User:Rari/Template:User Biography

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(required) answer to biography question (see below)
(optional) user - changes the race or class to just say "user".


Biography Dynamics.png This asura is a student of the
College of Dynamics.
Biography Statics.png This asura is a student of the
College of Statics.
Biography Synergetics.png This asura is a student of the
College of Synergetics.
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|dynamics}}{{clear}}
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|statics}}{{clear}}
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|synergetics}}{{clear}}
Biography VAL-A Golem.png This asura's first creation was a
VAL-A Golem.
Biography Transatmospheric Converter.png This asura's first creation was a Transatmospheric Converter .
Biography Infinity Ball.png This asura's first creation was an Infinity Ball.
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|val-a golem}}{{clear}}
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|transatmospheric_converter}}{{clear}}
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|infinity_ball}}{{clear}}
Biography Blipp.png This asura's first advisor was Blipp.
Biography Bronk.png This asura's first advisor was Bronk.
Biography Canni.png This asura's first advisor was Canni.
Biography Zinga.png This asura's first advisor was Zinga.
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|blipp}}{{clear}}
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|bronk}}{{clear}}
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|canni}}{{clear}}
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|zinga}}{{clear}}


Biography Ash Legion.png This charr is a proud soldier
of the Ash Legion.
Biography Blood Legion.png This charr is a proud soldier
of the Blood Legion.
Biography Iron Legion.png This charr is a proud soldier
of the Iron Legion.
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|ash_legion}}{{clear}}
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|blood_legion}}{{clear}}
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|iron_legion}}{{clear}}
Biography Maverick.png This charr is the sparring partner
of Maverick.
Biography Euryale.png This charr is the sparring partner
of Euryale.
Biography Clawspur.png This charr is the sparring partner
of Clawspur.
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|maverick}}{{clear}}
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|euryale}}{{clear}}
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|clawspur}}{{clear}}
Biography Dinky.png This charr is the sparring partner
of Dinky.
Biography Reeva.png This charr is the sparring partner
of Reeva.
Biography Loyal Soldier.png This charr's sire was a loyal soldier.
Biography Sorcerous Shaman.png This charr's sire was
a sorcerous shaman.
Biography Honorless Gladium.png This charr's sire was
an honorless gladium.
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|dinky}}{{clear}}
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|reeva}}{{clear}}
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|loyal_soldier}}{{clear}}
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|sorcerous_shaman}}{{clear}}
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|honorless_gladium}}{{clear}}


Biography Commoner.png This human was raised by the common folk of Divinity's Reach.
Biography Nobility.png This human grew up amoung nobility.
Biography Street Rat.png This human grew up poor, Street Rat|on the streets.
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|commoner}}{{clear}}
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|nobility}}{{clear}}
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|street_rat}}{{clear}}
Biography Unknown Parents.png This human reqrets never searching for their true parents.
Biography Dead Sister.png This human reqrets not recovering the body of their dead sister.
Biography Missed Opportunity.png This human's biggest reqret is a missed opportunity to perform in the circus.
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|unknown_parents}}{{clear}}
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|dead_sister}}{{clear}}
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|missed_opportunity}}{{clear}}
Biography Dwayna.png This human was blessed by Dwayna.
Biography Grenth.png This human was blessed by Grenth.
Biography Balthazar.png This human was blessed by Balthazar.
Biography Melandru.png This human was blessed by Melandru.
Biography Lyssa.png This human was blessed by Lyssa.
Biography Kormir.png This human was blessed by Kormir.
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|dwayna}}{{clear}}
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|grenth}}{{clear}}
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|balthazar}}{{clear}}
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|melandru}}{{clear}}
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|lyssa}}{{clear}}
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|kormir}}{{clear}}


