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Rise above it all.

This item allows selection of stats. See below for a list of available prefixes.
Enrichment Slot Unused Enrichment Slot

— In-game description

Transcendence is a PvP-exclusive legendary trinket. It requires the ownership of Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns expansion.


Legendary unlock book.png

The amulet was a sight to behold, swinging back and forth while the warrior perfected the swing of her sword. She was a champion—onlookers bowed as they passed, but her attention was elsewhere.


Sold by[edit]

Vendor Area Zone Cost
Grandmaster Craftsman Hobbs Grandmaster Craftsman Hobbs Trader's Forum Lion's Arch Transcendence.png Slumbering Transcendence

Contained in[edit]


Historical recipe


  • Upon drawing a weapon, an orb showing a scene of two gladiators in the Colliseum arena appears.

Full material list[edit]

Primary component Secondary components Tertiary components / Cost / Acquisition Quaternary components / Cost / Acquisition
Gift of Fortune.pngMystic Tribute
Gift of Condensed Might.png2 Gifts of Condensed Might Gift of Fangs.png2 Gifts of Fangs
Vicious Fang.png200 Vicious Fangs
Large Fang.png500 Large Fangs
Sharp Fang.png100 Sharp Fangs
Fang.png100 Fangs
Gift of Scales.png2 Gifts of Scales
Armored Scale.png200 Armored Scales
Large Scale.png500 Large Scales
Smooth Scale.png100 Smooth Scales
Scale.png100 Scales
Gift of Claws.png2 Gifts of Claws
Vicious Claw.png200 Vicious Claws
Large Claw.png500 Large Claws
Sharp Claw.png100 Sharp Claws
Claw.png100 Claws
Gift of Bones.png2 Gifts of Bones
Ancient Bone.png200 Ancient Bones
Large Bone.png500 Large Bones
Heavy Bone.png100 Heavy Bones
Bone.png100 Bones
Gift of Condensed Magic.png2 Gifts of Condensed Magic Gift of Blood.png2 Gifts of Blood
Vial of Powerful Blood.png200 Vials of Powerful Blood
Vial of Potent Blood.png500 Vials of Potent Blood
Vial of Thick Blood.png100 Vials of Thick Blood
Vial of Blood.png100 Vials of Blood
Gift of Venom.png2 Gifts of Venom
Powerful Venom Sac.png200 Powerful Venom Sacs
Potent Venom Sac.png500 Potent Venom Sacs
Full Venom Sac.png100 Full Venom Sacs
Venom Sac.png100 Venom Sacs
Gift of Totems.png2 Gifts of Totems
Elaborate Totem.png200 Elaborate Totems
Intricate Totem.png500 Intricate Totems
Engraved Totem.png100 Engraved Totems
Totem.png100 Totems
Gift of Dust.png2 Gifts of Dust
Pile of Crystalline Dust.png200 Piles of Crystalline Dust
Pile of Incandescent Dust.png500 Piles of Incandescent Dust
Pile of Luminous Dust.png100 Piles of Luminous Dust
Pile of Radiant Dust.png100 Piles of Radiant Dust
Mystic Clover.png77 Mystic Clovers
Mystic Coin.png250 Mystic Coins
Gift of the Champion.pngGift of the Champion Salt-Forged Mist Diamond.pngSalt-Forged Mist Diamond Vial of Salt.pngVial of Salt

Mystic Essence of Determination.pngMystic Essence of Determination

Mystic Essence of Challenge.pngMystic Essence of Challenge

Mystic Essence of Discipline.pngMystic Essence of Discipline

Mystic Essence of Success.pngMystic Essence of Success

Emblem of Victory.pngEmblem of Victory Win 120 ranked matches during PvP seasons.
Mist Diamond.pngMist Diamond PvP League Ticket.png25 PvP League Ticket + Ascended Shard of Glory.png250 Ascended Shard of Glory + Shard of Glory.png250 Shard of Glory
Mist-Enhanced Orichalcum.pngMist-Enhanced Orichalcum Orichalcum Ingot.png250 Orichalcum Ingot + Ascended Shard of Glory.png250 Ascended Shard of Glory + Shard of Glory.png250 Shard of Glory
Gift of the Mists.pngGift of the Mists Gift of Glory.pngGift of Glory Shard of Glory.png250 Shards of Glory
Gift of Battle.pngGift of Battle Completing Gift of Battle Item Reward Track
Gift of War.pngGift of War Memory of Battle.png250 Memories of Battle
Cube of Stabilized Dark Energy.pngCube of Stabilized Dark Energy Artificer tango icon 20px.pngHuntsman tango icon 20px.pngWeaponsmith tango icon 20px.pngArmorsmith tango icon 20px.pngLeatherworker tango icon 20px.pngTailor tango icon 20px.png 500 crafting:
Ball of Dark Energy.pngBall of Dark Energy
Stabilizing Matrix.png75 Stabilizing Matrices
Gift of Competitive Dedication.pngGift of Competitive Dedication Record of League Participation.pngRecord of League Participation PvP League Ticket.png20 PvP League Ticket
Glob of Condensed Spirit Energy.pngGlob of Condensed Spirit Energy 100 Spirit Shard
Star of Glory.pngStar of Glory Ascended Shard of Glory.png400 Ascended Shard of Glory
Jar of Distilled Glory.pngJar of Distilled Glory 1,000 Shard of Glory.png
Jar of Distilled Glory.pngTome of the Mists Purchased from League Vendor for Tome of Knowledge.png 100 Tome of Knowledge
Gift of Skirmishing.pngGift of Skirmishing Perfect Mist Core.pngPerfect Mist Core From 4 Mist Core Fragment obtained from Glorious Armor Box in the PvP Glorious Reward Track
Certificate of Support.png5 Certificate of Support Purchased for 25 PvP League Ticket.pngPvP League Ticket
Shard of Glory.png250 Shard of Glory Found in Player vs. Player reward tracks
Vision Crystal.png2 Vision Crystals
Augur's Stone.png2 Augur's Stones
Dragonite Ingot.png10 Dragonite Ingots
Empyreal Star.png10 Empyreal Stars
Bloodstone Brick.png10 Bloodstone Bricks
Mist Pendant.pngMist Pendant There are 3 different ways to purchase this item, depending on which materials the player wants to use:
PvP and other notable material costs overview
  • Time-gated:
Without Mist Pendant With Mist Pendant
Salt-Forged Mist Diamond 250 + 250 = 500 Ascended Shard of Glory.png
25 PvP League Ticket.png
250 + 250 = 500 Ascended Shard of Glory.png
25 PvP League Ticket.png
Mist Pendant fractal or wvw cost 125 Ascended Shard of Glory.png
Other components 400 Ascended Shard of Glory.png
20 + 25 = 45 PvP League Ticket.png
400 Ascended Shard of Glory.png
20 + 25 = 45 PvP League Ticket.png
Total cost 900 Ascended Shard of Glory.png + 70 PvP League Ticket.png 1,025 Ascended Shard of Glory.png + 70 PvP League Ticket.png
Approximate time PvP League Ticket.png: 1 season (up to Amaranth)
Ascended Shard of Glory.png : ~3 seasons @ 400 shards per season
less if completing Byzantium (repeatable)
PvP League Ticket.png: 1 season (up to Amaranth)
Ascended Shard of Glory.png : ~3 seasons @ 400 shards per season
less if completing Byzantium (repeatable)

Available prefixes[edit]

