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Letter from Lyhr

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"Letter from Lyhr"

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Letter from Lyhr is a book found in the Wizard's Tower during the Sorrow in These Halls chapter.


Horn of Maguuma


Letter from Lyhr


I was initially nervous to stand in for you at alliance proceedings—there aren't many stoneless dwarves in Tyria, something that might encourage a slurry of personal questions. I suspect word will make it back to my people, now. A sobering thought, given I haven't been among them since just before the first dwarves turned, before I was picked up by the ward. But I digress, you and Dagda can recall those days better than I can.

Nostalgic musings aside; my first couple of days have gone well. The leaders and delegates are a lively bunch! There were times I thought I might split from some of the more heated discussions, but cooler heads seemed to prevail—I'm in my element. Currently, we're in talks concerning the quarantine and cleanup of Rata Primus in Dajkah. Councilor Imann and their Olmakhan neighbors are hoping to rally Arcane Council support, and Ludo seems optimistic. I suggest the ward offer additional support in this; if there's anything left in those ruins in need of containment, we are well equipped for that sort of thing. Of course, I'll wait for your response.

Last point of order, while I have you: I shouldn't have to remind you of all people that when you're here, you represent both the court and the Astral Ward. Allying with the Countess Exemplar was a shrewd choice, but remember, there are others here worthy of your time and attention, even if you don't see the immediate benefits.

Be seeing you,

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