Kinda reminds me of Z-coins. 01:42, 23 April 2012 (UTC)
- Reminds me more of WoW, actually. Cress Arvein
21:26, 27 April 2012 (UTC)
- Indeed, to much like WoW for my liking. What was wrong with Gold < Plat < Ecto < armbraces oh wait. The only thing wrong with the system was the 100k hard cap. 08:22, 11 July 2012 (UTC)
- Ahhh the days when a party of 8 would share the 108 gold coins dropped by a dead hylek. Curse you inflation!! Puk 04:43, 14 January 2013 (UTC)
coinage hard to get at start.[edit]
You get very few things to sell from foes and its very hard to find copper at the start of the game. I can barely repair my armor.Yumiko ^,~ 04:41, 28 April 2012 (UTC)
- Have to work the taverns, then, buddy, Peach bots 08:38, 30 April 2012 (UTC)
- Complete quests and check your inbox, they have coins as rewards. 21:50, 30 April 2012 (UTC)
- Easiest way to make money is definetly to put EVERY tradeable item on the trading post and match lowest seller. I made just under 4 gold total over my 2.5 days and didn't trade any free gems for it. Helped upgrade the keep our guild had two times because of the resets. Vald [Citation Needed]
23:51, 30 April 2012 (UTC)
- Easiest way to make money is definetly to put EVERY tradeable item on the trading post and match lowest seller. I made just under 4 gold total over my 2.5 days and didn't trade any free gems for it. Helped upgrade the keep our guild had two times because of the resets. Vald [Citation Needed]
- The best way for me to get money was to explore the maps. For the map outside Divinities Reach(Queensdale) i got 30 silver(just the reward), 2 armors(strong) and 1 weapon. Also a lot of xp. 20:27, 24 July 2012 (UTC)
- It would be bad if it was easy to get coin at the start (unless everything was so expensive that the initial cash acquisition was near worthless). As suggested by the the numerous ideas above, the nice thing about GW2 is it provides a wide selection of options to obtain cash: sell at the marketplace, harvest, repeat events/hearts, follow personal story, explore, craft (and sell), and so on. – Tennessee Ernie Ford (TEF) 18:33, 28 July 2012 (UTC)
Is there any source to the names of the individual denominations? Gold and silver are obvious, but why do we call the third one bronze? Most RPG settings use copper, not bronze, so it's always seemed a little odd to me. In fact, my wife had always assumed it was copper until she saw this page yesterday. There are even precedents in GW1 for gold/silver/copper: gw1:Zaishen Coins, gw1:Crimson Skull coins, and gw1:Corsair coins. —Dr Ishmael 14:34, 3 August 2012 (UTC)
Because WoW!Apparently WoW uses copper, too. lol. -Auron 14:45, 3 August 2012 (UTC)- I would really like to see some official word on this. A buddy of mine insists that it's copper... And I noticed a lot of people on the forums short-handing it to "c" -- e.g. "It costs 12c" -- which I guess could be "coin," but I'm pretty sure they mean "copper." I know we have Gold, Silver, and Bronze event completion, but this is different. Star Jewel 04:22, 1 September 2012 (UTC)
- There seems to be some consistency issues with the naming of the lower denomination even amongst the pages of this wiki. There appears to be no consensus at to whether it is bronze or copper. I would love to hear official word. --GFreeman 19:13, 1 September 2012 (UTC)
- Could we take ArenaNet's economy expert, John Smith's word as gospel? "...craft items from vendor goods for only 50 copper and then sell back the crafted item for 100 copper..." Is this enough to update the page? Star Jewel 23:59, 15 September 2012 (UTC)
- Also, typing [&ATTENTION] into the chat box returns a textual representation of money, which says copper. I was going to change this earlier, but didn't have time before I left town. —Dr Ishmael
03:06, 16 September 2012 (UTC)
- Also, typing [&ATTENTION] into the chat box returns a textual representation of money, which says copper. I was going to change this earlier, but didn't have time before I left town. —Dr Ishmael
Looting foes[edit]
Some enemy types seem to never give coin as a reward, some enemies like wild animals and some underwater ones too. I'm not upset, in fact I dont care, but I'm just pointing it out. There have been exceptions to this too, which makes it more confusing. I don't know how this could be effectively tested outside extensive slaying of a single type for hours on end, and there are a LOT of types, and subtypes. (ie more than one animal counts as a deer) Puk 04:41, 14 January 2013 (UTC)
- I'd like to know more about this as well. There's no info on the page itself, or in the discussion. This seems notably absent given the abundance of gold boosters -- 07:28, 21 March 2017 (UTC)
List of places you can store your gold elsewhere (and their capacities)?[edit]
Regarding the point under Coin#Notes, where else can you store your gold? And are there any limits?
