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Strike Mission: Kaineng Overlook

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Disambig icon.png "Kaineng Overlook" redirects here. For the open world point of interest, see Ministry of Security Headquarters.

Strike Mission: Kaineng Overlook

Ministry of Security- Main Headquarters loading screen.png
Loading screen


Strike Mission- Kaineng Overlook.jpg

Click to enlarge.

Strike Mission: Kaineng Overlook is the third Canthan strike mission for the Guild Wars 2: End of Dragons expansion, taking place on the roof of Ministry of Security Headquarters. It contains story details from, and is unlocked by the In the Name of the Law story step. Players that have not finished the story can not open the instance and will need to join another player that can.

Getting there[edit]

Players must own the End of Dragons expansion and be in a raid-mode (10 player) squad to join.

  • If the In the Name of the Law story step has been completed by any character of an account:
    • Interact with the Strike Mission (map icon).pngscrying stone at Point of interest (map icon).png Ministry of Security Headquarters in New Kaineng City; or,
    • Interact with the Strike Mission (map icon).pngscrying stone or Strike Mission (map icon).pngLyra in Arborstone (south-west of Waypoint (map icon).png Arborstone Waypoint).
  • Enter or be within Arborstone when the strike mission instance is opened.


  • Enter the circle to begin the Strike Mission.
  • Engage the enemy.
  • Defeat The Ministry of Security.
  • Minister Li
    Event bar.jpgEvent fist (tango icon).png
  • The Ritualist
    Event bar.jpgEvent fist (tango icon).png
  • The Mindblade
    Event bar.jpgEvent fist (tango icon).png
  • The Enforcer
    Event bar.jpgEvent fist (tango icon).png
  • The Mech Rider
    Event bar.jpgEvent fist (tango icon).png
  • The Sniper
    Event bar.jpgEvent fist (tango icon).png
  • Strike Mission complete!


Challenge Mode


The strike mission consists of five phases and six bosses, each with unique mechanics. Players must defeat Minister Li while dealing with intermission phases for every 33% of his health. Several mechanics carry personal responsibility and can result in lethal damage if handled incorrectly. This fight is more difficult than the Aetherblade Hideout and Xunlai Jade Junkyard strike missions; however due to their relative ease-of-difficulty compared to the Harvest Temple and Old Lion's Court strike missions, the three of these are collectively referred to by the community as the "EOD EZ3" strike missions.

The fight begins after hitting Minister Li on the lower platform.

Minister Li (Phase 1)[edit]

Health: 29,493,000 (42,469,920 if the Challenge Mode is active)
Enrage Timer: None (16 minutes if the Challenge Mode is active)
Enrage Effect: Defeats all players
Fixation Mechanics: Nearest player (The Enforcer, The Mech Rider, and The Mindblade)

Players must zip line (Jade Bot not required) to the upper platform he teleports to. Players who fall off the platform will take heavy damage.

As a Bladesworn, Minister Li mainly attacks with his gunsaber and Dragon Slashes; his attacks are slow and heavily telegraphed but extremely damaging:

Skill Notes
Artillery Slash Periodic attack inflicting low damage and Crippled.png Crippled.
Dragon Slash — Burst
Targets 3 random players, indicated by a roman numeral (Target Order-1 (overhead icon).png, Target Order-2 (overhead icon).png, Target Order-3 (overhead icon).png) and an orange screen border.
After 12 seconds, Minister Li fires a bolt at each target in sequential order, exploding upon impact and inflicting the Extreme Vulnerability.png Extreme Vulnerability (2s) effect in an area. This attack is both a slash (line AoE) and explosion around all hit players, both of which can be blocked, evaded, or sidestepped. It is imperative not to be in the path of this attack.
This attack deals lethal damage to players affected by Extreme Vulnerability.png Extreme Vulnerability: alive players will be downed whereas downed players will be defeated.

Ignore Minister Li's boss indicator because he will only slash towards marked players.

