Giant Beetle
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Giant Beetle
Giant Beetles are a type of insect found in the Maguuma regions. They have an impenetrable shell that leaves them vulnerable only to attacks from the front. In the Heart of Maguuma region, they are part of teams comprised of Followers of Zintl, and are often used as mounts by Zintl Cavaliers.
- Jahai Bluffs (Summoned by rifts)
- Verdant Brink
- Heartless Pass
- Jaka Itzel (only during related events)
- Wyvern Cliffs
- Shrouded Ruins
- Stonetwist Paths
- Skyclaw Peaks
- Noble Ledges
- Broken Bluffs
Story involvement[edit]
Heart of Thorns story[edit]
- Act I
Event involvement[edit]
- Gather insect parts from nearby beetles (80)
- Help Itzel Hunters defeat creatures. Keep Itzel Hunters alive (80)
- Repel the Branded invasion and close the rifts (80)
Combat abilities[edit]
- Abilities
- Charges
- Vulnerable from the Front
- Skills
- Bite - Melee auto-attack that cleaves. 200 range.
- Trample - The beetle charges at its target, dealing damage and knocking down in a point-blank area of effect as it travels. At the end of the charge enemies in front of the beetle are launched over the beetle. 1.75 second cast time. 15 second recharge. 1000 range.
- Stolen skills
Name | Type | Rarity | Quantity |
Beetle Remains (only drops if the Gather insect parts from nearby beetles event is active) (only drops in Challenger Cliffs) |
Event item, Trophy | Basic | 1 |
Glob of Globby Gloop | Trophy | Junk | 1 |
Potent Venom Sac | Crafting material | Fine | 1 |
- Control effects will flip the Beetle upside-down, leaving it vulnerable to damage from any direction.