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Convince Zaishen deserters not to return to the Forged stronghold

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Convince Zaishen deserters not to return to the Forged stronghold

Interactive map

Interactive map

Convince Zaishen deserters not to return to the Forged stronghold is a level 80 event that occurs at the Point of interest (map icon).png Farisan Village in Skyward Marches.


  • Zaishen Convinced
  • Event bar empty2.jpg


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 26,670 Experience.png 378 Karma 88 Copper coin
Silver 20,003 Experience.png 284 Karma 66 Copper coin
Bronze 13,335 Experience.png 189 Karma 44 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 80 player.





The event is available after the event Help the Astral Ward drive back the Forged ends. To start this event, speak with Refugee Coordinator Zaya.

The goal is to convince Zaishen Warriors to not return to the Forged Stronghold, by picking one of three dialogue options. If you pick the wrong option, enemies will spawn, and you'll have to defeat them before you get a new chance at convincing the Zaishen Warrior.

Below are some of the dialogue options (correct options are bolded):

Zaishen Warrior: I've seen what happens to those who resist. What they do to them... Maybe I should just go willingly.
Ferocity This situation is scary, but you have the strength to resist.
You''re right. Even being on the run is less terrifying than how it was before.
Talk end option tango.png You can do this. I believe in you.
Dignity You can't just let them control you that way.
This was a mistake - now our punishment will be even worse.
Talk end option tango.png That's not what I meant.
Charisma You're not walking this path alone - there are others who share your pain.
That only makes things worse!
Talk end option tango.png Well, that backfired.
Zaishen Warrior: Without my service to Balthazar and the family I left behind, what meaning does my life even have? I can't afford to lose that.
Ferocity None of our lives have any real meaning. Don't get hung up on that.
What kind of an answer is that? Do you think this is a joke or something?
Talk end option tango.png Not really, no...
Dignity The Forged aren't the people you once know. They've been changed.
That's even worse! How am I supposed to live with that knowledge?
Talk end option tango.png I...didn't think about that.
Charisma You've lost a lot, but if you give in to them, you'll lose everything.
I'll keep going, then, to preserve the memory of everything that was lost.
Talk end option tango.png You're doing the best thing you can for them.
Zaishen Warrior: You should never have gotten involved. You're only going to make things worse. That's what you always do.
Charisma You can't change what happened, but that doesn't mean you can't atone.
The only one who needs to atone is you.
Talk end option tango.png Wish I knew what to say to that.
Ferocity You're right to be angry, but it should be at Balthazar and the Forged.
Then I will turn my hatred on the Forged for now. And maybe, when this is all over, I'll think about forgiving you.
Talk end option tango.png I'll wait until that day, then.
Dignity There's still hope for the future if you choose to follow your own path.
Maybe that means getting far away from you.
Talk end option tango.png Kind of walked right into that one, I guess.


Before the event starts
Refugee Coordinator Zaya: No, that's not... Commander, I could use some help here.
Zaishen Warrior: What's the point? We can't run forever.
Zaishen Warrior: I can't believe I let you talk me into leaving.
Refugee Coordinator Zaya: The Zaishen are losing hope, and if they return and let themselves become Forged...
Refugee Coordinator Zaya: Needless to say, it's bad for everyone. Please, talk to them.
Event success
Refugee Coordinator Zaya: They seem to be calming down...for now. I think that's all we can hope for.
Refugee Coordinator Zaya: What happened here is our fault, not yours, but you've helped to make things right. I won't forget that.

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