Zola Swiftstep
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Zola Swiftstep
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Zola Swiftstep is an Ash Legion soldier keeping an eye on Flame Legion activity at Silex Castrum.
- Hold up! Keep your head and your voice down. There's a Flame Legion camp just beyond the wall.
- Not sure. There's too many targets nearby to predicts every one they might be after. But i'll be the first to know if they leave this hole they're hiding in.
- Call for backup. If they weren't for Meatoberfest, they probably would've taken this camp already. The last thing these soldiers want is to be bothered by a bunch of ranting Flame fanatics.
- At least when the time comes, the soldiers will be well-fed.
What will you do then?
- Keep up the good work.
What are the Flame Legion doing here?
- Thanks for the warning.