Janthir Syntri Field Research
Janthir Syntri Field Research is a book found at the Durmand Priory during Trial and Error.
Story involvement[edit]
- Storage Area—The southern part of the western room.
Symbiosis of Progenitors and Spawn
After killing multiple titanspawn with his hunting party, lowland kodan Born from Thunder speculated that smaller spawned titans were acting as ancillary limbs for larger progenitor titans. Battle accounts from the former Pact commander and allies support these claims. We know these progenitor titans to be Greer, Decima, and, most recently, Ura.
Presence and Migration
The titanspawn are spread out across the isles and have made landfall across Lowland Shore, threating the kodan inhabitants. While their exact origin point is still unknown, early sightings place them near Mount Balrior.
Inner Core Biology
Accounts from lowlander Rainless Meadow cited the progenitor titan Greer as having a glowing inner core, exposed upon damage to his body's exterior armor. A similar core was seen by the former Pact commander and allies during an altercation with Decima, suggesting a biological consistency. Both accounts note the core's sensitivity to outside forces.
Communication Practices
Accounts of the progenitor titans suggest an ability to communicate among themselves and with their opponents across great distances using stormlike calls and other interspecies communication. This information has been confirmed by Astral Ward scout Branwen, the former Pact commander, Caithe, and Malice.
Bloodstone: Restoration and Regeneration
Concerningly, accounts from Astral Ward member Paela claim that the progenitors and spawns alike seem highly drawn to bloodstone. Many have been spotted feeding upon bloodstone shards to promote regeneration, in addition to requiring additional rest. Similar findings were noted in field research conducted by the former Pact commander, Caithe, and Malice.