Steal Health/history
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May 08, 2018
- Stolen Skills: These skills no longer scale their effects based on malice stacks.
Steal Health
“— In-game description
November 07, 2017
- Deadeye Stolen Skills: These skills can now be used while jumping or during skills that jump into the air.
- Fixed a bug that allowed stolen skills to be wasted by casting them on targets other than your mark.
- Stolen skills will now always be cast on your mark even if your mark is not your current target.
Original version
Steal Health
- Profession
Thief (skill list)
- Specialization
- Type
- Stolen skill
- Game link
“Heal yourself and bleed your marked target. Healing amount and duration increases for each malice stack.
- Damage: 66 (0.25)?
- Healing: 1,290 (0.1)?
- Bleeding (8s): 880 Damage
5- Healing Increase: 10%%
- Duration Increase: 20%
- Maximum Count: 2
- Range: 1,500
— In-game description