Mind the Gap/history

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Beta event version: June 27, 2024

  • Mind the Gap was available during the Spear Beta Event.
Skill area circle (purple).png

Mind the Gap

Mesmer icon small.png Mesmer (skill list)
Weapon slot 2
Game link
0.5½ Activation time  
5 Recharge time
8 Recharge time
6 Recharge time
Mind the Gap

Swing your spear in a circle, dealing increased damage to foes in the outer edge. Gain Clarity if you strike an enemy with the outer edge. Create a clone if you hit an enemy. If you are empowered, gain might.

Damage.png Damage: 917 (2.5)?
Damage.png Outer-Edge Damage Increase: 20%
Skill buff (purple).png Clarity (15s): Your spear skills are empowered.
Might.png4 Might (10s): 120 Condition Damage, 120 Power
Number of targets.png Number of Targets: 5
Combo.png Combo Finisher: Whirl
Range.png Range: 300

— In-game description