Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds content

Fang, the Wise Guy

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Fang, the Wise Guy

Fang, the Wise Guy is a young warclaw in Harvest Den. He is a born troublemaker and full of brazen confidence.

He can be found behind the Journeykin Pens in Harvest Den as part of the Gettin' the Crew Together achievement.




While under the effect of Feline Fury.png Animal Tongue

(growls) Soooo hungry! It's just some cabbage, what's the big deal if we have a bite?
Talk collection option.png Can I interest you in an opportunity?
Can you hear my stomach growling? I'M going to start growling soon! Tell you what. You fetch me one of those cabbages next time we break out, and I'll swap stories with you all day.
Talk end option tango.png Fine... I guess one cabbage won't be missed. Gives the Force of Nature.png Cabbage Caper effect.
Talk end option tango.png Sorry I bothered you.

When returning with An Amazing Cabbage.

Talk collection option.png So. I have an offer for you.
Talk collection option.png Have you heard of Ms. Jeeves?
(crunches) The cat? Can smell her from here.
Talk collection option.png She is getting a crew together for a heist. She needs a climber and a jumper.
Jumping, huh? Why didn't you say so? (crunches) As long as there's danger, I'm in. Time to leave these rascals behind and hit the big time.
Talk collection option.png You're in, then. She's in the village.

After recruiting him

Yeesh. Calm down, I'll go soon. Just let me enjoy the rest of this cabbage in peace. (crunches)
Talk end option tango.png Just checking.

During the heist briefing

It's good you brought me in. Time to show all these old-timers how things are done!
Talk more option tango.png Maybe you'll learn a thing or two from them.
Psh. Not a chance! They need to let me run things. I've got fresh ideas! Hey, speaking of fresh, got any more of that cabbage?
Talk end option tango.png Fresh out. Good luck!
Talk end option tango.png Good luck!

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