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Ms. Claws, the Brains

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Ms. Claws, the Brains

Ms. Claws, the Brains is a crab in Landfall. She is interested in the goings on and is desperate to do further research despite lacking the right equipment. She begrudges joining a criminal endeavour, but is pragmatic about her funding options.

She can be found north of Maghead Beach as part of the Gettin' the Crew Together achievement.




While under the effect of Feline Fury.png Animal Tongue

Foolish bears. I've been studying the debris... Something isn't adding up, but they keep attacking us. I've been doing research on the bones, but I can't get a decent sample with the fighting.
Talk collection option.png Need help sneaking one out?
Hmm, a helpful biped? That's rare. Thought you all were just brutes! Fine, fine, bring me a decent sample and we can talk.
Talk end option tango.png I'll be back in a while.
Talk end option tango.png I'll be back.

When returning with Debris.

You actually brought me a sample? Hmm, besides the fact that you can speak to me, there is something intriguing about you- well worth study!
Talk collection option.png I'm actually here about a...fundraising opportunity.
Don't be coy, biped. Do you think crabs don't hear rumors? I'll join the crew-I need new equipment anyway.
Talk collection option.png Well then, find Ms. Jeeves down in the lowlands!
Ms. Jeeves...the criminal. Well, I suppose there are few ways for a crab these days to make a living that don't involve being slowly boiled and served with butter. In the name of science!
Talk collection option.png See you there.
Talk end option tango.png I'll be back.

After recruiting her

Fascinating! The Mists are clearly having an effect...but curse my lack of equipment! Soon this will be remedied...
Talk end option tango.png Right.. I'll leave you to it.


  • Unlike every other recruited member, Ms. Claws cannot be found at the heist briefing (not even outside with Salty and Mr. Razor) despite being talked to by Ms. Jeeves.

Related achievements[edit]