Biography Defeat our Ancient Foes.png This norn will be a great hero and Defeat our Foes.
Biography Honor the Spirits.png This norn will be a great hero and Honor the Spirits.
Biography Defend the Mists.png This norn will be a great hero and Defend the Mists.
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|defeat_our_foes}}{{clear}}
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|honor_the_spirits}}{{clear}}
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|defend_the_mists}}{{clear}}
Biography Blacked Out.png At a recent celebratory moot, this norn blacked out.
Biography Revenge.png At a recent celebratory moot, this norn got in a fight.
Biography Lost an Heirloom.png At a recent celebratory moot, this norn gambled away an ancestral heirloom.
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|blacked_out}}{{clear}}
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|revenge}}{{clear}}
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|lost_an_heirloom}}{{clear}}
Biography Bear Spirit.png This norn is guarded by the
Spirit of the Bear.
Biography Snow Leopard Spirit.png This norn is guarded by the
Spirit of the Snow Leopard.
Biography Wolf Spirit.png This norn is guarded by the
Spirit of the Wolf.
Biography Raven Spirit.png This norn is guarded by the
Spirit of the Wolf.
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|bear_spirit}}{{clear}}
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|snow_leopard_spirit}}{{clear}}
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|wolf_spirit}}{{clear}}
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|raven_spirit}}{{clear}}


Biography White Stag.png This sylvari dreamt a vision of
The White Stag.
Biography Green Huntsman.png This sylvari dreamt a vision of
The Green Knight.
Biography Shield of the Moon.png This sylvari dreamt a vision of
The Shield of the Moon.
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|white_stag}}{{clear}}
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|green_knight}}{{clear}}
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|shield_of_the_moon}}{{clear}}
Biography Act With Wisdom.png This sylvari believes act with wisdom, but act.
Biography Right To Grow.png This sylvari believes all things have a right to grow.
Biography Where Life Goes.png This sylvari believes where life goes, so too, should you'.
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|act_with_wisdom}}{{clear}}
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|right_to_grow}}{{clear}}
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|where_life_goes}}{{clear}}
Biography Dawn.png The Pale Tree awakened this sylvari during the Cycle of Dawn.
Biography Day.png The Pale Tree awakened this sylvari during the Cycle of Day.
Biography Dusk.png The Pale Tree awakened this sylvari during the Cycle of Dusk.
Biography Night.png The Pale Tree awakened this sylvari during the Cycle of Night.
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|dawn}}{{clear}}
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|day}}{{clear}}
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|dusk}}{{clear}}
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|night}}{{clear}}


Biography Fanatic's Pauldrons.png As a symbol of dedication, this guardian wears Conqueror's Pauldrons.
Biography Conqueror's Pauldrons.png As a symbol of dedication, this guardian wears Fanatic's Pauldrons.
Biography Visionary's Helm.png As a symbol of dedication, this guardian wears a Visionary's Helm.
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|conquerors_pauldrons}}{{clear}}
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|fanatics_pauldrons}}{{clear}}
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|visionarys_helm}}{{clear}}


Biography Spangenhelm.png This warrior wears a Spangenhelm on the battlefield.
Biography Galea.png This warrior wears a warrior wears a Cap Helm on the battlefield.
Biography No Helm.png This warrior wears a no helm at all on the battlefield.
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|spangenhelm}}{{clear}}
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|cap_helm}}{{clear}}
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|no_helm}}{{clear}}


Biography Universal Multitool Pack.png This engineer's most useful tool is a Universal Multitool Pack.
Biography Eagle-Eye Goggles.png This engineer's most useful tool is a Eagle-Eye Goggles.
Biography Panscopic Monocle.png This engineer's most useful tool is a Panscopic Monocle.
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|universal_multi-tool}}{{clear}}
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|eagle-eye_goggles}}{{clear}}
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|panscopic_monocle}}{{clear}}


Biography Pet Moa.png This ranger fights with a moa at their side.
Biography Pet Stalker.png This ranger fights with a stalker at their side.
Biography Pet Drake.png This ranger fights with a drake at their side.
Biography Pet Devourer.png This ranger fights with a devourer at their side.
Biography Pet Bear (human).png This ranger fights with a bear at their side.
Biography Pet Snow Leopard.png This ranger fights with a snow leopard at their side.
Biography Pet Wolf.png This ranger fights with a wolf at their side.
Biography Pet Fern Hound.png This ranger fights with a fern hound at their side.
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|pet_moa}}{{clear}}
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|pet_stalker}}{{clear}}
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|pet_drake}}{{clear}}
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|pet_devourer}}{{clear}}
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|pet_bear}}{{clear}}
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|pet_snow_leopard}}{{clear}}
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|pet_wolf}}{{clear}}
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|pet_fern_hound}}{{clear}}


