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A Bearkin Guide to Celestial Bodies

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A Bearkin Guide to Celestial Bodies

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A Bearkin Guide to Celestial Bodies is a book that can be found in Tideland Outlet.




A Bearkin Guide to Celestial Bodies

The Flamebearer
Since ancient days, before the previous dragonrise, the Flamebearer was a symbol of resilience against the harsh elements from the Far Shiverpeaks to the bitter northlands even further. Its significance grew in the times of Jormag's unrest. For most lowland folk, its deeper meaning is a vestige of our past connection to our people's namesake. For the highlanders, the flame is deeply connected to their faith in Koda. His "Blessing of Flame" holds special significance to them. It can be seen from midwinter through early spring.

The Spearhead
Poised and true. Its guiding star always pointing us toward new adventures and challenges. One of the first constellations traced by our clan after our split from the highlanders. In more recent history, it has become most emblematic of our people's mastery of the spear as both a tool and a weapon. It can be seen from midsummer through early autumn.

The Hammer
Another shared constellation. Representative of craft and the virtue of honest and challenging work. Both highland and lowland bearkin take great pride in their crafts, seeking mastery in talents recognized, in paths chosen. Regardless of time or talent, all must temper and shape their skills in the forge to reach such heights. It can be seen in the late spring through midsummer.

The Fisher
A symbol of our connection to the land and sea. A constant reminder of what we owe the natural world and the sustenance it provides. It can be seen in the night sky from late autumn through midwinter, correlating with migration of several species of fish to the headwaters.

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