Character biography layout based on User:Kymtastic/Template:CharacterBio, but includes elite specialization related stuff, such as weapons and skills.
- name
- Required. A character's name. Defaults to "Unnamed".
- level
- Optional. A character's level. Defaults to 80.
- race
- Advised. A character's race.
- sex
- Optional. A character's sex. Male or Female.
- profession
- Advised. A character's profession.
- espec
- Optional. A character's elite specialization.
- profession-a
- Optional. An answer to the profession question of a character's biography.
- personality-a
- Optional. An answer to the personality question of a character's biography.
- race-a.1
- Optional. An answer to the first race question of a character's biography.
- race-a.2
- Optional. An answer to the second race question of a character's biography.
- race-a.3
- Optional. An answer to the third race question of a character's biography.
- order
- Optional. A character's order.
- represent
- Optional. A character's main guild affiliation.
- craft-1
- Optional. A character's first crafting vocation.
- craft-1-level
- Optional. Crafting 1's level.
- craft-2
- Optional. A character's second crafting vocation.
- craft-2-level
- Optional. Crafting 2's level.
- genesis
- Optional. A character's personal story choices.
- description
- Optional. A character's description and adventures.
- skillbar
- Optional. Indicates if the skill bar should be shown.
If you use the skillbar option, click show to see its configuration parameters.
- attunement
- Optional. Attunement to display preferentially (for elementalists only).
- pet
- Optional. Companion or pet to display preferentially.
- pet-skill
- Optional. Companion's special skill (for rangers only). Defaults to known pet's association.
- amphibious-pet
- Not implemented.
- underwater-pet
- Optional. Alternate animal companion when underwater (rangers only). Defaults to none.
- ws-e
- Optional. Prefered environmental weapon to display (including forms).
- ws-1.1
- Optional. A character's weapon of choice.
- ws-1.2
- Optional. The associated offhand weapon of the primary set.
- ws-2.1
- Optional. A character's second weapon choice.
- ws-2.1
- Optional. The associated off-hand weapon of the secondary set.
- h
- Optional. Healing skill.
- u-1
- Optional. Utility skill 1.
- u-2
- Optional. Utility skill 2.
- u-3
- Optional. Utility skill 3.
- e
- Optional. Elite skill.
- uw-h
- Optional. Underwater healing skill.
- uw-u-1
- Optional. Underwater utility skill 1.
- uw-u-2
- Optional. Underwater utility skill 2.
- uw-u-3
- Optional. Underwater utility skill 3.
- uw-e
- Optional. Underwater elite skill.
- head
- Optional. Head armor.
- shoulder
- Optional. Shoulder armor.
- chest
- Optional. Chest armor.
- hand
- Optional. Hand armor.
- leg
- Optional. Leg armor.
- foot
- Optional. Foot armor.
- mainhand-1
- Optional. Mainhand, 1st set.
- offhand-1
- Optional. Off-hand, 1st set.
- mainhand-2
- Optional. Mainhand, 2nd set.
- offhand-2
- Optional. Mainhand, 2nd set.
- back-item
- Optional. Back item.
- accessory-1
- Optional. Accessory 1.
- accessory-2
- Optional. Accessory 2.
- amulet
- Optional. Amulet.
- ring-1
- Optional. Ring 1.
- ring-2
- Optional. Ring 2.
- profile-img
- Not implemented. A profile image, preferably of the dimensions 325x273. Defaults to nothing.
- bg-img
- Optional. A background image, preferably of the dimensions 800x600.
- Defaults to none (transparent background).
- Possible values, 'none' (as above) and 'default' to use File:Professions reveal 1 (Formidable).jpg.
- bg-size
- Customisation. Size of the background image (clipped to 800x600).
- Accepted values as in [[File:<image>|<size>]].
- Resizing by width : <width>px
- Resizing by height : x<height>px
- Specific size : <width>x<height>px
- Defaults to 800x600px.
More visual customization parameters are available, click show to have a look.
