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Navigate Isgarren's wards

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Navigate Isgarren's wards

Interactive map

Interactive map

Navigate Isgarren's wards is a level 80 dynamic event that occurs in Bastion of Knowledge.


  • Traverse the maze of wards using your spell book, and find the kill switch.
  • Time before the wards restabilize: 5:00


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 26,670 Experience.png 378 Karma 88 Copper coin
Silver 20,003 Experience.png 284 Karma 66 Copper coin
Bronze 13,335 Experience.png 189 Karma 44 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 80 player.


  • Takes place at Point of interest (map icon).png Erudition Arcade, and starts from the southeastern entrance (most easily found by heading northwest from Waypoint (map icon).png Bastion of Knowledge Waypoint).
  • Use the spell book action to  Breaching Strike.png Equip Ward-Dispersion Spell Book and  Flare.png Detect Isgarren's Hidden Wards, allowing you to distinguish which archways are not blocked by wards and traverse the maze until you find the kill switch. Teleport skills are blocked with Teleportation Interference.png Teleportation Interference.
  • Hitting a ward teleports you a short distance back, causes condition "confusion", and reduces health by approx. 25%
  • Using the Kill Switch drops all wards, which allows Uenno to open a portal. This portal leads to the final event "Defeat the Mysterious Entity".






Before the event starts, one of the following
Uenno: Isgarren may be Isgarren, but I doubt his wards are completely impenetrable...
Uenno: I didn't leave the colleges for more incompetency.
Uenno: Sorry... sorry. I'm not mad at you—I'm mad at the system. A copper coin for the "Angry Mumblings Jar," I know.
Uenno: (groans)
Followed by one of the following
Astral Ward Mage: Ma'am...
Astral Ward Mage: Just wait a few more minutes. She'll tire herself out.
Astral Ward Mage: Yup. Completely incompetent.
Astral Ward Mage: Uenno. Tone.
Event Start
Uenno: Ugh. This maze is impossible...
Uenno: lsgarren's got a vault that might hold some weapons we can use. But, he forbade access to everyone except himself.
Uenno: Claimed that its contents were "too dangerous" and hid the secret entrance here, behind an elaborate maze of wards.
Uenno: Just like those fools in Rata Sum... Locking away things that could help...
Uenno: We nabbed this book of ward detection spells, but it's hard to decode. We keep getting zapped by the damn walls.
During the event, some of the following
Uenno: What's Isgarren so hard-pressed to hide, I wonder.
Uenno: That looked like it hurt.
Uenno: Whoa, you're actually doing it!
Uenno: Oof. You okay?
Uenno: Hey, you didn't get zapped that time! Nice!
Uenno: Yeesh... I felt that one.
Event failure
Uenno: Gah! The wards are all going crazy!
Uenno: Get out of there!

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