Biography Anonymity.png This thief understands the power
of anonymity.
Biography Determination.png This thief understands the power
of determination.
Biography Subterfuge.png This thief understands the power
of subterfuge.
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|anonymity}}{{clear}}
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|determination}}{{clear}}
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|subterfuge}}{{clear}}


Biography Water.png This elementalist's circlet is a symbol of their love for water.
Biography Fire.png This elementalist's circlet is a symbol of their love for fire.
Biography Earth.png This elementalist's circlet is a symbol of their love for earth.
Biography Air.png This elementalist's circlet is a symbol of their love for air.
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|water}}{{clear}}
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|fire}}{{clear}}
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|earth}}{{clear}}
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|air}}{{clear}}


Biography Harlequin's Smile.png This mesmer looks out from behind a Harlequin's Smile.
Biography Phantasm of Sorrow.png This mesmer looks out from behind a Phantasm of Sorrow.
Biography Fanged Dread.png This mesmer looks out from behind a Fanged Dread.
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|harlequin_mask}}{{clear}}
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|phantasm_of_sorrow}}{{clear}}
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|fanged_dread}}{{clear}}


Biography Trickster Demon.png This necromancer's face is marked with the symbol of a Trickster Demon.
Biography Skull.png This necromancer's face is marked with the symbol of a Skull.
Biography Ghostly Wraith.png This necromancer's face is marked with the symbol of a Ghostly Wraith.
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|trickster_demon}}{{clear}}
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|skull}}{{clear}}
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|ghostly_wraith}}{{clear}}

Asura (user)[edit]

Biography Dynamics.png This user is a student of the
College of Dynamics.
Biography Statics.png This user is a student of the
College of Statics.
Biography Synergetics.png This user is a student of the
College of Synergetics.
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|dynamics|user}}{{clear}}
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|statics|user}}{{clear}}
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|synergetics|user}}{{clear}}
Biography VAL-A Golem.png This user's first creation was a
VAL-A Golem.
Biography Transatmospheric Converter.png This user's first creation was a Transatmospheric Converter .
Biography Infinity Ball.png This user's first creation was an Infinity Ball.
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|val-a golem|user}}{{clear}}
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|transatmospheric_converter|user}}{{clear}}
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|infinity_ball|user}}{{clear}}
Biography Blipp.png This user's first advisor was Blipp.
Biography Bronk.png This user's first advisor was Bronk.
Biography Canni.png This user's first advisor was Canni.
Biography Zinga.png This user's first advisor was Zinga.
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|blipp|user}}{{clear}}
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|bronk|user}}{{clear}}
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|canni|user}}{{clear}}
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|zinga|user}}{{clear}}

Charr (user)[edit]

Biography Ash Legion.png This user is a proud soldier
of the Ash Legion.
Biography Blood Legion.png This user is a proud soldier
of the Blood Legion.
Biography Iron Legion.png This user is a proud soldier
of the Iron Legion.
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|ash_legion|user}}{{clear}}
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|blood_legion|user}}{{clear}}
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|iron_legion|user}}{{clear}}
Biography Maverick.png This user is the sparring partner
of Maverick.
Biography Euryale.png This user is the sparring partner
of Euryale.
Biography Clawspur.png This user is the sparring partner
of Clawspur.
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|maverick|user}}{{clear}}
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|euryale|user}}{{clear}}
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|clawspur|user}}{{clear}}
Biography Dinky.png This user is the sparring partner
of Dinky.
Biography Reeva.png This user is the sparring partner
of Reeva.
Biography Loyal Soldier.png This user's sire was a loyal soldier.
Biography Sorcerous Shaman.png This user's sire was
a sorcerous shaman.
Biography Honorless Gladium.png This user's sire was
an honorless gladium.
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|dinky|user}}{{clear}}
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|reeva|user}}{{clear}}
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|loyal_soldier|user}}{{clear}}
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|sorcerous_shaman|user}}{{clear}}
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|honorless_gladium|user}}{{clear}}

