Maiming Spear/history

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Beta event version: June 27, 2024

  • Maiming Spear was available during the Spear Beta Event.
Skill ground target (orange).png

Maiming Spear

Warrior icon small.png Warrior (skill list)
Weapon slot 2
Game link
0.75¾ Activation time  
5 Recharge time
8 Recharge time
8 Recharge time
Maiming Spear

Throw a spear at a targeted location, damaging and inflicting conditions on opponents in the area and causing a shock wave after a short delay. The shock wave is bigger when the targeted point is closer.

Damage.png Initial Strike Damage: 440 (1.2)?
Damage.png Initial Strike Damage: 330 (0.9)?
Damage.png Initial Strike Damage: 367 (1.0)?
Damage.png Aftershock Damage: 220 (0.6)?
Damage.png Aftershock Damage: 128 (0.35)?
Damage.png Aftershock Damage: 183 (0.5)?
Crippled.png Cripple (3s): -50% Movement Speed
Number of targets.png Number of Targets: 5
Radius.png Aftershock Radius below a Range of 300: 240
Radius.png Aftershock Radius in a Range of 301-600: 180
Radius.png Aftershock Radius above a Range of 600: 120
Radius.png Initial Strike Radius: 180
Combo.png Combo Finisher: Blast
Range.png Range: 900

— In-game description