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Enhanced Capacity Storage Unit

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Enhanced Capacity Storage Unit.png

Enhanced Capacity Storage Unit

Holosmith icon small.png Holosmith (trait list)
Training cost
10 Hero points
Game link
Enhanced Capacity Storage Unit

Increases maximum heat capacity. While above 100% heat, periodically gain might. Some skills and traits gain additional heat tiers.

Miscellaneous effect.png Capacity Increase: 50%
Might.png2 Might (6s): 60 Condition Damage, 60 Power
Might.png Might (9s): 30 Condition Damage, 30 Power
Interval.png Interval: 1 second
Miscellaneous effect.png Combat Only

— In-game description


  • The trait adds an extra tier of heat threshold for the following skills and traits:
Skill/trait Effect over 100% heat
Sword skills
Sun Edge.png Sun Edge
Damage.png Damage Increase above 100% Heat: 30%
Sun Ripper.png Sun Ripper
Damage.png Damage Increase above 100% Heat: 30%
Gleam Saber.png Gleam Saber
Damage.png Damage Increase above 100% Heat: 30%
Refraction Cutter.png Refraction Cutter
Miscellaneous effect.png Additional Blades over 100% heat: 4
Radiant Arc.png Radiant Arc
Quickness.png Quickness over 100% heat (6s): Skills and actions are faster.
Tool belt skills
Cauterize.png Cauterize
Miscellaneous effect.png Additional Conditions above 100% Heat: 6 in PvE
Miscellaneous effect.png Additional Conditions above 100% Heat: 4 in PvP and WvW
Particle Accelerator.png Particle Accelerator
Damage.png Explosion Damage Increase above 100% Heat: 35% in PvE
Damage.png Explosion Damage Increase above 100% Heat: 10% in PvP and WvW
Prismatic Singularity.png Prismatic Singularity
Damage.png Explosion Damage Increase above 100% Heat: 25% in PvE
Damage.png Explosion Damage Increase above 100% Heat: 10% in PvP and WvW
Flash Spark.png Flash Spark
Light Aura.png Light Aura (6s): -10% Incoming Condition Damage
Blade Burst.png Blade Burst
Damage.png Damage Increase above 100% Heat: 35%
Exceed skills
Coolant Blast.png Coolant Blast
Miscellaneous effect.png Effect Duration Increase: 50% in PvE
Miscellaneous effect.png Effect Duration Increase: 25% in PvP and WvW
Spectrum Shield.png Spectrum Shield
Duration.png Duration: 5 seconds
Laser Disk.png Laser Disk
Damage.png Damage Increase: 35% in PvE
Damage.png Damage Increase: 10% in PvP and WvW
Launch Wall.png Launch Wall
Damage.png Damage Increase: 35% in PvE
Damage.png Damage Increase: 10% in PvP and WvW
Hard Light Arena.png Hard Light Arena
Miscellaneous effect.png Ally Boon Duration: 100%
Prime Light Beam.png Prime Light Beam
Damage.png Field Damage Increase: 20% in PvE ,
Damage.png Field Damage Increase: 10% in PVP and WVW
Miscellaneous effect.png Burning Duration Increase: 50% in PvE
Miscellaneous effect.png Burning Duration Increase: 10% in PvP and WvW
Prismatic Converter Prismatic Converter
Miscellaneous effect.png Conditions to Boons Over 100% Heat: 3
Laser's Edge Laser's Edge
Damage.png Maximum Damage Increase: 220.5½%

Version history[edit]

For a detailed trait history, see here.

Patch Changes
November 29, 2022
  • (Undocumented) Additional skills and traits gained a 100% heat tier.
October 04, 2022
  • Increased might duration from 6 seconds to 9 seconds in PvP only.
October 13, 2020
  • Reduced might stacks per pulse from 2 to 1 in PvP only.
July 16, 2019
  • This trait now increases the bonus damage maximum from Laser's Edge by 50% in addition to its previous effects.
September 22, 2017 Path of Fire release:
  • Enhanced Capacity Storage Unit has been added to the game.