Dragon Slash — Rush
Faces a direction then dashes forwards (indicated by a red arrow), leaving behind multiple explosions. Players should stay away from his path or evade the dash immediately before the arrow disappears as a last resort. Non-channeled blocks are unreliable because the dash hits multiple times.
Dragon Slash — Wave
Slashes the area in front of him after a delay, dealing heavy damage and Launch.png launching players. Players should stand behind him, block, or evade this attack (must evade immediately after the orange attack indicator disappears). The launch can be negated with Stability.png Stability, unless the player would be downed by this attack (all boons lost upon downing).
Swift Cut
Steel Divide
Auto-attack chain in melee range when Minister Li returns to the center of the platform.

Minister Li targets the first player that used the Zip Line then slashes towards them. This phase then follows a fixed, repeating pattern: Dash to corner → Slash towards center → Dash to center → NumbersSlash towards a player. He will also periodically cast Artillery Slash.

Upon reaching 66% health, Minister Li launches all players back to the lower platform.

  • Players downed during a phase change and not promptly revived can be stuck on the top platform until the next phase is complete. Some attacks from these phases will also target you.
  • If the challenge mode is disabled while players are in the boss arena (past the green barrier), all bosses do not retreat to their perches as part of their initial animation. They will instead attack nearby players and are untargetable. Starting the fight by attacking Minister Li will reset them.

The Enforcer, Mindblade, and Ritualist (Phase 2)[edit]

Health (Enforcer & Mindblade): 8,680,800 each (11,797,200 each if the Challenge Mode is active)
Health (Ritualist): 8,684,800 (11,797,200 if the Challenge Mode is active)

Three bosses simultaneously spawn and each boast unique skills:

Boss Skill Notes
Enforcer Rushing Justice
Booming Command
Teleports to the center then dashes in an hourglass pattern, leaving flame trails that pulse damage and Burning.png Burning. Concludes with a whirling attack that rapidly deals heavy damage.
Sword of Wrath
Sword Arc
Sword Wave
Auto-attack chain.
Heaven's Palm
Targets themselves and 3 random players with an orange circle that explode after a delay, inflicting Extreme Vulnerability.png Extreme Vulnerability (1s). All allies within two or more circles take lethal damage. Unlike most Spread mechanics, this can be blocked or evaded.
Mindblade Flying Cutter
Flying Edge
Fan of Blades
Cutter Burst
Auto-attack chain, with the third attack firing five blades in a telegraphed cone. Follows-up with a fourth attack against players hit multiple times by Fan of Blades.
Storm of Swords Conjures 3 or 6 bladestorms around itself that slowly moves outwards, inflicting heavy damage and Torment.png Torment.
Ritualist Lightning Strike Auto-attack.
Spiritual Lightning Multiple small AoEs that remove boons.
Summon Spirit Teleports to the center and alternates between summoning untargetable Spirits of Destruction or Pain. These spirits channel a large AoE and deal heavy damage and heavy crowd control, depending on the pattern:
Four spirits: Players must stand at the corners of the arena to avoid getting hit and launched.
Two spirits: Players must stand under a spirit or along the longer edges of the arena to avoid getting hit and Pull.png pulled.

Both the Enforcer and Mindblade possess the Giant Growth.png Stronger Together effect. When in close proximity (indicated by a purple tether), both bosses gain the Crowd Favor.png Lethal Inspiration effect. This grants them life steal and converts conditions into boons every 10 seconds. It is thus important to keep them separated.

Additionally, both bosses fixate on the closest player every 30 seconds, indicated by the purple marker above their head from the Fixated.png Fixated (30s) effect and a clicking sound.

The Ritualist does not fixate on players or tether to any boss. He also periodically teleports to the center and the edge closest to the Zip Line. Because of this, one of the fixated players should lure their boss to wherever the Ritualist teleports to. The other fixated player meanwhile should keep their boss away. This allows for two bosses to be cleaved at once while avoiding boss empowerment due to proximity. The Mindblade is preferred to be cleaved on top of the Ritualist due to the Enforcer's frequent movement. Positioning all three bosses in a line can also allow players to cleave all three bosses at once with ranged AoEs or piercing attacks.

After defeating all three bosses, players must zip line to the upper platform and engage Minister Li once more until he reaches 33% health.

  • The Enforcer and Mindblade are affected by Immobile.png Immobile even though they have a defiance bar. This may delay in guiding them to the correct position.
  • The Enforcer's defiance bar is normally locked, but unlocks following the first fight attempt of the instance. Breaking the bar inflicts Stun.png Stun and Exposed.png Exposed

The zip line to Minister Li's platform reappears once all three bosses are defeated.

