Kill the ice imp roaming Mangonel Cavern

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Kill the ice imp roaming Mangonel Cavern

Interactive map

Interactive map

Kill the ice imp roaming Mangonel Cavern is a level 67 event that occurs in Mangonel Cavern.


  • Ice Imp
  • Event bar.jpg Event boss (tango icon).png


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 9,408 Experience.png 320 Karma 74 Copper coin
Silver 7,997 Experience.png 272 Karma 63 Copper coin
Bronze 7,056 Experience.png 240 Karma 56 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 67 player. Higher level players receive dynamically adjusted rewards.




Event start
Pairis Trollsbane: Did you hear that?
Researcher Lily: I told you this was a mistake! Now, we've angered the gods!
Pairis Trollsbane: Augh, what is that thing?
Researcher Lily: A monster! Retreat to the camp or be devoured!
Event completion
Researcher Lily: Your silly lanterns woke up that crazed demon spawn.
Pairis Trollsbane: Demon spawn. Don't be ridiculous. I'll tell you what it was once I examine the corpse.
Researcher Lily: It looks like most of the lanterns are already out, so my whiskey and I will be staying right here.
Pairis Trollsbane: (growl) Slacker.