Human (user)[edit]

Biography Commoner.png This user was raised by the common folk of Divinity's Reach.
Biography Nobility.png This user grew up amoung nobility.
Biography Street Rat.png This user grew up poor, Street Rat|on the streets.
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|commoner|user}}{{clear}}
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|nobility|user}}{{clear}}
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|street_rat|user}}{{clear}}
Biography Unknown Parents.png This user reqrets never searching for their true parents.
Biography Dead Sister.png This user reqrets not recovering the body of their dead sister.
Biography Missed Opportunity.png This user's biggest reqret is a missed opportunity to perform in the circus.
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|unknown_parents|user}}{{clear}}
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|dead_sister|user}}{{clear}}
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|missed_opportunity|user}}{{clear}}
Biography Dwayna.png This user was blessed by Dwayna.
Biography Grenth.png This user was blessed by Grenth.
Biography Balthazar.png This user was blessed by Balthazar.
Biography Melandru.png This user was blessed by Melandru.
Biography Lyssa.png This user was blessed by Lyssa.
Biography Kormir.png This user was blessed by Kormir.
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|dwayna|user}}{{clear}}
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|grenth|user}}{{clear}}
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|balthazar|user}}{{clear}}
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|melandru|user}}{{clear}}
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|lyssa|user}}{{clear}}
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|kormir|user}}{{clear}}

Norn (user)[edit]

Biography Defeat our Ancient Foes.png This user will be a great hero and Defeat our Foes.
Biography Honor the Spirits.png This user will be a great hero and Honor the Spirits.
Biography Defend the Mists.png This user will be a great hero and Defend the Mists.
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|defeat_our_foes|user}}{{clear}}
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|honor_the_spirits|user}}{{clear}}
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|defend_the_mists|user}}{{clear}}
Biography Blacked Out.png At a recent celebratory moot, this user blacked out.
Biography Revenge.png At a recent celebratory moot, this user got in a fight.
Biography Lost an Heirloom.png At a recent celebratory moot, this user gambled away an ancestral heirloom.
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|blacked_out|user}}{{clear}}
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|revenge|user}}{{clear}}
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|lost_an_heirloom|user}}{{clear}}
Biography Bear Spirit.png This user is guarded by the
Spirit of the Bear.
Biography Snow Leopard Spirit.png This user is guarded by the
Spirit of the Snow Leopard.
Biography Wolf Spirit.png This user is guarded by the
Spirit of the Wolf.
Biography Raven Spirit.png This user is guarded by the
Spirit of the Wolf.
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|bear_spirit|user}}{{clear}}
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|snow_leopard_spirit|user}}{{clear}}
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|wolf_spirit|user}}{{clear}}
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|raven_spirit|user}}{{clear}}

Sylvari (user)[edit]

Biography White Stag.png This user dreamt a vision of
The White Stag.
Biography Green Huntsman.png This user dreamt a vision of
The Green Knight.
Biography Shield of the Moon.png This user dreamt a vision of
The Shield of the Moon.
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|white_stag|user}}{{clear}}
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|green_knight|user}}{{clear}}
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|shield_of_the_moon|user}}{{clear}}
Biography Act With Wisdom.png This user believes act with wisdom, but act.
Biography Right To Grow.png This user believes all things have a right to grow.
Biography Where Life Goes.png This user believes where life goes, so too, should you'.
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|act_with_wisdom|user}}{{clear}}
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|right_to_grow|user}}{{clear}}
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|where_life_goes|user}}{{clear}}
Biography Dawn.png The Pale Tree awakened this user during the Cycle of Dawn.
Biography Day.png The Pale Tree awakened this user during the Cycle of Day.
Biography Dusk.png The Pale Tree awakened this user during the Cycle of Dusk.
Biography Night.png The Pale Tree awakened this user during the Cycle of Night.
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|dawn|user}}{{clear}}
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|day|user}}{{clear}}
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|dusk|user}}{{clear}}
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|night|user}}{{clear}}