Minister Li (Phase 3)[edit]

This phase is identical to Phase 1 aside from an additional skill:

Skill Notes
Targeted Expulsion
Targets 5 players closest to Minister Li with an orange circle that explode after a delay, dealing unavoidable damage. Players standing within two or more overlapping circles will take massive damage.

The timing of the Spread mechanic overlaps with the Slash but will resolve in the following order: SlashSpread. Players should thus avoid these attacks in that order. Additionally, careful positioning allows for at most three targeted players to stack behind Minister Li without having players standing in overlapping AoEs.

Minister Li will always Dash to each corner, starting with the far-left corner (relative to the zip line). This phase follows a fixed, repeating pattern: 4 x [Dash to corner → Slash towards center with Spread] → Dash to Center → Numbers.

Upon reaching 33% health, Minister Li again launches players to the lower platform.

If the players are assigned the numbers by the Spread attack, but the boss is phased before the attack is fully completed, the players will be immobilized, unable to move away from the damaging AoEs, and killed. Especially dangerous in the Challenge Mode.

The Mech Rider and Sniper (Phase 4)[edit]

Health (Mech Rider): 19,662,000 (27,526,800 if the Challenge Mode is active)
Health (Sniper): 5,731,968 (11,797,200 if the Challenge Mode is active)

A duo of bosses spawn using the following skills:

Boss Skill Notes
Mech Destructive Aura Pulses medium damage to all players every 3 seconds upon gaining a stack of the Toxic Gas.png Destructive Aura effect. Additional stacks increase the total pulsing damage.
Electric Rain
Jade Lob
Occurs only if no target within melee range (see below for aggro mechanics). Targets a random ally with 4 successive barrages of 5 missiles, each dealing heavy damage. If still no target within melee range, fires a missile at a random player, leaving behind an AoE that pulses heavy damage.
If all players are outside of its Electric Rain attack range, it will keep performing its Jade Lob attack until a player is nearby.
Explosive Uppercut
Targets 2 random players, indicated by a roman numeral (Target Order-1 (overhead icon).png, Target Order-2 (overhead icon).png, Target Order-3 (overhead icon).png) and an orange screen border. After some time, the Mech Rider dashes towards each target in sequential order, inflicting damage, Extreme Vulnerability.png Extreme Vulnerability, Float.png Float, and additional projectiles on-hit.
Fall of the Axe Targets the nearest player in melee range with alternating thin and wide conal AoEs.
Jade Buster Cannon Targets the instance opener with a wide laser, pulsing massive damage. AoE is larger than telegraphed and includes part of the boss hitbox.
Jade Mine
All players are pushed back, with players closest to The Mech Rider pushed back with the greatest force. Simultaneously, jade mines are thrown onto the ground in 4 directions, each forming a line of five mines that explode upon contact.
Sniper Deadly Aim Auto-attack that inflicts Vulnerability.png Vulnerability per shot.
Destructive Aura Pulses medium damage to all players every 3 seconds upon gaining a stack of the Toxic Gas.png Destructive Aura effect. Additional stacks increase the total pulsing damage.
Jade Laser Shot
(Green Beam)
Shared Destruction
Targets a random player with a green, indestructible beam. A shot is fired after a delay, dealing massive unavoidable damage and splashing onto nearby players. Zip-lining to The Sniper and breaking her defiance bar will interrupt this attack. This attack is delayed when The Mech Rider's Numbers mechanic is active.
Simultaneously, a player will have the Green mechanic that explodes after a delay. This unavoidable damage can be reduced for each player within the circle prior to exploding.
Jade Ricochet
(Orange Beam)
Targeted Expulsion
Targets the player closest to its current perch with an orange beam and a point-blank red AoE ring. A shot is fired after a delay, dealing heavy damage and ricocheting onto players standing within this AoE ring. This attack is delayed when The Mech Rider's Numbers mechanic is active.
The ricochet deals significantly more damage and can also hit nearby players outside the AoE. No ricochet occurs if only the target is within the red AoE ring when the shot is fired. This is avoidable damage and susceptible to projectile-related skills, such as projectile destruction and reflects.
Simultaneously, all players will have the Spread mechanic that inflicts unavoidable damage and Extreme Vulnerability.png Extreme Vulnerability. Players must avoid standing in overlapping AoEs.
Spotter's Shot Auto-attack that inflicts Crippled.png Crippled and self-applies Fury.png Fury and Vigor.png Vigor.
Three Round Burst Auto-attack that fires three shots and self-applies Might.png3 Might per shot.

