Speaker of the Dead
Speaker of the Dead
- Year
- 1325 AE
- Storyline
- Personal story
- Chapter
- Traitor to the Queen
- Location
- Hezran Outcrops
(Gendarran Fields)
Salma District
(Divinity's Reach) - Level
- 30
- Race
- Preceded by
- Track the Seraph
Triskell Quay - Followed by
The Queen's Justice
The Trap
Kellach's Attack
- 147
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Speaker of the Dead is part of the personal story of human characters. It is selected by siding with Scholar Josir & the Durmand Priory in the previous mission.
At the end of this story chapter, the character must choose an Order to join. This choice is permanent and cannot be changed.
Summon and question the ghost of Alastia Crow
- Meet Josir and his contact east of the Hezran Outcrops.
- Participate in the ritual.
- Destroy the rogue spirits.
- Talk to Alastia Crow.
Return to Divinity's Reach and speak to Captain Thackeray
- Speak with Logan and the Order representatives.
- Confer with Logan.
- Pick an Order of Tyria to join, and with it, a plan to save the queen.
Click here to edit the reward data
- All professions
- Bag of Loot (3)
- Profession-specific
One of the following: Vigorous Iron Hammer, Rejuvenating Iron Mace, Honed Iron Greatsword
One of the following: Vigorous Iron Hammer, Rejuvenating Iron Mace, Rejuvenating Simple Staff
One of the following: Honed Iron Greatsword, Vigorous Iron Hammer, Honed Iron Rifle
One of the following: Ravaging Iron Pistol, Honed Iron Rifle, Hearty Iron Shield
One of the following: Honed Iron Greatsword, Hunter's Journeymen Longbow, Ravaging Simple Short Bow
One of the following: Ravaging Iron Sword, Ravaging Simple Short Bow, Ravaging Iron Pistol
One of the following: Ravaging Iron Dagger, Ravaging Simple Scepter, Rejuvenating Simple Staff
One of the following: Honed Iron Greatsword, Rejuvenating Simple Staff, Ravaging Iron Sword
One of the following: Ravaging Simple Scepter, Ravaging Iron Dagger, Rejuvenating Simple Staff
Travel with Josir and Rhie to the ritual site. Once it begins, 3 portals will spawn - to the left, right, and center. Each portal will spawn 2-3 Shades in succession, which will go and stand by the middle portal if they don't detect you or Josir. If you need to heal or would like Josir to heal up, move to the candles as far as you can; Josir will follow. Eventually, a veteran Lesser Bladed Aatxe will appear from the center portal. Kiting it works well. Afterwards, the spirit of Alastia Crow appears and you learn of Kellach's plan to assassinate Queen Jennah.
The plot branches here - you must pick one Order to join permanently, with your first mission being to save the Queen.
- In Hezran Outcrops
- In Salma District
- Humans
- Agent Ihan
- Crusader Hiroki
- Logan Thackeray
- Scholar Josir
- Standard instance NPCs
At Hezran Outcrops[edit]
Talking with Rhie before ritual:
- Priestess Rhie: Oh, excuse me. I'm running through the ritual in my head one last time. There's no room for error, you know.
- Six Gods?
- Once, the Six Gods of the humans were very influential. As time passed, they pulled away—but they have not abandoned us.
- No one knows. Not into the Mists, that's for certain. Perhaps they simply want to allow us to decide our own fates.
- Very interesting. May I ask another question?
- Thank you for the information. I'll leave you to your thoughts.
Where have they gone?
- Interesting, thank you.
Can you tell me more about the - Grenth? What does that mean?
- Grenth is the god of death and ice. He is the son of Dwayna, but he became a god by his own hand.
- I am his foremost priestess. I work with the Priory, and one day I hope to purify his ancient temple in Orr.
- Wow, you are ambitious. Can I ask another question?
- That's a wonderful goal. Good luck.
Very interesting. And you serve him?
You're a priestess of - We will open portals into the land of the dead, and ask Grenth to send Alastia Crow's spirit to us.
- Open portals are like beacons of light in the Mists. Other entities may try to escape the lands of death—and we must prevent that.
- Good to know. May I ask you another question?
- That does sound dangerous. l'll leave you to your preparations.
Josir said it might be dangerous. How so?
- Of course. I'll leave you to prepare.
I'm interested in knowing more about the ritual.
- I'll leave you to your thoughts.
Cinematic with Josir:
- <Character name>: Hello, Josir. This must be Priestess Rhie? A pleasure to meet you.
- Scholar Josir: Welcome, Advocate. This will be a rare opportunity to peer beyond the shroud of death! I'll be taking notes for my records.
- <Character name>: Notes? So you don't do this kind of thing often in the Durmand Priory?
