Defend the Priory team as they light the lanterns in Mangonel Cavern

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Defend the Priory team as they light the lanterns in Mangonel Cavern

Interactive map

Interactive map

Defend the Priory team as they light the lanterns in Mangonel Cavern is a level 66 event that occurs in Highland Thaw and Mangonel Cavern.


  • Lanterns lit
  • Event bar.jpg


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 8,967 Experience.png 315 Karma 73 Copper coin
Silver 7,622 Experience.png 268 Karma 62 Copper coin
Bronze 6,726 Experience.png 237 Karma 55 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 66 player. Higher level players receive dynamically adjusted rewards.





Event start
Pairis Trollsbane: We'll need a better light source if we want to study these caverns.
Researcher Lily: No kidding. Last time I left camp, I almost walked into an ooze.
Pairis Trollsbane: We should place more lanterns around the cave. It'll be dangerous, but we need the light.
Researcher Lily: Dangerous? I'm not a fan of danger. I prefer reading to thrashing around.
Pairis Trollsbane: You'll thrash, whether you like it or not. These ruins contain valuable information, but we can't study what we don't see.
When half the lanterns are lit
Researcher Lily: I can't believe I'm doing this. Just the sight of trolls makes me dizzy. And my thrashing arm's tired!
Pairis Trollsbane: These lumbering brutes are no match for the two of us. Besides, we're nearly finished.
Researcher Lily: I'm more worried about being eaten. Bones and all. I heard trolls can digest a human in just twenty seconds.
Pairis Trollsbane: That's nonsense. I've seen the calculations, and it would take at least twice that.
Researcher Lily: Thanks. I'm all sunshine and butterflies, now.
Event completion
Pairis Trollsbane: That's the last one. Finally, I can see the details of my fur.
Researcher Lily: Yeah, now we're bright, shining beacons for the trolls. I knew this was a mistake!
Pairis Trollsbane: I've made my peace with humans, but you...I don't like you. You're just a terrible person.
Researcher Lily: At least my whiskey appreciates me.