The Synchronized Vitality.png Vitality Equalizer effect on both bosses grant them stacks of the Equalization Matrix.png Equalization Matrix effect equal to the percent health difference between both of them (max 20 stacks, or 20% health difference). This resets to 0 after going above 20 stacks, equalizing the health for both bosses (100% and 80% health → 2 x 90% health) and applying to them Toxic Gas.png1 Destructive Aura. Each effect stack is independent and pulses medium damage to all players. Most groups can outheal 1–2 stacks of this and can thus be less strict with keeping both bosses within 20% of each other. This can speed up the encounter, especially if groups focus on the The Sniper due to her having four times less total health.

The Mech Rider fixates on the player closest and in front of it in melee range and within line of sight. If no valid target, The Mech Rider may also target the player directly behind it within melee range. Proper mech tanking prevents the boss from using its ranged attacks, significantly reducing the overall damage pressure. If the fixated player is no longer in range of being a viable melee target or moves at too far of an angle away from The Mech Rider's line of sight, the boss will perform its Electric Rain attack. If there is still no valid player within melee range at the attack's conclusion, the boss will continue with either this or the Jade Lob attacks until then.

The Sniper occasionally teleports on top of a nearby perch then targets a player for a sniper shot, alternating between Jade Ricochet (orange) and Jade Laser Shot (green) after each teleport. Both shots can be dealt in two ways:

  • Tank and ignore: Targeted player(s) tanks both attacks away from the group then healed or mass-revived.
  • Intended strategy: Targeted player avoids the orange shot (ricochet will not occur if initial shot does not hit). Players zip line to The Sniper and break her defiance bar to interrupt the green shot. The nearby teleporter unlocks after breaking the bar. Otherwise, players must glide down and take heavy damage. The bar is fairly weak and can be broken by a single player with enough crowd control skills and modifiers. Conditions applied to the boss prior to her teleporting will also passively damage the bar.

After defeating both bosses, players must zip line to the upper platform and engage Minister Li one final time.

  • The Green mechanic can spawn on a defeated player, rendering it not present during some parts of the fight.
  • Resetting during this phase for any reason may cause The Mech Rider to continue attacking players on the next attempt for the entire fight (i.e. firing its laser attack with telegraphs visible), for all phases until it appears normally. The fight is otherwise normal, as The Mech Rider will not be able to hit players directly from its spawn position. However, it is possible for the boss to become friendly or untargetable and therefore cause the fight to stall, requiring a complete reset of the strike mission.
  • The Mech Rider's Numbers attack does not apply the Extreme Vulnerability effect, rendering the attack effectively harmless. This is corrected in the challenge mode.

Minister Li (Phase 5)[edit]

This phase is identical to Phase 3 aside from an additional skill:

Skill Notes
Shared Destruction
Targets 1 random player with a green circle that explodes after a delay, dealing unavoidable damage. Each additional player within the circle reduces the damage taken by the entire squad. [verification requested]

The timing of the Spread and Green mechanics overlaps with the Slash but will resolve in the following order: SlashSpreadGreen. Players should thus avoid these attacks in that order.

The player targeted with Green should ideally stay behind the boss to avoid getting launched. Players not targeted with a mechanic should stand within the green circle. Players marked with the Spread mechanic must first avoid overlapping their AoEs, then immediately rush into the green circle.

This phase follows a fixed, repeating pattern: 2 x [Dash to corner → NumbersDash to corner → Slash towards center, with Spread and Green] → Dash to center → Slash towards a player, with Spread and Green

Minister Li yields upon reaching 0% health.