- Scholar Josir: The Priory does a great deal of research on magic, from the arcane to the divine, but this is an extremely difficult ritual.
- Scholar Josir: I'm tremendously excited to be allowed to participate! My notes may help others in the Priory investigate ancient tombs dedicated to Grenth.
- <Character name>: I'm looking forward to it. Priestess Rhie, are we ready to begin?
- Priestess Rhie: We are. In a moment, I will pierce the veil between this world and the Mists, and call to Alastia Crow's spirit.
- Priestess Rhie: Be warned: she'll need time to respond. During this time, anything could cross through the portal. We may be faced with something... unfriendly.
- Priestess Rhie: Protect me while I maintain the channel, or the gate will close and all will be lost.
- <Character name>: Understood. We'll be ready for anything.
- Priestess Rhie: May the Dark One bless our endeavors. Let it begin.
Entering the cavern:
- Priestess Rhie: Follow me to the heart of these caverns, where the barrier to the Mists is thinnest.
- Scholar Josir: It should be safe enough to cast the ritual here. Even centaurs would avoid this fetid air.
- Scholar Josir: This place is the dumping ground for the centaurs' fallen slaves. Gods! It's horrific.
Talking to Josir:
- Scholar Josir: Grenth's breath! I hope Alastia knows something useful. This ritual is difficult.
- I'm ready.
Arriving at ritual location:
- Priestess Rhie: Remember: this ritual weakens the barriers between worlds. Dark things may emerge.
- Scholar Josir: You can safely focus on the ritual, priestess. My friend and I will protect you.
- Priestess Rhie: Grenth, Prince of Winter, hear your servant's plea!
- Priestess Rhie: Open the gates to the Mists! The living call upon the dead—in Grenth's name!
- Priestess Rhie: Alastia Crow, seer of Wiley's Scavengers, pirate and oracle, I call your spirit to commune. Appear! Appear and speak!
- Priestess Rhie: Three portals? Interesting. I must maintain them all, else the ritual fails. Stand ready!
After defeating several waves of Shades:
- Priestess Rhie: Grenth preserve us. Something powerful approaches. Be careful!
After defeating the Lesser Bladed Aatxe:
- Priestess Rhie: Praise Grenth! I sense the spirit we seek. Come, Alastia Crow, speak with us.
Cinematic with Alastia Crow:
- Priestess Rhie: Speak, spirit of Alastia Crow! Grenth, god of death, compels you!
- Priestess Rhie: Tell me of Kellach, the Seraph. Why did he come to you? Did he kill you?
- Alastia Crow: He cheated me! Revenge... I wanted revenge... He sought power to protect his queen, so I made that his undoing.
- Alastia Crow: Our crew plundered an Orrian ship. One of the treasures we found aboard was cursed.
- Scholar Josir: Orrian artifacts! Incredibly dangerous! The Priory... ah, yes, I'm sorry, Priestess Rhie. Of course. Later.
- Priestess Rhie: Speak on, spirit. How did you seek revenge?
- Alastia Crow: Kellach took the items. He wanted to find a way to protect Kryta from Zhaitan. I knew he would only become corrupted.
- Alastia Crow: I thought that would be the end of it, but Kellach tracked me down aboard my ship. He demanded that I remove the curse. I could not.
- Alastia Crow: He was slaughtering my crew! I had to stop him... so I lied.
- Alastia Crow: With my dying breath, I told him that the only way to remove the corruption is to bathe in royal blood.
- <Character name>: By Kormir's hand, how could you do that? He'll go after Queen Jennah!
- Alastia Crow: What do I care? The queen did nothing to help my starving crew—or save us when Risen ships attacked us on the high sea.
- Alastia Crow: My vengeance will be complete when Kellach destroys that which he was once sworn to defend.
- Priestess Rhie: Begone, foul, vicious spirit! Alastia Crow, I release you into the arms of Grenth. Go, and beg mercy from the Prince of Frost and Ice.
- <Character name>: Thank you, Priestess. Come on, Josir. We have to alert Captain Thackeray right away.
Talking with NPCs after cinematic:
- Alastia Crow: I know of you, Hero. Many of your foes walk now in the Mists. They speak of you with hatred and fear. Beware, lest you join them.
- Such ferocity! I almost feel sorry for Kellach, if he hadn't killed me. Go, Hero. Save your Queen. Avenge me while you're at it, yes?
- We'll see, oracle.
If I fall, I'll teach them new ways to hate and fear me.
- Lyssa to let me go.
- You should know that even mighty Lyssa's power must bow in Grenth's domain. Good luck, charming hero.
- Thank you, shade. May you find peace.
Not for a while yet, pirate. I'm too charming for - Such bravery stirs even cold, dead blood. Go, Hero. Give up everything to save your Queen. Then you'll be just like Kellach...
