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Wrong Time, Wrong Place

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Wrong Time, Wrong Place is a hidden achievement at Bastion of the Celestial in Amnytas.

Wrong Time, Wrong Place Location.


This achievement requires at least one completed objective to become visible. Wrong Time, Wrong Place Amnytas 1Achievement points
Get caught in Nourys' bite.Hopefully it was quick and painless... Got Bit by Nourys 1Achievement points


During The Defense of Amnytas meta event, be killed when Nourys, the Eyes of the Abyss bites down on the platform at Point of interest (map icon).pngSpire's Heart. This occurs twice during the event:

Be standing at the northern-most edge of the platform before Nourys bites down. You must be killed to earn the achievement.

  • Note: Aegis.png Aegis will absorb the attack and prevent you from getting the achievement.

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