- bg-top
- Customisation. Not implemented. Shifts the background image from the top (in pixels). Defaults to 0.
- bg-left
- Customisation. Not implemented. Shifts the background image from the left (in pixels). Defaults to 0.
- bg-color
- Not implemented. Color of the background. Defaults to transparent.
- name-style
- Customisation. The title (character's name)'s text font style.
- Defaults to font-family:Papyrus; font-size:1.6em; font-weight:bold; color:inherent;.
- font-color
- Customisation. The text's color. Defaults to black.
- font-family
- Customisation. The text's font-family. Defaults to Times New Roman.
- font-size
- Customisation. The text's font-size. Defaults to 9pt.
- link-color
- Customisation. The color of hyperlink text. Defaults to wiki colors (blue/red). Note that mouseover underline will continue to be wiki default :\ No getting around this that I can see.
- link-bg
- Customisation. The shadow color of hyperlink text. Defaults to wiki colors (blue/red) if no link-color defined. Otherwise, link-color used.
- palette-color
- Customisation. The palette's hexadecimal color. Defaults to grey.
- palette-left-color
- Customisation. The palette's hexadecimal color. Defaults to grey.
- palette-right-color
- Customisation. The palette's hexadecimal color. Defaults to grey.
- palette-opacity
- Customisation. The palette's opacity on a scale of 0.0 (transparent) to 1.0 (opaque). Defaults to 0.4.
- palette-left-opacity
- Customisation. The palette's opacity on a scale of 0.0 (transparent) to 1.0 (opaque). Defaults to 0.9.
- palette-right-opacity
- Customisation. The palette's opacity on a scale of 0.0 (transparent) to 1.0 (opaque). Defaults to 0.9.
Asura Mesmer w/skillbar & gear[edit]
Level: 80
Race: Asura
Affiliation: Kamilia (KARA)
Order: Durmand Priory
Profession: Mesmer
Elite Spec: Mirage
Crafting Professions:
Favorite Weapons:
Though trouble may follow me, I overcome it with charm. I'm a member in good standing of the College of Dynamics.
My first invention was the VAL-A golem, and one day, my adoring fans will say that I have surpassed even my first advisor, Master Blipp.
To the world, I'm never without my harlequin's smile.
| name = Hamtasy
| birth = 1325 AE
| race = Asura
| sex = Female
| profession = Mesmer
| espec = Mirage
| profession-a = Harlequin's Smile
| personality-a = Charm
| race-a.1 = Blipp
| race-a.2 = Golem
| race-a.3 = Dynamics
| order = Durmand Priory
| represent = Kamilia (KARA)
| craft-1 = Artificer
| craft-1-level = 500
| craft-2 = Tailor
| craft-2-level = 450
| description =
Though trouble may follow me, I overcome it with charm. I'm a member in good standing of the College of Dynamics.
My first invention was the VAL-A golem, and one day, my adoring fans will say that I have surpassed even my first advisor, Master Blipp.
To the world, I'm never without my harlequin's smile.
| skillbar = true
| ws-1.1 = Axe
| ws-1.2 = Torch
| ws-2.1 = Scepter
| ws-2.2 = Sword
| h = False Oasis
| u-1 = Signet of Midnight
| u-2 = Signet of Domination
| u-3 = Signet of Illusions
| e = Jaunt
| highlight = true
| bg-img = File:Asura and golems concept art.jpg
| head = Yassith's Masque
| shoulder = Yassith's Epaulets
| chest = Yassith's Doublet
| hand = Yassith's Wristguards
| leg = Yassith's Breeches
| foot = Yassith's Footwear
| mainhand-1 = Yassith's Reaver
| offhand-1 = Yassith's Brazier
| mainhand-2 = Yassith's Wand
| offhand-2 = Yassith's Blade
| back-item = Ensign Banners of Amnoon
| accessory-1 = Anton's Secret
| accessory-2 = Fledgling Charm
| amulet = Luxon Pendant
| ring-1 = Palawa Joko's Finger Cuff
| ring-2 = Barbed Signet