Wurmslayer's armor

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Wurmslayer's armor is a partial ascended armor set, comprised of helm, shoulders, and gloves only.

The Wurmslayer's armor boasts light green sections that glow and undulate; formations of gaseous "ooze bubbles" can also be seen lingering along the armor's outer surfaces. The head and hand pieces also emit a yellow-greenish gas that quickly dissipates. Aside from the gas and bubbling, the individual pieces of this partial armor set are identical to their counterparts in the Illustrious armor set.



Armor pieces[edit]

Piece Weight
Light Medium Heavy
Helm Wurmslayer's Masque.pngWurmslayer's Masque Wurmslayer's Visage.pngWurmslayer's Visage Wurmslayer's Visor.pngWurmslayer's Visor
Shoulders Wurmslayer's Epaulets.pngWurmslayer's Epaulets Wurmslayer's Shoulderguard.pngWurmslayer's Shoulderguard Wurmslayer's Pauldrons.pngWurmslayer's Pauldrons
Gloves Wurmslayer's Wristguards.pngWurmslayer's Wristguards Wurmslayer's Grips.pngWurmslayer's Grips Wurmslayer's Warfists.pngWurmslayer's Warfists

Wardrobe skin links[edit]

Skin preview codes
Armor class Headgear Shoulders Chest Gloves Leggings Boots



Female asura and charr characters have the same helm, shoulders, and gloves as males characters of all races.


Female asura and charr characters have the same helm and shoulders as males characters of all races. The gloves are the same for all races and genders.


Female asura characters have the same helm as males characters of all races. Charr have their own unique helm, and the gloves and shoulders are the same for all races and genders.