- You underestimate me. Farewell, Alesta.
Fear of death will not stop me from protecting my Queen.
- Ravenous?
- After he'd become corrupted, Kellach returned to demand that I "cure him." Zhaitan's scum followed him to our portage!
- Me and 'most every other sea-rat aboard. I hear a few got out, and good for them. May they sail free!
- I have another question.
- Thank you for the explanation, spirit.
So that's how you died?
What actually happened to your ship, the - You have no power over me. Begone, shade.
At Salma District[edit]
Approaching the representatives:
- Scholar Josir: We can't allow anything to happen to Queen Jennah. She's the last of the royal line!
- Agent Ihan: Perhaps not the last... but you're right. Without Queen Jennah, we'd lose our treaty with the charr.
- Crusader Hiroki: More than that. Without Queen Jennah, the nation will lose hope. It would be the end of Kryta.
Cinematic with representatives:
- <Character name>: Captain Thackeray! I'm glad you're here.
- <Character name>: We've got an urgent situation. Kellach's been corrupted by Orrian artifacts. The pirate, Alastia, told him that the queen's blood will cure the corruption.
- Logan Thackeray: Dwayna's mercy! I have to protect the queen. We can't let him near her!
- <Character name>: I think the undead are following him because he has the artifact. As long as he's out there, they'll be right on his heels.
- Crusader Hiroki: We don't have much time. The undead mob he's leading is just getting bigger. Kellach's growing more dangerous by the second.
- <Character name>: We can't just think of the queen. We have to think of Kryta. If we just defend her, Logan, Kellach will destroy every town from Lion's Arch to Divinity's Reach.
- Logan Thackeray: You're right, dammit. But, when it comes to my duty to the queen... well, never mind. I'm listening. What's the plan?
- Crusader Hiroki: It's time to assault Kellach head-on. In the Vigil, we swear an oath to stand between the darkness and the light. The only way to be sure is to face this threat directly.
- Crusader Hiroki: Advocate, join us. You'd make a fine member of the Vigil, and I'd be proud to fight by your side.
- Scholar Josir: Don't be thickheaded, Hiroki! Knowledge is power. The Durmand Priory's research is conclusive. The Advocate would be much better-suited among our scholars.
- Scholar Josir: Come, Advocate. We can use the Mortis Verge enchantment to protect the queen, and neutralize this threat intelligently.
- Agent Ihan: Kellach has two things on his side: an army of undead and complete insanity. We have to use cunning. Lure him in, and then trick him into destroying himself.
- Agent Ihan: The Order of Whispers wants you on our side, Advocate. All you have to do is say the word.
- <Character name>: All right, everyone. Give me a moment to discuss my options with Captain Thackeray, then I'll let you know how I'm going to proceed.
Talking to NPCs before making a decision:
- Logan Thackeray: Advocate, all three orders have petitioned for you to join them. It's a permanent choice, but you'll gain a powerful ally.
- You've been a boon to Kryta, but you can do more with one of the orders. You should seize this opportunity.
- Talk to the representative of the order you prefer, and choose their plan to protect Jennah.
- I'm ready to join an order.
- They won't mind. They're all waiting for you to decide, so ask—and then choose quickly. We must go protect the queen.
- Will do. Thanks Logan.
Do you think they'll mind if I ask a few questions first?
- I will. Thank you.
How do I join an order?
- They're straightforward, honorable and militant. I appreciate that, and I like their concern for the common man.
- Can I ask another question?
- Thanks. I'll keep that in mind.
What do you think about the Vigil?
- I have no use for libraries, but exploring sounds like fun. I'd like discovering lost knowledge and history.
- Can I ask another question?
- Thanks. I'll keep that in mind.
What do you think about the Priory?
- They claim to be master manipulators, hiding in the shadows. They certainly know a lot of secrets. That could be useful.
- Can I ask another question?
- Thanks. I'll keep that in mind.
What do you think about the Order of Whispers?
- I need to think. It's a big decision.
What do you think about it Logan?
- I need a few moments before we continue.
- Agent Ihan: The Order of Whispers wants you on our side, Advocate. Kellach's defeat could be your initiation. Remember, this is a permanent decision. What do you say?
- We subtly influence the world, collecting secrets and shifting the balance of power. We use our leverage to help Tyria resist the dragons.
- Anything goes, from freeing political prisoners to influencing major events. You'll travel Tyria—and see a little of its dark side.
- Very interesting. May I ask another question, Ihan?
- I need to think more. Thanks, Ihan.
What will the Order of Whispers assign me to do?
- The people of Tyria are already aware of us. As long as you keep one step ahead of the rest, you can do as you please.
