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Stoic Alder's Journal

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Stoic Alder's Journal

Stoic Alder's Journal.jpg

Harvest Den
(Lowland Shore)

Stoic Alder's Journal is a book that can be found in Harvest Den during the story instance Sorrow in These Halls.




Stoic Alder's Journal

The ocean smells different here, in Lion's Arch. The coasts of Janthir are harsh, frigid, and unwelcoming to gentler folk, but there's an alluring melancholy to it when one watches storms gather above the isles to the north. The air in Kryta is warm; the sandy beaches, soft under paw. From what I've read, the city has rebuilt itself time and again, salvaging what it could from what came before.

The wayfinder and I met with the Tyrian Alliance—a colorful assembly as one would expect. I found their discussions insightful, though a bit dramatic for my liking. Fortunately, the road of caution was observed and chosen regarding some magic artifact, though I'm doing my best to understand the varied perspectives. With discussions cooling to a simmer, the wayfinder hurried back to Harvest Den. No time to rest, that one.

Afterward, a few of the delegates took me on a tour of the city. At one point, the human captain spoke with a finely dressed black-and-white-furred charr—some well-to-do merchant, I'd wager. My presence seemed to perk his curiosity. No doubt, they were interested in more than showing me around. What are new friends but new customers, eh? I did receive a nice gift by the end of it, though. My choice!

In the evening, a child of the bitter wind, the wolfsoul Braham, convinced me to indulge in the local offerings. Between plates of smoked seafoods and several mugs of honey wine—decent, by human standards—I was regaled with several stories of the boy's adventures with "the commander." Maybe it was the wine talking, but I felt a little cozier about the idea of Poky following this would-be-hero around.

We traded tales long into the night; the boy was oddly spellbound. As I helped him back to his lodging, I caught the glint of a tear or two. Perhaps it was the buzz of being six pints deep, but I asked. He'd mentioned his paw once or twice, passed when he was young. In his words, listening to me spin tales my home, of Silken Weir and her fight against Jormag, it was as if my voice, my words became his paw's.

I'm back at Harvest Den, now. Isgarren was "generous" enough to offer me passage. Were I not to step through a magic door anytime soon, I would count myself lucky. I made sure to leave Braham an open invite to visit our village. I think he and Poky would make fast friends.

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