Guild Wars 2: Secrets of the Obscure content

Tendril of Nourys (elite)

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Disambig icon.png This article is about the elite-ranked foe. For the veteran-ranked foe, see Tendril of Nourys (veteran).

Tendrils of Nourys are tough tendrils of Nourys, the Eyes of the Abyss. They can be found feeding the natural magic of Nayos into Eparch's extractors and hunting down members of the Astral Ward.


Horn of Maguuma

Event involvement[edit]

Event swords (tango icon).png Find and destroy the tendrils of Nourys (80) (only when upscaled)
Event shield (tango icon).png Help Sergeant Lund fight off the invading Kryptis (80) (only when upscaled)

Combat abilities[edit]

  • Seeking Emotion

DefianceLocked defiance bar

Stolen skills