Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds content

Champion Janthiri Reindeer

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Champion Janthiri Reindeer are powerful reindeer found in Lowland Shore.

One can be found in Coursing Upland hunted by Twisting River (only at the end of slow/rare spawn escort event Join the kodan on his hunting expedition), and another can be found being hunted by Skitter Steppes in Cragged Upland.



Event involvement[edit]

Event boss (tango icon).png [Group Event] Hunt down the rampaging reindeer (80)
Event boss (tango icon).png Subdue the wild creature (80)

Combat abilities[edit]

  • Slows
Effects (Coursing Upland)

DefianceDefiance bar teal.png - Break to apply Stun.png Stun, Exposed.png Exposed, Lockout.png Lockout

  • Sniper.png Sniper - Targets foes, then fires a powerful shot.
  • Exploiter.png Exploiter - Attack from close up to identify weak point.
Effects (Cragged Upland)

DefianceLocked defiance barSubdued: Vulnerable while defiance is broken. Occurs when defiance is broken. (Unlocks at intervals of 25% health)

  • Two Unstable Magic Abilities
  • Defensive Inspiration.png Damage Immunity — Immune from damage but vulnerable to crowd control. (At intervals of 25% health)
  • Speed Bonus (fifteen percent).png Swift Flight — The beast is fleeing at an incredible speed. You'll have to be mounted to catch it. (At intervals of 25% health)
  • Gouge - Strikes the target with its antlers, inflicting Slow.png Slow (5s).
    • Gore - Strikes the target with its antlers, inflicting Slow.png Slow (10s).
  • Overrun - Charges the target, inflicting Slow.png Slow (2½s).
  • Pummel - Strikes the target repeatedly with its hooves.
Stolen skills


Name Type Rarity Quantity
Fallen Adventurer's Backpack.png Fallen Adventurer's Backpack Container Exotic 1