Guild Wars 2: End of Dragons content

Reclaim the Jade Brotherhood outpost from the Void

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Reclaim the Jade Brotherhood outpost from the Void is a level 80 group event in Dragon's End.


On arrival
Capture the landing zone for siege turtles.
Event bar empty2.jpg Event flag green (map icon).png
After capturing landing zone
Use siege turtles to destroy shields and defeat enemies tethered to Void crystals.
North Shield
Event bar.jpg Event swords (tango icon).png
Central Shield
Event bar.jpg Event swords (tango icon).png
South Shield
Event bar.jpg Event swords (tango icon).png
After all crystals destroyed
Champion Void Saltspray Dragon
Event bar.jpg Event boss (tango icon).png


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 26,670 Experience.png 378 Karma 88 Copper coin
Silver 20,003 Experience.png 284 Karma 66 Copper coin
Bronze 13,335 Experience.png 189 Karma 44 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 80 player.




Siege Turtle (map icon).png Siege Turtle (Siege Turtle Rental)



Ambient dialogue[edit]

Event start
Captain Fa: Look, the saltspray dragon seems to be powered by those crystals.
Chul-Moo: Maybe we can, you know, reason with it?
Chul-Moo: Hello, friend. I know you're having a real bad day—
Chul-Moo: Nope. Some dragons aren't good listeners.
Captain Fa: We'll need siege weaponry to break through those shields and destroy the crystals.
Chul-Moo: Okay, let's start by clearing a path to get the equipment through.
After capturing landing zone
Captain Fa: We're through. Now get the siege weaponry in there and aim for the shields.
After first shield down
Captain Fa: One shield down.
Chul-Moo: Clear that first area and destroy the crystal.
After first crystal down
Captain Fa: That's the first one. Just two more.
After second shield down
Chul-Moo: That's two shields down. Clear the area out.
Captain Fa: The rest of you, target the last shield with the siege weapons.
After second crystal down
Captain Fa: One more to go!
After third shield down
Chul-Moo: That's all of 'em!
Captain Fa: Clear the last area!
After third crystal down
Captain Fa: Okay, the saltspray dragon's vulnerable to attack.
Chul-Moo: Excellent! Okay, you ugly bastard, we're coming for you.
Event success
Chul-Moo: It's dead. We should celebrate!
Captain Fa: This is far from over.
Chul-Moo: Yeah, but getting back our base was a good start. Thanks.
Captain Fa: Didn't exactly do it out of charity. You've got supplies, and it's in range of the Harvest Temple.