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Zojja's Journal: Skyward Marches

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Zojja's Journal: Skyward Marches is an achievement in Skywatch Archipelago to recollect missing pages from Zojja's Journal in the area around Skyward Marches.


This achievement requires at least one completed objective to become visible. Zojja's Journal: Skyward Marches The Wizard's Tower 1Achievement points
Collect all of Zojja's journal pages in the Skyward Marches fractal.
Objectives: 4 objectives in total
  • Restore purpose to the Zaishen of Skyward Marches.
  • Page Location: Skyward Marches, at the ward's western camp.
  • Page Location: Skyward Marches, where a cliff overlooks good and evil.
  • Page Location: Skyward Marches, atop a village building caressed by the wind.
Collected 4 Pages 1Achievement points


Objective Location Notes


Elona Studies 1

This fractal is absolutely curious. I've never been to our Elona, since I wasn't... I mean, I was... Bah. Not important. Not right now. I did read about the whole situation, though; Balthazar, Kralkatorrik. The commander...getting hurt.

At the start of Balthazar's campaign, the Zaishen were more than willing to go to war for their god. Now that he's betrayed them, some don't know what to do with themselves. I don't know how I would feel if the commander ever betrayed us while we were fighting the Elder Dragons.

The fact that the commander failed in this version of reality... I hope they didn't suffer. My commander--OUR commander--wouldn't let that happen. Heck, according to the Astral Ward's records, they died and came back somehow. Isgarren might view that as threatening, but I think they were just being stubborn. The best kind of stubborn.

To make matters's starting. Exactly as Isgarren and Mabon said. They're here. The Kryptis. They've finally come. Mabon said that they're from the Nayos, the demon realm. He seemed almost...bittersweet about it? But mostly worried. Frode's rallying our troops now. It's probably war.

Elona Studies 2

What the Forged are doing to these people is horrible. They're turning them into war machines against their will to continue Balthazar's nonsense quest. I'm glad reality didn't play out like this, for a few reasons.

These people just want to live their lives without conflict, not become meat bags in some warmonger's never-ending debacle. Even worse, their despair is starting to attract Kryptis left and right; they consume emotion, so of course, the fractals are ripe with confusion and pain. And even more are coming in from Nayos each day. I have a horrible feeling about what this place might become... The fractals are blood in water.

I know the commander beat Balthazar (in our reality, at least), but seeing what could've been is...a lot. There would be so much suffering without you. Wherever you are, I hope you know that. And I kinda wish you were here.

Elona Studies 3

To make matters even more strange, Joko is the one leading the resistance against Balthazar in this fractal. Dzalana is still under heavy occupation by the Forged, and those who do fight here don't last long. You learn to admire their courage from afar... Especially since they're not just fighting back against the Forged, but also the Kryptis.

Although this region has been devastated, their resilience is phenomenal. Seeing the commander fail though... That's horrifying even in a theoretical setting. I'm having a hard time separating those fears from reality...

After all, these fractals are REAL now. These people are REAL. Does that mean some version of the commander was, too...? I don't think I could stomach it... I've had a headache ever since the fractals emerged from the Mists, with the Kryptis following behind... I hope we can get the spire functional again soon.

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