Guardian (user)[edit]

Biography Fanatic's Pauldrons.png As a symbol of dedication, this user wears Conqueror's Pauldrons.
Biography Conqueror's Pauldrons.png As a symbol of dedication, this user wears Fanatic's Pauldrons.
Biography Visionary's Helm.png As a symbol of dedication, this user wears a Visionary's Helm.
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|conquerors_pauldrons|user}}{{clear}}
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|fanatics_pauldrons|user}}{{clear}}
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|visionarys_helm|user}}{{clear}}

Warrior (user)[edit]

Biography Spangenhelm.png This user wears a Spangenhelm on the battlefield.
Biography Galea.png This user wears a user wears a Cap Helm on the battlefield.
Biography No Helm.png This user wears a no helm at all on the battlefield.
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|spangenhelm|user}}{{clear}}
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|cap_helm|user}}{{clear}}
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|no_helm|user}}{{clear}}

Engineer (user)[edit]

Biography Universal Multitool Pack.png This user's most useful tool is a Universal Multitool Pack.
Biography Eagle-Eye Goggles.png This user's most useful tool is a Eagle-Eye Goggles.
Biography Panscopic Monocle.png This user's most useful tool is a Panscopic Monocle.
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|universal_multi-tool|user}}{{clear}}
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|eagle-eye_goggles|user}}{{clear}}
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|panscopic_monocle|user}}{{clear}}

Ranger (user)[edit]

Biography Pet Moa.png This user fights with a moa at their side.
Biography Pet Stalker.png This user fights with a stalker at their side.
Biography Pet Drake.png This user fights with a drake at their side.
Biography Pet Devourer.png This user fights with a devourer at their side.
Biography Pet Bear (human).png This user fights with a bear at their side.
Biography Pet Snow Leopard.png This user fights with a snow leopard at their side.
Biography Pet Wolf.png This user fights with a wolf at their side.
Biography Pet Fern Hound.png This user fights with a fern hound at their side.
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|pet_moa|user}}{{clear}}
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|pet_stalker|user}}{{clear}}
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|pet_drake|user}}{{clear}}
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|pet_devourer|user}}{{clear}}
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|pet_bear|user}}{{clear}}
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|pet_snow_leopard|user}}{{clear}}
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|pet_wolf|user}}{{clear}}
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|pet_fern_hound|user}}{{clear}}

Thief (user)[edit]

Biography Anonymity.png This user understands the power
of anonymity.
Biography Determination.png This user understands the power
of determination.
Biography Subterfuge.png This user understands the power
of subterfuge.
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|anonymity|user}}{{clear}}
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|determination|user}}{{clear}}
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|subterfuge|user}}{{clear}}

Elementalist (user)[edit]

Biography Water.png This user's circlet is a symbol of their love for water.
Biography Fire.png This user's circlet is a symbol of their love for fire.
Biography Earth.png This user's circlet is a symbol of their love for earth.
Biography Air.png This user's circlet is a symbol of their love for air.
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|water|user}}{{clear}}
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|fire|user}}{{clear}}
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|earth|user}}{{clear}}
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|air|user}}{{clear}}

Mesmer (user)[edit]

Biography Harlequin's Smile.png This user looks out from behind a Harlequin's Smile.
Biography Phantasm of Sorrow.png This user looks out from behind a Phantasm of Sorrow.
Biography Fanged Dread.png This user looks out from behind a Fanged Dread.
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|harlequin_mask|user}}{{clear}}
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|phantasm_of_sorrow|user}}{{clear}}
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|fanged_dread|user}}{{clear}}

Necromancer (user)[edit]

Biography Trickster Demon.png This user's face is marked with the symbol of a Trickster Demon.
Biography Skull.png This user's face is marked with the symbol of a Skull.
Biography Ghostly Wraith.png This user's face is marked with the symbol of a Ghostly Wraith.
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|trickster_demon|user}}{{clear}}
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|skull|user}}{{clear}}
{{User:Rari/Template:User Biography|ghostly_wraith|user}}{{clear}}