Challenge Mode[edit]


There are several differences between the normal and challenge mode versions of the fight:

  • Players have 16 minutes to complete the entire encounter.
  • All platforms no longer have railings. Falling off the platform now be instantly defeats players.
Monster buffs
  • Increased boss health and damage
  • Increased defiance bar strength for The Sniper
  • Additional and altered boss mechanics
Mechanical changes
Mechanic Notes
New Skills
Enhanced Destructive Aura Pulses heavy damage to all players every 3 seconds upon gaining a stack of the Toxic Gas.png Enhanced Destructive Aura effect. Additional stacks increase the total pulsing damage. Breaks barrier and corrupts boons per hit.
Rain of Blades Targets 2 random players with a large AoE. After 7 seconds, drops an AoE below each target every 2 seconds for a total of 5 times. The AoEs inflict heavy damage on-hit.
Updated Skills
Dragon Slash—Burst
Unavoidable damage, targets 5 random players, and the slash (line AoE) no longer hits non-targeted players. Deals damage on each subsequent tick if players avoid it.
Drops a small red AoE for 20 seconds under each target affected by Extreme Vulnerability.png Extreme Vulnerability. The AoE also inflicts the same effect and deals lethal damage per tick.
Dragon Slash — Wave
Unavoidable damage and no longer has an AoE telegraph.
Explosive Uppercut
Targets 5 random players.
Fall of the Axe Inflicts Debilitated.png1 Debilitated per hit.
Heaven's Palm
Targets all players with larger AoEs.
Jade Lob Inflicts Exposed.png1 Exposed.
Jade Laser Shot
(Red Beam)
A red beam that instantly defeats players on-hit. Only interrupted by breaking The Sniper's defiance bar.
Jade Ricochet
(Yellow Beam)
A yellow indestructible beam that inflicts unavoidable damage to the target and any player within the ricochet range. Three total shots target the player(s) closest to the Sniper's current perch prior to teleporting to the next perch (either all clockwise or counter-clockwise).
Rushing Justice
Booming Command
Blue flames inflict Debilitating Void.png1 Infirmity, the Taunt.png Taunt AoE is much larger, and blue orbs emerge from the whirl and inflict Debilitated.png1 Debilitated
Shared Destruction
Requires at least 3 players, otherwise failure deals lethal damage to all players. Spawns during all phases.
Storm of Swords Inflicts Debilitating Void.png1 Infirmity.
Summon Spirit Summons more spirits.
Targeted Expulsion
Now targets 4 random players but with larger AoEs. Additionally spawns in Phase 1.
New Effects
Debilitated.png Debilitated (30s) Applied to players, reducing outgoing damage by 25% per stack.
Toxic Gas.png Enhanced Destructive Aura Applied to The Mech Rider and The Sniper upon equalization. Grants them access to the Enhanced Destructive Aura skill.
Exposed.png Exposed (60s) Applied to players, increase damage taken by 25% per stack.
Debilitating Void.png Infirmity Applied to players, reducing incoming healing by 25% per stack.

In-depth guide[edit]

Minister Li (Phases 1, 3, 5)[edit]
  • The slash no longer has an indicator and is now unblockable and unavoidable.
  • Greens now start spawning during the first phase. Two can also spawn simultaneously during the third and fifth phases.
  • The Numbers mechanic marks five players. Players affected by Extreme Vulnerability.png Extreme Vulnerability will be defeated if hit by another burst, bypassing the downstate entirely.
    • Additionally, marked players targeted by a burst will each drop a small, red puddle below themselves. These long-lasting fields deal lethal damage after a short activation period. Evading the burst will slightly delay the placement of the red puddle.
    • The waves will now only explode on marked players. Marked players can therefore take advantage of the full arena to reposition themselves, while unmarked players can stay anywhere in the middle to avoid the bursts.
  • In third and fifth phase, the Spread AoEs are much larger but now only target the four (rather than five) players closest to Minister Li.
Phase Notes
Phase 1 Minister Li first slashes towards the entryway once someone takes the Zip Line, then attacks in the following repeating pattern:
Dash to corner → Slash towards center with 1x GreensDash to center → NumbersSlash with 1x Greens towards a player
Phase 3 Minister Li starts by dashing to the far-left corner (from the Zip Line) and goes clockwise to around the platform. The pattern in this phase is as follows:
[Dash to corner → Slash with 2x GreensDash to corner → Slash with Spread] x 2 → Dash to center → Numbers (center)
Phase 5 Overlapping mechanic are now tied to where Minister Li is currently positioned: SW, SE, NE, NW, Center. The initial pattern starts at the far-left corner and goes counterclockwise:
Spread with NumbersDash to corner → Slash, with Spread and 2x GreensDash to corner → 2x Greens with NumbersDash to corner → Slash, with Spread and 2x GreensDash to center → [Spread with 1x Greens and Numbers (center)] x 2

