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Rescue the storm chaser

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Rescue the storm chaser

Rescue the storm chaser is a level 80 dynamic event that occurs in Landfall.


  • Fervest Tempest
    Event bar.jpg Event shield (tango icon).png
  • Defeat the waves of oncoming enemies: x/3
  • Time limit: 15:00


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 26,670 Experience.png 378 Karma 88 Copper coin
Silver 20,003 Experience.png 284 Karma 66 Copper coin
Bronze 13,335 Experience.png 189 Karma 44 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 80 player.





Starting dialogue
Concerned Researcher: In urgent need of your help, I am
Talk more option tango.png What with?
A young pupil of mine thinks he can stop the incoming storm on his own. Gone further toward the coast, he has. Please retrieve him before the fool gets hurt.
Talk ready option.png I'll see what I can do.
Talk end option tango.png Sorry, I'm needed somewhere else.
Talk end option tango.png I'm sorry, but I'm busy at the moment.
Concerned Researcher: My ward's name is Fervent Tempest.
Concerned Researcher: The oaf cound some ancient writings I was researching. Convinced himself that they can be used to command the weather...
Concerned Researcher: Fool though he may be, his intentions are noble. Please find him and make him see reason.
Fervent Tempest: With this ritual, I will be your unmaking.
After killing first wave, one of the following
Fervent Tempest: In the blackest pits of despair, we endure through weather foul and fair.
Fervent Tempest: Through densest fog and blinding mist, we'll be as one. My soul persists.
Fervent Tempest: Clouds below and sun above. When the rain clears, you'll know true love!
After killing second wave
Fervent Tempest: Why isn't this working? I was so sure...
Fervent Tempest: N-no. Do not waver, Tempest. Redouble your efforts.
After event completion
Fervent Tempest: Ha! Begone with you, hurricane! Plague our shores no longer!
Concerned Researcher: At last I've found you, you ass of a cub!
Fervent Tempest: Ah, Master! The ritual quelled the storm, as I knew it would. I am vindicated.
Concerned Researcher: You are a fool. What you hold is not a ritual for abating violent weather, but a ritual for courtship.
Fervent Tempest: I...what?
Concerned Researcher: It is a love poem.
Fervent Tempest: B-but...
Concerned Researcher: From very long ago. Exactly when I cannot say.
Fervent Tempest: Oh...
Concerned Researcher: Thank you for your help, Wayfinder. I have things handled from here.

Related achievements[edit]

Janthir Syntri.png Janthir Syntri: Event Collection: Northeast Janthir SyntriParticipate in successful events around Stricken Plains, Landfall, and Tumultuous Sea.  (Some events can count toward multiple achievements.) (5Achievement pointsJanthir Wilds mastery pointCurious Mursaat Currency (x5))