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The Plan

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The Plan

The Plan.jpg

Harvest Den
(Lowland Shore)

The Plan is a series of notes and sketches on the wall of a house in Harvest Den, made by Ms. Jeeves. It's illegible to the player without Feline Fury.png Animal Tongue.




The Plan

The Plan

Target: The Vaults

Location: Lion's Arch

The Mark: Captain Evon Gnashblade

The Take: Said to be six million in gold, double that for silver. Unknown copper amount. Platinum, perhaps? Only touch Evon's personal fortune; meddling with the market itself would only paint targets on us.

Security: Two Lionguard at main entrance, 24-hour watch. Two Lionguard by the vault door, 24-hour watch. Nine staff in lobby. Unknown number of security inside vault. Expected to be heavy, with further traps.

Time: Night. Need exquisite night vision and a sensitive smeller to keep watch. Also a loud voice to warn us of trouble once we are inside.

Phase 1: Need a team to distract the guards at the front of the vault - someone cacophonous and cute. Rest of the team will approach the back of the vaults from the inner harbor. There is a small creek with some crabs, but no Lionguard. Ideally we persuade the crabs to help if we can find some brains who can perform a bit of smooth talking. Also need strong swimmers, since this will be exit route. Ribbington has already placed a boat by the bridge for the getaway.

Phase 2: Tunnel through the rock wall by the creek - they were sloppy during the reconstruction, neglected to fix many of the cracks and holes made during the attack. The smallest of us slip through. In case the distraction does not pull the security out of the vault, will need someone unbothered by a bit of bloodshed to deal with them - preferably no casualties - and the ability to fly would be scrumptious; people rarely consider airborne threats so traps are likely to be ground based. Could get a small flyer to disable insect, perhaps?

Phase 3: Enter Evon's personal vault and start ferrying the gold out to the hired muscle by the tunnel, as much as we can carry. In and out, quick and quiet. Leave enough gold that the copper-coveting charr won't realise anything is missing until it's far too late.

Phase 4: Pearl Islet is particularly pretty this time of year...

Related achievements[edit]


  • Unmentioned in the plan (but present at the heist briefing) are: