Race: Sylvari
Profession: Revenant
Origin: Nightmare Court
Eye Color: Rose
Hair Color: Wine
Skin Color: Black Cherry
Skin Pattern Color: Eggplant
Height: 4 feet, 8 inches
Weight: 137 pounds
Order: Vigil
Birthday: October 24, 2015
Age: 9 years and 93 days
- I am Leila Darkbloom
- Though trouble may follow me, I overcome it with ferocity. The Pale Tree awakened me during the Cycle of Night, and the most important of Ventari’s teachings is: “Act with wisdom, but act.”
- While in my Dream, I dreamed about the Shield of the Moon, and I’m called to find it.
- When I fight, I use the veil piercer to punch through the barriers that conceal the unseen.
- This is my story.