now we have to rescue them, too?
- Maverick: Nothing to worry about. If the forward camp is gone, I'll take up the slack.
- Reeva: A rescue? How daring! I'll beat you there! Come on!
At the forward camp (cinematic):
- <Character name>: This is your forward camp? What happened here?
- Zemzer Undercut: Ghosts "happened." My warband was cut down before we could fight back. I barely got out with my ears intact.
- <Character name>: Everything's going to be all right, kid. C'mon. Join my warband for now. I'll position you with my soldiers and the Ghostbore Turrets.
- Zemzer Undercut: You got it boss. I owe Labofski and his ghost mice an ocean of pain.
- <Character name>: You'll be an asset. Just keep your daggers in your hands and your eyes sharp. This isn't the fahrar anymore.
Warmaster Labofski's battle speech (cinematic):
- Warmaster Labofski: I'm a man who knows the value of humanity. Once, I enriched myself at society's expense. Now, I shed my own blood to defend it.
- Warmaster Labofski: The animals we face today are not human. They don't understand humanity, nor do they value it.
- Warmaster Labofski: I say them come! Together, humanity is stronger than the charr legions! We stand together! We fight together! Forever!
- Warmaster Labofski: Today, humanity does not fall! Today, we destroy our enemies! For Ascalon!
Talking with Snarl:
- Snarl Backdraft: I was fine with the turrets before your upgrade, but now I'm impressed. Both firepower and portability...what will they think of next.
- Just take one from the wagon, place it in the field, and it'll hit anything that comes in range. You can pick it up and re-place it at will. But remember, we only had time to build three.
- Got it. I'll get started.
Remind me.
- Yep. Three turrets on the wagon...unload turrets, deploy turrets, fire turrets.
Talking to Rytlock:
- Rytlock Brimstone: Don't worry. Blood Legion soldiers are the finest in the world. No matter what goes down here, you'll be safe as long as you're behind our lines.
- Labofski is a hardened veteran. He was a thug before he was a soldier. He wants the quick knock-out. He'll send his soldiers right at our forward camp and the vehicles in it
- Exactly. Ascalonian ghosts only see things as they were in Old Ascalon. Your turrets are new, so they won't recognize them at all. They'll charge face-first into your Ghostbore volleys.
- He'll consider one warband to be small fry. Place your members where they'll help the most. Use the terrain and the choke points we've set up.
- Thanks. I'll go put my charr in place.
What about my warband?
But ghosts are stuck in the past, right? So he can't know about our turrets.
Understood. What should I expect from the ghost attack?
Talking to Rytlock for a second time:
- Rytlock Brimstone: What do you need, Legionnaire? More advice?
- Please. This is all a little bit confusing. (Same as "What should I expect from the ghost attack?" above)
- Ready as I'll ever be, sir.
Interacting with the Turret Wagon:
- Turret Wagon: Several Ghostbore Turrets are packed inside the wagon.
- Take one.
- Leave.
After using all three turrets:
- Turret Wagon: There are no more turrets.
- Leave.
Initial ally placement greets:
- Zemzer Undercut: Standing by for placement.
- Luccia Wildeye: As long as I can see 'em coming, you can put me anywhere.
- Clawspur: Tell me where you want me, and I'm there.
- Dinky: The best part of marching is the middle. You know, when you just stand still.
- Euryale: Standing by. Where do you want me?
- Maverick: I don't care where you put me...just as long as everyone can still admire my rugged profile.
- Reeva: I'm ready, boss. Point me at the enemy, pull the string, and turn me loose!
Placing your allies:
- Zemzer Undercut: Uh, excuse me? You're the one who made the Ghostbore Turrets, right? I'm, um, at your disposal, boss. Can I...should I
- No. Not "nervous," really. Just a little…a little, um…what's that word…the one that means "nervous"?
- It's okay, cub. We were all that way once. And only once.
Here is good. Are you okay? You seem a little nervous about all this.
- I'm trained in close-quarters. I was the best in my farhar with daggers. That's not bragging-just a boast. But if you get me within arm's reach of the enemy, I can take it from there.
- Noted. I'll put you here. Dig in and get ready to fight.
- All right. I'm going to find a better place to put you. Follow me.
I don't know you yet. Where will you do the most good?
