Living World Season 4 content

Underworld (Dragonfall)

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Disambig icon.png This article is about the area of Dragonfall. For the god realm, see Underworld.



Underworld (Dragonfall).jpg

Click to enlarge.

The Underworld was a section of the Mists before becoming a part of Dragonfall following Kralkatorrik's crash through The Mists. The Underworld is the site of the Olmakhan Camp Operations, and contains the following areas: Grenth's Teeth, Howling Gate, Necrotic Coast, Olmakhan Camp, Sky's Reach, and Wing's Shadow.

The Underworld is the domain of Grenth, and therefore characterized by haunted valleys, ghostly creatures, and statues of the god. Kralkatorrik has also created Branded creatures and affected some of the terrain, creating frequent Brandstorms.


See also[edit]

Gwwlogo.png The Guild Wars Wiki has an article on Underworld.