Wintersday Card

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Gwwlogo.png The Guild Wars Wiki has an article on Wintersday Card.

The sending out of Wintersday cards to selected members of the Guild Wars community from all around the world is a tradition ArenaNet started in 2006. Each card features unique artwork and is signed by various staff members.


Every year a handful of players from all across the globe, regardless of whether they are just regular players or members of specific Guild-Wars-2-centered fansites or institutions, such as the wiki, are chosen to receive a signed Christmas card. Only a limited number of cards is sent out each time. In some cases, players are asked whether they would like to receive a card, and if they consent, are required to share their address. Notably is that the privacy policy is abided to at all times. Initially, all cards were hand-signed as well as -numbered in either golden or silver ink.



In 2010, the design switched its focus from characters and themes of the original Guild Wars to ones more closely connected to Guild Wars 2.


2019 marked the first year where the card design and content moved from Guild Wars 2 and ArenaNet to NCSoft and its games in the west.


In 2021, design and content moved back to ArenaNet, featuring the upcoming expansion, End of Dragons, in the form of its logo and a design the likes of Cantha.