Bank Tab Expansion

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Bank Tab Expansion.png

Bank Tab Expansion

Item type
Account Bound
Game link

Double-click to consume.
Double-click to add an extra bank tab to your account.
Each account can have up to 18 total bank tabs.

— In-game description

Bank Tab Expansion.pngBank Tab Expansion is a Gem Store-exclusive account upgrade for the account vault bank that increases storage capacity by one tab of 30 item slots. The maximum number of bank tabs, including the original tab, is 18.


Sold by[edit]

Vendor Area Zone Cost
Gem Store Gem Store 600 Gem
Gem Store/unavailable Gem Store (item currently unavailable) 480 Gem

Contained in[edit]


It is possible to purchase more bank expansion tabs than the account limit (17 expansions) when buying tabs through the Gem Store. These are unusable if you already have 18 unlocked bank tabs. There is no in-game warning.
  • Purchase this upgrade directly by clicking the lock icon at the bottom of the bank window. This will prevent you from buying more than you can use.


Gem Store history[edit]

See also[edit]