Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds content

Mistburned Valravn

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Mistburned Valravns are Mistburned valravns found in Janthir Syntri.



Combat abilities[edit]

  • Summons
  • Boon Corruption
  • Lunges
  • Shred - Melee attack.
  • Harrier Claw - Flaps up into the air before swooping at the area in front of it. Gains Aegis.png Aegis (1s) after flapping into the air, and inflicts Vulnerability.png Vulnerability (10s) with its swoop.
  • Murderous Reinforcements - Summons a raven that pecks the target before flying away. Corrupts 1 boon into a condition.
  • Overpower - Attacks the target, inflicting Vulnerability.png Vulnerability (10s). Corrupts 1 boon into a condition.
  • Tempestuous Dive - Flies into the air, evading attacks, before swooping down at the target's location, inflicting Blinded.png Blinded (1s).
Stolen skills


Name Type Rarity Quantity
Sharp Talon.png Sharp Talon Trophy Junk 1–2
Egg.png Egg Crafting material Basic 1
Vial of Potent Blood.png Vial of Potent Blood Crafting material Fine 1
Vial of Powerful Blood.png Vial of Powerful Blood Crafting material Rare 1

Related achievements[edit]