These mechanics deal damage in the following order and should be prioritized accordingly, with the slash and numbers mechanics never occurring simultaneously: SlashSpreadGreensNumbers
The Enforcer, Ritualist, and Mindblade (Phase 2)[edit]
The Enforcer
  • The flame trails from his dashes will now apply the Debilitating Void.png Infirmity debuff on hit, reducing incoming healing by 25% per stack every second. It is imperative to avoid these trails or players cannot be healed nor revived upon reaching four stacks of the debuff. Players affected by this debuff must take extra caution in avoiding damage.
  • Following his dash sequence, The Enforcer's whirling attack in the center of the arena is accompanied by an additional outer ring that applies Taunt.png Taunt on hit. Players should either apply Stability.png Stability or avoid the outer ring to avoid involuntarily running into his whirling attack. The Enforcer will also simultaneously fire onto the ground several blue orbs that apply the Debilitated.png Debilitated debuff on hit, reducing outgoing damage by 25%.
  • All players on the platform will now be marked with the Spread mechanic, which are now much larger.
The Ritualist
  • The Ritualist's lightning storm spawns much more projectiles, making it more difficult to avoid the boonstrip.
  • The spirit summon mechanic is slightly adjusted:
    • Two random players will be marked with Greens. The marked players should ideally stack on top of each other to avoid splitting the group.
    • The spirit attacks are much larger and do extreme damage.
    • More spirits spawn in each pattern and the safe zones are slightly changed:
      • Five spirits: Players must stand on the edges of the arena to avoid getting hit.
      • Four spirits: Players must stand under a spirit to avoid getting hit.
The Mindblade
  • Two players will be marked with a large, timed orange circle. Each time the circle is filled (for a total of five times), a rain of swords is dropped underneath the player and persists for some time. Marked players should ideally place these on the short edges of the arena to maximize the area players can move around in for mechanics.
  • The Mindblade will also now spawn six Unstable Bladestorms instead of a mix of three and six.
The Mech Rider and Sniper (Phase 4)[edit]

An upgraded version of the Destructive Aura skill now occurs when the Synchronized Vitality.png Vitality Equalizer effect is triggered. This skill corrupts all boons in addition to the existing pulsing damage.

The Mech Rider
  • The Mech Rider's punches do more damage and apply the debilitated effect, reducing outgoing damage.
  • Its barrage of jade missiles now apply long-lasting Exposed.png Exposed on hit.
  • Five (instead of two) players will be marked with the Numbers mechanic. Players hit by the explosive punch will be afflicted with Extreme Vulnerability.png Extreme Vulnerability and will be defeated if hit by another one.
  • When the Mech Rider uses its pushback or laser attacks, four players will be marked with the Spread mechanic. These players must spread away from the group as well as countering the continuous push from the boss.
    • The pushback simultaneously spawns Greens on two random players. These players should ideally stack on top of each other to avoid splitting the group.
The Sniper
  • As before, The Sniper alternates between two types of sniper shots each time when she teleports. Both shots are indestructible, unavoidable, and cannot be reflected:
    • Jade Ricochet (Yellow laser): The player closest to The Sniper's current perch will be the first target and have a barely visible red outlined circle following them. After the first shot is fired, The Sniper chooses a new target, which is again the player closest to her current (first) perch, and then instantly teleports either clockwise or counter-clockwise to her second perch. On the second perch, she fires her second shot, chooses a new target, and teleports to her third perch in the same direction as before. On this third and final perch, she fires the last shot. The first shot activates after about 10 seconds, with subsequent shots each occurring after about 4 seconds. The Spread mechanic simultaneously spawns under all players when The Sniper teleports away.
    • Jade Laser Shot (Red laser): In CM, this laser is red instead of green. Any players hit or splashed by this shot will be defeated. This attack is interrupted by breaking The Sniper's defiance bar. Greens simultaneously spawns under a player. Take care to complete the green circle mechanic prior to zip lining to The Sniper.