For example, your personal guild bank is the only possible place I can think of. Is there a maximum amount of gold that it can store? -- 15:37, 30 May 2017 (UTC)
- You can store gold in your personal bank or any guild bank (although the later is public access so beware). That I know of, there is no limit for gold in either bank system. -Darqam 15:56, 30 May 2017 (UTC)
- Maybe a bit unorthodox and limited, but you can also store gold in your mail if you send it to someone and they send it back or reject your mail. -- Dashface
16:26, 30 May 2017 (UTC)
- You can store up to 1000g per guild bank tab for a total of 3000g. I'm not sure how much you can send at once, but you can only withdraw 500g a week from either the guild bank or mail.--Rain Spell (talk) 16:49, 30 May 2017 (UTC)
- A creative way to "store" your money is to make a buy order for an expensive item (like a legendary) far below what it's going to sell for. Since they haven't put any cost on buy orders for some ridiculous reason --Gimmethegepgun (talk) 20:29, 30 May 2017 (UTC)
Guild Wars 2 Terminology in General: A Theory[edit]
I haven't verified it from official sources or anything, but having spent almost a decade playing WoW full-time and then switching to full-time Guild Wars 2 three years ago, I've noticed from reading Wiki articles, official documentation, the forums and everything else out there that the ArenaNet designers seem to like having a different word (albeit a synonym) for each mechanic, item, skill and other word that WoW and most other games employ. The following list is merely a *minute* (infinitesimal, even—if you're Asuran xP) sampling of the examples of this phenomenon.
Personally, while I think this practice of not using the same exact term WoW/other games use for everything is pretty cool in general, it _does_ appear the ArenaNet designers have been a wee bit obsessive with it to the point of seeming almost **paranoid** that they might have *ONE* **SINGLE** term that is the same in WoW as it is in Guild Wars 2! (lol) For example, having boon instead of buff in GW2 is kind of cool and unique among RPG's/MMO's, as are most other pairs of alternate terms, but a _few_ GW2 equivalents just seem like they were trying to hard (cf. WoW/general MMO/RPG term *"sustained (DPS)"* vs. GW2 *"sustain"*—the latter meaning, in GW2 slang, anyway, "ability to sustain health"). Even though those two words don't have remotely similar meanings—the WoW word describing a type of damage output while the GW2 word describes a way of surviving damage—they still *sound* alike, probably because ArenaNet saw Blizzard using "sustained DPS" and thought "Oh no! We can't have any of our GW2 terms sounding even **close** to any WoW words, so let's make the GW2 word "sustain" mean something completely different! /shiver".
- Of course, that's an extreme example. But here are two more, simpler ones, this time where both pairs of words share a similar meaning (here '~=' == "similar to"/"synonymous with"):
- Example 1: WoW Term "debuff" ~= GW2 Term "condition (effect)"; - Example 2: WoW Term "DoT" (*Damage over Time*) ~= GW2 Term "Condi" or "Condition Damage"
- They're both nearly **identical** in meaning and mechanics, but ArenaNet seems to just *HAD TO HAVE* a different term for the same thing, merely because WoW and (in general) most other MMO's/RPG's used the first term, and they wanted to be "unique" not only in mechanics but in terminology.
Anyway, here's a short list of several other terms that ArenaNet designers felt should have a different term for their Guild Wars/GW2 game(s). They *are* unique, but they also cost me a lot of time and confusion when I switched from WoW to GW2, because nearly every word that describes a mechanic, skill or other entity in WoW and other games is different from the GW2 equivalent. Note that in the following list the first word is the general (MMO)RPG word and that used by WoW, while the word in parentheses is the word ArenaNet chose for GW2. Also note that a few of the words in the list have no real WoW equivalent, but are present in most MMO/RPG's (e.g., "alignment"):
ability (~= GW2 "skill), class (profession), alignment (personality), wand (scepter), strength (power), agility (precision), trade (crafting), buff (boon), debuff (condition), talent (trait), aura (signet), **copper** coin (**bronze** coin) xP, etc., ad nauseam, ad infinitum!
Frostwright (talk) 17:59, 9 June 2022 (UTC)