Veteran Ghostly Swashbuckler
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Veteran Ghostly Swashbuckler
Veteran Ghostly Swashbucklers are stronger versions of regular Ghostly Swashbucklers.
Combat abilities[edit]
- Abilities
- Inflicts Bleeding
- Chills
- Skills
- Cutlass Carve ¾
- Inflicts bleeding. ( 2 Bleeding (15s), Range: 130)
- Buccaneer's Boot ½
- Cripples foes. ( Crippled (5s), Range: 130)
- Scurvy Prick ½
- Applies bleeding to foes who are vulnerable. ( 3 Bleeding (15s), Range: 130)
- Buccaneer's Boot ½
- Frost Shard 1 ¼
- Drains the heat from foes. ( Chilled (6s), Weakness (6s), Projectile Finisher, Range: 900)
- Frostblades 1 ¼
- Chills foes. ( Chilled (5s), Daze (1s), Projectile Finisher, Range: 450)
- Stolen skills