Condina Cheong Silverlake
“We both know this would never work. Believe me, I had hopes that you can fix my life, and I can fix yours, but that's not the reality we live in.
— Condina
Condina Cheong Silverlake, also known as Dina the Dreadful, is a human Daredevil. She is a former wife of Knelson Silverlake, and a mother of Emilie Silverlake. Having spent her whole life struggling and fighting to the teeth, she married a man who she thought would give her a reason to remain hopeful. The intervention of a Ministry Guard, however, forced her to rely on her criminal underground elements to keep her family save, which ended up putting her at odds with the very man she loved, causing a rift between them that would never be mended. After losing all hope, Condina succumbed to the life of banditry, embracing her destiny at long last.
Condina was once said to be a strong, yet hopeful woman, willing to make a stand, even if it means losing a part of herself along the way. She was considered by Knelson to be a loving woman, caring for him and his daughter very much. After an incident that drifted everyone apart, however, she was reduced to a mere drunkard, whose only concern was to drink away her sorrow. As such, she holds no concern for anyone else around her, and especially her former husband she now deems her sworn enemy.
One thing that remains strong within her, is the willingness to do whatever it takes to achieve her goal. She does not shy away from employing "dirty" tactics to get what she wants. Years of living in despair further intensifies this trait upon becoming a bandit, where she now shows no regards to whoever she comes across, willing to take their lives even if it is simply to take their coins and nothing more.
Combat Abilities[edit]
Condina possesses the ability to make use of Physical skills similar to a Warrior's, allowing her to disable her foes in myriad of ways. In addition to her physical strength, she also employs dirty Tricks to give her an edge in a fight, and masters the way of Critical Strikes, ensuring her foes stay down for good.
Because of her brutish fighting style, her weapons of choice include a Sabre, a Bo Staff and an "Extra Large" Revolver. She can also make use of an Axe, though her method relies on melee engagement rather than ranged attacks.
- Condina was replaced by Skia in-game via Total Makeover Kit, before being re-made as a separate character three months later.
- In addition to the above, Condina was also her "precursor", whose abilities as a Deadeye was greatly enhanced thanks to an experiment from her family. As a result, she possesses some of the same capability, but it was never used due to her fighting style.
- Because she is the mother of Emilie (and to an extent, Emmalee), her power was thus inherited to them upon giving birth, which would explain their respective abilities.
- Condina's name derived from the term "Condition Damage", which is ironic considering she uses power stat in-game.
- Coincidentally, her name also resembles the name "Dina", which is also used in one of her titles.