- Stand by. I need to look over the terrain first.
- Luccia Wildeye: Ash Legion turrets with Iron Legion upgrades…sort of the full spectrum. From the gray of ash to the dark gray of iron. Where do you want me to stand?
- WHAT? Just kidding. I saw where you pointed. Just make sure somebody gives me a signal when the fighting starts. I'd hate to miss it.
- Don't worry. I'll make sure you don't miss anything.
Right here is fine. Dig in and get situated.
- The rifle on my back ain't for show, kiddo. My ears may be broke, but I can shoot the wings off a honey bee without smearing it's stripes. Put me on high ground with a clear view of the field.
- Done and done. Stand here and be ready.
- Still making up my mind. As soon as I figure it out, I'll let you know.
I'm still getting to know your strengths. Where do you want to be?
- Stand by. I need to look over the terrain first.
- Clawspur: Where do you want me?
- Works for me.
- Then consider yourself spotted. Stand by to engage the enemy.
Right here. This'll be a good spot.
- I'm the master of the ambush, so keep me out of the enemy's line of sight. In the shadows, around a corner. That way, they won't see me until their eyes are closed. Permanently.
- Noted. I'm going to put you right here.
- I'm still deciding. Follow me and stay close.
I know where I'd put you, but you tell me: where do you want to be?
- Stand by. I need to look over the terrain first.
- Dinky: Put me anywhere, boss. I'm not afraid of ghosts, turtles, or anything in between.
- Just let me plant my claws in the ground, and I'm here until you say different.
- Excellent. Sit tight. The enemy will be here soon.
This is the place for you. Stand here.'
- Right in the enemy's path. I've got the reach, I got the armament, and I got the muscle. And even if I'm knocked down, they still might trip over me.
- Sounds like a plan of action...and inaction. Stand right here.
- I haven't decided yet, but stay close.
I want to play to your strengths. Where would you put yourself?
- Stand by. I need to look over the terrain first.
- Euryale: Give me a stable site and I'll use my magic to your best defense. I'm not letting you fight alone—Ghostbore or no Ghostbore.
- Good. That lets me deal with the enemy and keep an eye on you. None of us are dying on an Ash Legion mission.
- Always glad to have you watching my back. Get ready.
I want you right here.
- Give me some distance. The wider my field of vision, the more of them I can see coming. And the more damage I can do.
- Noted. I'm putting you right here.
- I haven't picked your spot yet. Follow me.
I'm taking suggestions. Where can you do the most good?.
- Stand by. I need to look over the terrain first.
- Maverick: Just put me where you want the ghosts to suffer most. Then, it's time for Maverick to inspire some awe.
- Here. There. Doesn't matter where I stand. Awesome comes not from the feet, but from the face.
- Well, just make sure your face keeps its eyes open.
Well, let's just say inspiration point is right here. Knock 'em dead.
- You know me. I like to kill 'em face-to-dace. It's my way of making sure they see something pretty before they die.
- That's you: always thinking of others. I'll put you right there.
- Give me one more second to find just the right spot.
You tell me: where's the best place to show off your skills?
- Stand by. I need to look over the terrain first.
- Reeva: The thing I like best about ghosts it you can keep killing the same one over and over 'til you get it right. After that, you can kill it right every time.
- All right, ghosts. One, two, three, four. Reeva's here to kill you more!
- Love your attitude. Just ease up on the volume, okay? They'll be here soon.
Practice makes perfect. Stay right there...and be ready.
- Well, since you asked—it's best to keep me off the front line. I can pitch in at range, toss a few explosives, and keep an eye on the turrets in case they need repair.
- Sounds good. I think I'll put you right here
- I'm still figuring that out. Give me a second.
I'm open to suggestion. Where would you have the most fun?
- Stand by. I need to look over the terrain first.
After placing each ally:
- Zemzer Undercut: Good call, boss. I'll dig in here.
- Luccia Wildeye: Ready, willing, and able, boss. Just make sure you speak up.
- Clawspur: I'm in position.
- Dinky: Ready, steady, and... steady!
- Euryale: All the ghosts in Ascalon can't move me from this spot.
- Maverick: Everyone got a good view of me? Good! Then I"m ready.
