User:Getefix/Characters/Uncia Uncia

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User Shewmake char-border.png
User Shewmake backgroundNorn.jpg
GW2Logo new.png
User Shewmake img-border-1.png
User Shewmake icon-border-m.png
Biography Pet Snow Leopard.png
User Shewmake icon-border-m.png
Biography Charm.png
User Shewmake icon-border-m.png
Biography Honor the Spirits.png
User Shewmake icon-border-m.png
Biography Lost an Heirloom.png
User Shewmake icon-border-m.png
Biography Snow Leopard Spirit.png

my name is Uncia Uncia and this is my story...

My pet Snow Leopard fights at my side and guards my back. The beautiful snow leopard is a symbol of independence. Its grace and stealth is both inspiring and makes it an unbeatable hunter. Trouble may follow, but I use my charm to overcome it, I'm charming. No one can resist me when I'm at my best. I know just what to say to lighten the mood or bolster courage. The most important quality of a great hero is cunning, it takes guile to outwit an enemy with legendary style. Mental prowess keeps a hunter one step ahead at all times. At a recent celebratory moot held in Hoelbrak, I lost an heirloom, I inherited Romke's Horn, a magical ancestral heirloom passed down through generations. After one too many drinks, however, I wagered it on a contest of strength... and lost. When I was still a cub, I had a vision. A Spirit of the Wild spoke to me and offered its guardianship. That spirit was Snow Leopard, Snow Leopard is a stealthy, smiling spirit. She teaches us independence, strategy, and laughter in the face of danger. To this day, her wisdom guides me, and my memory of her visit comforts me on dark nights.

Uncia's Skills
User Shewmake icon-border-s.png
Attack My Target.png
User Shewmake icon-border-s.png
User Shewmake icon-border-s.png
Return to Me.png
User Shewmake icon-border-s.png
User Shewmake icon-border-s.png
Stow Pet.png
User Shewmake icon-border-m.png
User Shewmake health globe.png
User Shewmake icon-border-s.png
Weapon Swap Button.png
User Shewmake icon-border-m.png
Long Range Shot.png
User Shewmake icon-border-m.png
Rapid Fire.png
User Shewmake icon-border-m.png
Hunter's Shot.png
User Shewmake icon-border-m.png
Point-Blank Shot.png
User Shewmake icon-border-m.png
User Shewmake icon-border-m.png
Healing Spring.png
User Shewmake icon-border-m.png
Signet of the Wild.png
User Shewmake icon-border-m.png
Signet of the Hunt.png
User Shewmake icon-border-m.png
Sharpening Stone.png
User Shewmake icon-border-m.png
Become the Snow Leopard.png
User Shewmake uw-arrow.png
User Shewmake icon-border-s.png
Attack My Target.png
User Shewmake icon-border-s.png
User Shewmake icon-border-s.png
Return to Me.png
User Shewmake icon-border-s.png
User Shewmake icon-border-s.png
Stow Pet.png
User Shewmake icon-border-m.png
User Shewmake health globe.png
User Shewmake icon-border-s.png
Weapon Swap Button.png
User Shewmake icon-border-m.png
Slash (ranger sword skill).png
User Shewmake icon-border-m.png
Hornet Sting.png
User Shewmake icon-border-m.png
Serpent's Strike.png
User Shewmake icon-border-m.png
Hunter's Call.png
User Shewmake icon-border-m.png
Call of the Wild.png
User Shewmake icon-border-m.png
Healing Spring.png
User Shewmake icon-border-m.png
Signet of the Wild.png
User Shewmake icon-border-m.png
Signet of the Hunt.png
User Shewmake icon-border-m.png
Sharpening Stone.png
User Shewmake icon-border-m.png
Become the Snow Leopard.png
User Shewmake uw-arrow.png
User Shewmake icon-border-s.png
Attack My Target.png
User Shewmake icon-border-s.png
User Shewmake icon-border-s.png
Return to Me.png
User Shewmake icon-border-s.png
User Shewmake icon-border-s.png
Stow Pet.png
User Shewmake icon-border-m.png
User Shewmake health globe.png
User Shewmake icon-border-s.png
Weapon Swap Button.png
User Shewmake icon-border-m.png
Stab (ranger skill).png
User Shewmake icon-border-m.png
Swirling Strike.png
User Shewmake icon-border-m.png
Surging Maw.png
User Shewmake icon-border-m.png
User Shewmake icon-border-m.png
Man O' War.png
User Shewmake icon-border-m.png
Troll Unguent.png
User Shewmake icon-border-m.png
Signet of the Wild.png
User Shewmake icon-border-m.png
Signet of Renewal.png
User Shewmake icon-border-m.png
Sharpening Stone.png
User Shewmake icon-border-m.png
Become the Snow Leopard.png
User Shewmake land-arrow.png
User Shewmake icon-border-s.png
Attack My Target.png
User Shewmake icon-border-s.png
User Shewmake icon-border-s.png
Return to Me.png
User Shewmake icon-border-s.png
User Shewmake icon-border-s.png
Stow Pet.png
User Shewmake icon-border-m.png
User Shewmake health globe.png
User Shewmake icon-border-s.png
Weapon Swap Button.png
User Shewmake icon-border-m.png
Splinter Shot.png
User Shewmake icon-border-m.png
Coral Shot.png
User Shewmake icon-border-m.png
Feeding Frenzy (ranger skill).png
User Shewmake icon-border-m.png
Mercy Shot.png
User Shewmake icon-border-m.png
Ink Blast.png
User Shewmake icon-border-m.png
Troll Unguent.png
User Shewmake icon-border-m.png
Signet of the Wild.png
User Shewmake icon-border-m.png
Signet of Renewal.png
User Shewmake icon-border-m.png
Sharpening Stone.png
User Shewmake icon-border-m.png
Become the Snow Leopard.png
User Shewmake land-arrow.png

User Shewmake header.png
User Aspectacle norn 20px.png   Male.png   Ranger tango icon 20px.png

Fact File

Order: Vigil

Crafts: Huntsman and Cook

Colors: primary: White

Secondary: Frosting

Tertiary: Ivory

Racial sympathy: Unknown

Elder Dragon nemesis: Jormag

Goal: to deal with the Elder Dragons

  • reason: avenge his Family and wipe out the Icebrood

last seen: near the Hoelbrak

History: Worked as a Huntsman in the far north along with his pet snow leopard, one year after a harsh winter stprm, he returned to his family homestead to find it decimated by the Icebrood, he later joined the Vigil alongside Magniventris to learn the means to hunt and kill an Elder Dragon where they met and partnered up with Draco Dragonbane. The trio were then summoned to Lion's Arch by FitzChivalry's reccomendation of Draco Dragonbane's group

Weapons of choice: Longbow, Harpoon gun and a Snow Leopard pet