- Very interesting. May I ask another question, Ihan?
- I need to think more. Thanks, Ihan.
Will I have to keep my membership a secret?
- Training begins as an Initiate. When you become a full Agent, you'll learn deeper secrets. Lightbringers are the highest rank of operative.
- Very interesting. May I ask another question, Ihan?
- I need to think more. Thanks, Ihan.
Does your order have any titles?
- Very interesting. May I ask another question, Ihan?
- I need to think more. Thanks, Ihan.
Can you tell me more about the Order of Whispers first?
- I'll join the Order of Whispers. Kellach is only the beginning.
- Thanks, Ihan, but I'm not ready to decide yet.
- Crusader Hiroki: The Vigil has a place for you, hero. You're brave, stalwart, and compassionate—everything we look for in a recruit. Remember, this is a permanent decision. Will you join us?
- The Vigil is a multi-racial army drawn from all walks of life. We put our lives on the line for Tyria, and defend it from the dragons.
- Assisting with treaty negotiations, defending villages from minions of the dragon, or helping people displaced by dragon attacks. That sort of thing.
- Good to know. May I ask another question?
- Thank you, Hiroki. I'll think about it.
What missions will the Vigil give me?
- Absolutely. Although we're an armed force, we also stress diplomacy and charity.
- Good to know. May I ask another question?
- Thank you, Hiroki. I'll think about it.
Anything other than combat?
- You'd join us as a recruit, but with your skill, I bet you'd be a crusader in no time. Achieving the rank of warmaster's more difficult, of course.
- Good to know. May I ask another question?
- Thank you, Hiroki. I'll think about it.
What sort of titles do you have?
- Good to know. May I ask another question?
- Thank you, Hiroki. I'll take that into account.
Can you tell me more about the Vigil first?
- I'd like to join the Vigil. Let's start by taking on Kellach!
- I need to think more. I'll get back to you.
- Scholar Josir: I hope you join the Priory. Your intelligence will be instrumental in our crusade against the dragons. Remember, this is a permanent decision.
- We are Tyria's foremost scholars of history. We search for ancient lore in an effort to deal with the dragons.
- What would I be doing for the Durmand Priory?
- You can bet on it. Most of those old tombs are guarded—or haunted! Even scholars throw a punch now and then.
- Good to know. May I ask another question?
- Thanks, Josir. I'll think about it.
Will there be fighting?
- You start as Novice, and eventually are promoted to full Scholar. In time, you may even become an honored Magister—if you do well!
- Good to know. May I ask another question?
- Thanks, Josir. I'll think about it.
What sort of titles do you have?
- May I ask another question?
- I'll think about it. Thanks, Josir.
Can you tell me more about the Priory first?
- I'll join the Durmand Priory. First we stop Kellach, then on to save Tyria!
- Thanks, Josir, but I haven't decided yet.
Talking to Ihan after choosing to join the Order of Whispers:
- Agent Ihan: Excellent! With cunning and foresight, we'll end Kellach's threat for good. I'm proud to call you an Initiate of Whispers.
- I already like the Order. I'll meet you at the palace!
Talking to Ihan after choosing to join the Durmand Priory or Vigil:
- Agent Ihan: Your new order must be very proud, <Character name>. I'm disappointed, but I know you'll save Queen Jennah. May fortune smile on you.
- If you do, it means I'm not doing my job properly. Ha! Now, go on!
- Consider it done.
Thanks, Ihan. I hope to see you again someday.
Talking to Hiroki after choosing to join the Vigil:
- Crusader Hiroki: Glad to have you aboard, Recruit. I'll meet you at the palace with a squad. Together, we'll take out Kellach, and protect Kryta's queen!
- Looking forward to it. See you there.
Talking to Hiroki after choosing to join the Durmand Priory or Order of Whispers:
- Crusader Hiroki: I won't argue with your choice, <Character name>. I'll pray for you, and for the queen. May Balthazar stand with you.
- Thanks, Hiroki. I promise you, Kellach's reign of terror ends here.
Talking to Josir after choosing to join the Durmand Priory:
- Scholar Josir: Grand, just grand! The Priory looks forward to utilizing your intellect, Novice. You've made the right choice. Gods save the queen—if they don't, we will!
- Thanks, Josir. I'll meet you at the palace.
Talking to Josir after choosing to join the Order of Whispers or Vigil:
- Scholar Josir: Blast it! Another excellent mind turned to inefficient purpose. It's okay. I'm sure you'll do well. Good luck, <Character name>. It's been a pleasure.
- Thanks, Josir. I have great respect for both you and the Priory. I hope we'll meet again.
My story[edit]
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- The name may be based on the second book in the Ender's Game series called Speaker for the Dead.