This phase follows a strict, repeating pattern for the special mechanics (each surrounded by brackets):
[Pushback with 4x Spread and 2x Greens] → [Sniper Shot (Yellow) with All Spread] and [Mech Laser with 4x Spread] on third fixate → [Sniper Laser (Red) with 1x Greens] → [Mech Numbers] and [Sniper Shot (Yellow) with All Spread] on IV then [Mech Laser with 4x Spread] on third fixate → [Sniper Laser (Red) with 1x Greens]





Stats of encounter relevant enemies[edit]

Enemy Health Health (CM) Defiance Bar Defiance Bar (CM)
Minister Li 29,493,000 42,469,920
The Enforcer 8,680,800 11,797,200
The Ritualist 8,684,800 11,797,200
The Mindblade 8,680,800 11,797,200
The Mech Rider 19,662,000 27,526,800
The Sniper 5,731,968 11,797,200 600 1,000
Refills 30 per second.


Engaging Minister Li in combat
Minister Li: Usually I prefer to handle these matters in private. But as deathbeds go, you could do worse. Enjoy the view.
Minister Li defeating everyone (one of the following)
Minister Li: Pathetic.
Minister Li: Hm.
Minister Li: Classless foreigners.
Minister Li: Pathetic display. I expected more.
Phasing Minister Li to 66% health
Minister Li: I represent Cantha's future! You're mere pests in the way!
Enforcer, Mindblade and Ritualist spawning
The Enforcer: This is the best part of the job.
The Mindblade: Got your jail cell ready! Fluffed the pillow myself.
The Ritualist: Stay synchronized, you two! Strength in pairs!
Defeating either the Mindblade or Enforcer
<Squad commander>: Do you know who you're dealing with?
Defeating The Ritualist(?)
The Ritualist: No need to be ostentatious, now. It's unbecoming.
Defeating all three minibosses
Minister Li: You think you're any match for me? (scoff)
Phasing Minister Li to 33% health
Minister Li: Vile fools! How dare you soil my nation!
Mech Rider and Sniper spawning
Minister Li: Guards: bring them dead or alive. Makes no difference.
The Mech Rider: You heard the boss. Ready. Aim...
The Sniper: You? (chuckles) Easy.
Sniper teleporting to a rooftop (one of the following)
The Sniper: Trite. At best.
The Sniper: Night night.
Defeating one of the minibosses
<Squad commander>: I've had enough of you goons!
Final confrontation with Minister Li
Minister Li: I'll dispose of you myself, you scum!
Defeating Minister Li
Minister Li: Enough! ENOUGH! I concede.

Related achievements[edit]

Requires challenge mode

Version history[edit]

Patch Changes
November 19, 2024
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the Enforcer and the Mindblade to fixate on the same player.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the Sniper to become friendly and fail to disappear when reaching 1% health.
August 22, 2023 Secrets of the Obscure release:
June 29, 2022
  • Fixed an issue in which the Debilitating Void.png Infirmity effect improperly affected incoming healing on the target.
June 28, 2022
June 07, 2022
  • Fixed an issue where the challenge mode enrage timer was active in the background during the normal mode.
  • The Mech Rider will no longer sometimes turn friendly and stall progression when defeated.
May 25, 2022
  • Fixed an issue in which certain achievements were incorrectly awarded to players without the challenge mode active.
  • Fixed an issue in which completing the challenge mode did not award players with the appropriate rewards.
May 24, 2022
  • Added the challenge mode to the game.
  • (Undocumented) Changed The Mech Rider's Explosive Uppercut (Numbers) mechanic to target 2 players instead of 4 players.
March 29, 2022
March 04, 2022
  • Fixed an issue in which being downed during a phase transition could result in players becoming stuck on the wrong platform.
February 28, 2022 End of Dragons release:
  • Strike Mission: Kaineng Overlook has been added to the game.


  • The achievement "A Test of Your Reflexes" may be a reference to Zenos yae Galvus from Final Fantasy XIV. His final fight, where the line was one of his audio cues, was highly telegraphed, much like the fight with Minister Li. Zenos also first appeared as a Samurai, similar to a Bladesworn. The line was so frequent that it became a popular community meme.