- Reeva: Who's the best warband in Ascalon? We are! We are!
Repositioning your allies:
- Luccia Wildeye: Primed and ready, boss. Is this where you want me?
- No, I found a better spot. Follow me.
- Absolutely. Stand ready. They'll be here soon.
- Zemzer Undercut: I'm dug in, boss. I should stay here, right?
- No, I want you somewhere else. Follow me.
- Yes, stay right here.
- Clawspur: Here? Really? Or should I bounce around a little more?
- No, I've got a better spot in mind. Follow me.
- Yes, there. Stick and stay. And be alert-the ghosts will be here soon.
- Dinky: Seven! That's the answer. Or possibly 'pie.' Oh, no, wait...not pie...what's that desert with all the sand dunes—?
- Hate to interrupt, but follow me. I've got a better spot in mind for you.
- Just stay put, and keep alert.
- Euryale: This is it, huh? Fine. I'll stay here until you tell me to leave. Or until the body pile blocks my line of sight.
- I found a better spot. Follow me.
- You're right where I want you. Get ready—they'll be here soon.
- Maverick: Standing by, boss. Unless you want me in a more prominent spot so I can put on a killing clinic.
- That's not why, but I do want to move you. Follow me.
- You're perfect right where you are. Stay ready.
- Reeva: So, this is the spot? Not too close. Not too far. But, just right. Like in "Goldenmane and the Three Kodans."
- I found a better place for you. Follow me
- This is the place. Stay here; our fight starts soon.
Once all turrets and warband placed:
- Warmaster Labofski: Forward! It's time to wipe these mongrels off the map, once and for all!
After the first wave:
- Rytlock Brimstone: They are bee-lining straight for our vehicle, just like we thought.
As Labofski approaches:
- Warmaster Labofski: We'll skin you all and raise your hides as victory banners!
- Warmaster Labofski: Ascalon will be be defeated!
- Warmaster Labofski: Enough! I'll kill you all myself!
After Labofski is defeated: (cinematics)
- Rytlock Brimstone: I'm impressed. You've brought the charr one step closer to putting these ghosts down. For good.
- <Character name>: Thank you, Tribune. Hey, Zemzer? You did well out there. If you're looking for a new warband, I'd be happy to have you in mine.
- Zemzer Undercut: Are you kidding? You saved my life and helped me avenge my warband. I'd be honored. I just don't know if Snarl would allow it.
- Rytlock Brimstone: He'll allow it. Torga owes me for some information I gave her on the Flame Legion. After the Ash tribune says yes, Snarl won't argue.
- Rytlock Brimstone: Goreblade will be proud, Legionnaire. You're sure you don't want to upgrade my cannons, too?
- <Character name>: Ha! If I had the time, sir, I would, but right now I've got to concentrate on my warband. We've still got a long way to go.
- Rytlock Brimstone: A pity, but that's the right answer. I'll be keeping an eye on your progress, so don't let me down. Dismissed!
Sparring partner response after the cinematic:
- Clawspur: One less ghost officer.
- Dinky: So that was an Ascalonian warmaster? Ha! "War hamster" is more like it!
- Euryale: Play dead, mouse. And if you come back, we'll be waiting.
- Maverick: Yeah! Who's the warmaster now?
- Reeva: Labofski is dead, we're heroes, and our armor still looks great. Mission accomplished.
- Luccia Wildeye: I couldn't hear. Did he wail when he died? I love it when they do that.
Speaking to Snarl Backdraft:
- Snarl Backdraft: Oh. I get it. "Iron sees a problem, builds a solution"...and leaves a big old mess. Have a nice march back to the citadel. We've got the clean up. As usual.
- Take as much time as you need. We'll leave a light on. Good luck, soldier.
Mail upon conclusion:
Smodur the Unflinching, Imperator of the Iron Legion Commendation and Congratulations On behalf of the High Legions and the entire Black Citadel, I offer heartfelt thanks and congratulations on your recent efforts in developing our anti-ghost weaponry. Your dedication to duty and performance as a newly commissioned legionnaire have both been exemplary, and have been duly noted in the official record. From this point forward, I shall be watching your progress with great interest and even greater expectations. Well done, soldier. —Smodur the Unflinching, Imperator of the Iron Legion |
My story[edit]
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